To BÛRHÂNÛDDEEN; dated 2d BEHÂRY. (6th May.)

YOUR letter has been received A rupture has taken place between Nizâm Ali Khân and the enemy [i. e. the Mahrattahs], in consequence of some pecuniary discussions; and this has been followed by the afore­said Khân’s marching away, to the distance of six coss on the other side of [or beyond] Bâdâmy.

We shall shortly relieve both Bâdâmy and Ramdoorg in a fit manner [i. e. effectually]. Do you [in the mean while] keep your mind at ease. You did right in giving up [or resigning] the captured horses and cattle [to the captors]. You must do the same thing in future.


It is certain, that the Nizâm separated about this time from the Mahrattah army, and returned to Hyderabad. The measure, however, is ascribed, in such memoirs of this period as I have seen, simply to the inconvenience which his Highness suffered from the heat of the weather. He is stated to have left, at the same time, a considerable body of troops, for the purpose of co­operating with his allies.

The Sultan did not fulfil his promise, respecting the relief of Bâdâmy, as the Mahrattahs obtained possession of that place some time in the month of May.