When Sultan Mahomed Shah sat upon his hereditary throne, he spread justice throughout the country. On this account, his goodness was spoken of in all the land. In 727 (A. D. 1326) he appointed Khusrow Khan to Sind. After that he went to Dowlutabad, making his throne there. He remained there two years, during which period Khusrow Khan came to Mooltan from Bukkur, and, assembling the Mooltanese and Beloochees, intended to be rebellious. When Sultan Mahomed Shah heard of this, in the year 728 (A. D. 1327), he quickly arrived at Mooltan. Then Khusrow Khan, who was thus full of ingratitude, went to fight with its patron. When the forces met, that portion of the royal army which was in advance attacked and defeated Khusrow Khan, and cutting off his head, brought it to the Sultan. From fear of the Sultan, all Khusrow Khan’s troops dispersed. The Sultan gave orders to make a river of the blood of the Mooltanese. The foot soldiers drew their swords to slay them; when the priest of Islam, Shaikh Rookn-ood-deen, to intercede for them, went to the Sultan’s Durbar, and uncovering his head, he stood there. In about one hour the Sultan acceded to the priest’s wishes, excusing the blood of the Mooltanese, as a punishment. The Sultan, placing men in whom he had confidence, in Mooltan, Bukkur, and Sehwistan, returned in the latter days of that year. In the year 744 (A. D. 1343) it entered the understanding of the Sultan, that it was not fit for him to reign as the King of Delhi, without the orders of the Abbasee Khaliph. He therefore secretly made homage to him. He exaggerated this subject greatly, directing the Musulmans not to say the special prayers for Friday on that day, until he had sent Mulik Rufeen to the Khaliph in Egypt. When the Khaliph sent him a standard and a Khilat, the Sultan was very happy at this, giving the people who came much honour, and great presents; he had the Khaliph’s name read in the sermon, and he directed that his own should follow this.
In the year 751 (A. D. 1350), Sultan Mahomed Shah left Delhi, and turning the reins of his intention towards Guzerat, he quickly came to Gurnal.* There a royal slave, named Tuin, who was in rebellion, ran away, and went to Cambay. When the Sultan, following him, reached that place, he fled to the people of Jhareja. The Sultan, intending to pursue him, went towards Tatta. He halted at Hukree, on the sea side, to collect his troops. He was then taken with fever, and all the difficulties of the road came before his mind. Leaving Hukree, he reached Koondul, and stopping there, the disease left him. At Koondul some of his household joined him, by way of the river. The Sultan was very much pleased at their arrival, giving quantities of many things to his army, and, accompanied by many people, he marched towards Tatta. Tuin, who had fled to, and remained at Tatta, hearing of this, became confused, and at a loss what to do. When the Sultan got 14 kos from Tatta, by chance the Mohurrum commenced. The Sultan halted and fasted. The following day the fever again attacked him; the doctors gave remedies, but they availed not, so much so that on the 21st of Mohurrum, 752 (A. D. 1351), Sultan Mahomed Shah left this transitory world, to go to that country which remains for ever.