In default of heirs, Meeran Mahomed Shah of Kandeish is
raised to the throne — he dies suddenly.
ON the death of Bahadur Shah, his mother, Muk-dooma
Jehan, left Diù, and repaired to Ahmudabad.
On the road she heard of the arrival of Mahomed
Zuman Mirza, who had previously proceeded to
Lahore for the purpose of causing a diversion
on the north-west frontier of Dehly. Having
learned the death of the King, this prince put on
mourning, and came to condole with the Dowager-queen,
for the purpose, as it would appear, of
gaining her confidence and plundering the royal
treasures. After having been hospitably entertained
for several days in the most splendid manner, he
one night attacked and defeated the guard over the
treasury, and carried away seven hundred boxes of
gold, with which he made his escape, and raised a
force of twelve thousand men, consisting of Moguls
and Hindoostanies. The Guzerat officers, however,
convening a meeting, resolved on inviting
Meeran Mahomed Khan of Kandeish, nephew
of Bahadur Shah, who was then in Malwa, to
ascend the throne; and without further hesitation,
coins were struck, and public prayers read in his
name. Meanwhile Imad-ool-Moolk, at the head
of a large force, marched against Mahomed Zu-man
Mirza, who though sufficiently ambitious,
was so devoted to his pleasures, that he was attacked,
and his army defeated, himself making his
escape to Sind. After which period he never
again interrupted the peace of Guzerat. Meeran
Mahomed Shah did not long survive his elevation.
Having been taken suddenly ill, on reaching Guzerat,
he died after a short reign of six weeks,
A. H. 943.