Before the taking of Aḥmadnagar, the imperial servants—some from love of their homes, some on account of the high prices, and some from a spirit of competition (dukān ārāī)—tried hard to induce the sovereign to return without taking Āsīr. H.M. silenced every one by his replies. When that fortress had been taken, they increased their intrigues. The sole idea of the Shāhinshāh was to clear the territory of Aḥmadnagar of the weeds and rubbish of rebellion, and then to prevail over Bījāpūr, Golkanda and Bīdar, so that the rulers of these places should make binding treaties of obedience. Meanwhile supplicatory letters from them came to court, and those who were urging departure got strong documentary support. H.M. had no mind to leave before the return of the ambassadors. But owing to the urgent endeavours of high and low he left on the 11th* (Ardibihisht, 21st April 1601). In spite* of the daily market of intelligence (of Akbar) the position was not understood. On the eve of the 12th many left the writer without asking permission. For a long time, on the report of the Shāhinshāh's march, their faces had been turned towards Hindustan. When the report became loud there was a wonderful turmoil. The Deccan rebels rose up in insurrection, and there were daily fights. J'afar, the son of M. Yūsuf K., fell into the hands of the Deccanīs at this time and this was a cause of making them presumptuous. Also the Prince's sending for his ladies from Aḥmadnagar increased the confusion. M. 790 Rustum went off with the soldiers of M. Yūsuf K., and H.M. on hearing of this debarred him for some time from the privilege of the kornish. Inasmuch as my heart was turned towards devotion to God, I did not take these things into account, and always had a victorious countenance (?). On the 14th, Rai Durgā Rai and Bhoj joined this army. Rai Rai Singh and these two and many others had been directed to join the author. There was some delay at their request (?) and the first-mentioned heard of a commotion in his quarters and took leave to go there. Though they had not energy, yet their joining me was a source of strength. On the 15th, M. Shahrukh paid his respects to H.M. The Prince had left him in charge of Aḥmadnagar. When the Khān-khānān went there, he came to court by H.M.'s orders, and had his heart satisfied. On this day Khwājagī Muḥammad Ḥusain was raised to the rank of 1,000. He is the younger brother of Qāsim K., and has few equals for truth and honesty. He was made superintendent of the kitchen (bakāwal begī). On the 20th, Kharram, the son of M. Koka got leave to go to Jūnagarh. This was because that country had been given to the kokaltāsh in fief. On the 25th, Ḥusain Beg S. 'Umarī, who had done good service in Bangash, was raised to the rank of 2,500. On the 26th, twenty elephants and a like number of elephant guns (hatnāl) and ten horses and some presents were given to the author. This was a source of victory. On the 28th, Prince Sulān Daniel received leave at the Narbadda* to go to Burhānpūr. H.M.'s idea was to take this nursling of dominion with him elephant hunting. As some dispersion among the southern soldiers was reported to H.M., he was sent back. M. Shāhrukh, M. Rustum, M. Yūsuf K., Yūsuf* Barkhūrdār, Shihābu-d-dīn Qandahārī, Mas'aūd K. Ḥabshī and 3,000 Badakhshī Aimāqs—who had recently come from Tūrān* —and many servants were sent along with him, and the commotion somewhat diminished.
On this day Fort Trimbak* fell into the hands of the imperial servants. It is one of the choice forts of Aḥmadnagar. The fountain of the Ganges (Godavery) rises up in it, and it is regarded as a great place of worship. S'aādat K. held it. As he had come in and submitted and had made over Gālnah, envoys were sent there, and that fort, together with 15 noted elephants—which were kept in it— were given as peshkash to the sovereign. The leaders of the soldiers were disgusted, and did not arrange to hold the fort and returned and so Rājū came there with a large force and made war. Every time that there was a battle, he was defeated. Rājah Baharjī, 791 Hāshīm Beg, Fūlād K., Malik Sher, the Bārha Saiyīds, and 'Amat K. performed great feats. Every one went off to his fief, and that turbulent one returned and prevailed over the fort.
One of the occurrences was the victory of S. 'Abdu-r-Raḥmān.* When he was sent to put down the commotion in Telingāna, Sher Khwāja soon joined him and celebrated the banquet of concord They made skill act together with courage. Shāh 'Alī's son sent off Farhād K., and other Ḥabshīs and Deccanīs, and there was an active movement of rebellion. The imperialists knit their hearts to God and drew up properly in battle array. In the centre were S. 'Abdu-r-raḥmān, Mīr Hazār, Mīr Muḥammad Amin Maudūdī, Mīr 'Abdul Malik, Bijlī K., Yūsuf Jajhār, Saiyid 'Alī, and some manṣabdārs. In the van were Sher Khwāja, Bāz Bahādur, ahīru-d-dīn, Saiyīd Lād M., Kocak 'Alī, Raḥīm Dād, Bābā Yūsuf 'Alī, Yáqūb Beg, Khwāja Bāqī K. Mīr Ḥāj, Ḥasan 'Alī Andijānī, and some able men. On the right wing were Ḥamīd K., Ḥaidar Dost, Muḥammad Ḥusain, Ghāzī K. Ghakkar, S. Qub, Adam K. On the left wing were Bahādur Almulk, Bahādur K. Gilānī, Muḥammad K. Turkamān, Saiyid Karm 'Alī, Rustum K. 'Arab, S'aīd K. 'Arab, Zāl Beg, Budāgh Beg, and others. They crossed the Ganges (i.e. the Godavery) near Nānder, and marched on. Near the river Mānjarā* the enemy arrived with a large force. 'Ambar* Jīū was in the centre. On the right wing was Farhād K. Zangī, and on the left Manṣūr K. Ḥabshī. On Sunday 6th Khurdād, 16th May 1601, after midday the fight began. There was a hot engagement. Owing to daily-increasing fortune a victory was won. High and low were astonished. The imperialists drew up their forces before the enemy did so. After much delay the latter came on with the impetuosity which is characteristic of the country. Many gave way, and some baggage was plundered. Those whose dependence was upon God stood firm. They were somewhat astonished at the enemy's coming back to the attack several times after being repulsed, and there occurred some confusion in the order of battle. At this time the centre advanced and distinguished itself. The enemy yielded and fled. 400 of them fell on the field, and many were wounded. Many elephants and other spoil were captured. By good fortune no person of note was killed. Rustūm K., Zāl Beg, Budāgh 792 K., Mīr 'Abdul-mulk, Mīr Ḥāj and Saiyid 'Alī were slightly wounded, but got better. Many horses, however, were killed. As little of day remained, they followed the enemy a short way and then returned, and offered up thanks. Though many of the royal servants did good service, yet Sher Khwāja, Bahādur-ul-mulk and Ḥamīd K. did especially well. Though the enemy was more than 5,000, and the imperialists were 3,000, such a difficult work was made easy by the help of the Divine favour. On the 9th, when the royal standards (i.e. when Akbar was there) were at N'alca, Kīcak Khwāja died. He was one of the chosen servants of Prince Sulān Daniel, and led a dignified life. On the 10th, Rai Cand won a victory. When the soldiers of Pāthrī went to Telingāna, some wicked Niāmul-mulkīs went there (to Pāthrī) to make an attack. I gave* that choice servant of my own 100 of my own horse and sent him with the troops. He fought well and won a victory. At this time M. Khān came from Junair. On account of the high price of provisions, the soldiers were discontented. The proprietor of Hindīā came with Sarwar Habshī, Muhammad K. Zangī and other evildoers, and made a disturbance. From want of energy, the high price of provisions, and emptyhandedness, he went on—fighting by the way—to Aḥmadnagar. On the 11th he* arrived at that city and took his ease.
At this time Badakhshān assumed the glory of the Shāhinshāh's name (Khuba). An unknown person gave himself out as Humāyūn, the son of M. Sulaimān, and took possession of that hill-country. M. Badā'u-z-Zamān, the sister's* son of H.M. and son of Khwājah Ḥusain, came with a few men from Hiṣār, and fought with him on the 13th and was victorious. The pulpit and the gold and silver were adorned with the great name (of Akbar). He sent a petition apologising for the little service he had hitherto rendered. H.M. received the messenger kindly and sent presents and implements of war.