And after having the khubah read and the currency struck in his
having collected a large body of men, under the command
of Amír Alí Masíj*
(Mích) he attempted to conquer the countries
of Tibet and Turkestán and twelve thousand cavalry fully armed
and equipped arrived at a city which they call Bardhan.*
A river
here crossed their route called the Brahmanputr,*
which they also
call Brahmkadí. It is three or four times the size of the Ganges.
Sháh Garshasp*
when he came to Hindustán built a bridge over
that river, and crossed it at Kámrúd and went on his way. Muḥam-
Another was Malik Husainu-d-Dín*
abovementioned who
became possessed of the whole country of Tirhut and Bengála
and Jájnagar and Kámrúd and gained the title of Sulán Ghiyáu-