The jágírs of Rustam Khán* and Jangíz Khánf, the sons of Imád-ul-Mulk, who served the State with twenty-five thousand cavalry, and had charge of five tahnahs,* each tahnah having five thousand horse, consisted of twenty-seven mahls, or parganahs, yielding a revenue of two krores and twenty-five thousand mah­múdís and changízís;* which, according to <Arabic> the current value of the Ahmadábád tankcha, at that time, was equal to one arab, sixty-two krores, and fifty thousand tankchas, or one krore, sixty-two laks, and five hundred rupees. —Rs. 1,6200,500.

Mahl. Towns. Changízís.
Of which sum the Sirkar of the port of Súrat, including port duties, provision-tax, and the rent of the cultivated land in the neighbourhood, yielded 1 993 500,000

Also the Sirkar of

Mahl. Towns. Changízís.
Baroda,* and the cultivation of its environs, 1 500,000
Parganah, and country round Baroda 208    3,800,000
Dubhúe* 44    800,000
Shenúr** 46    500,000
Bahádurpúr* 27    200,000
Saowankhírah* 82    200,000
407    6,000,000

The above, consisting of seven mahls, or par­ganahs, and four hundred and seven towns, yielding a revenue of sixty laks of changízís.

Also Sirkar Bhroch*

Towns. Changízís.
Parganah of Bhroch, and neighbourhood, not including the port 161    3000,000
Parganah of Hansút* 36    400,000
Parganah of Dejbárah* 12    150,000
Parganah of Goralbárah** 12    200,000
Parganah of Úrpár** 106    1200,000
Parganah of Chármándwí* 1    50,000
Parganah of Kulah* 36    400,000
Parganah of Jambúsír* 56    800,000
Parganah of Oklasír* 55    600,000
Parganah of Atlísar* 36    200,000
Parganah of Tarkísár* 12    100,000
Parganah of Ámod* and 36    400,000
Parganah of Makbúlábád*
559    7,500,000

Being in all twelve mahls, or parganahs, five hundred and fifty-nine towns, yielding a revenue of seventy-five laks of changízís.

Also Sirkar Chámpánír*

Sirkar Chámpánír, Parganah Chámpánír, and country adjacent 87   
Sáolí** 54   
Dahwad* 100   
Hálol* 34   
Taimúrahbásnah* 106   
Rájod* 25   
Jhálod* 17   

Being in all eight mahls, or parganahs, four hundred and twenty-three villages, yielding a revenue of fifteen laks of changízís.

The jágír of Nasiru-l-Mulk,* who served the State with twelve thousand horse, consisted of

Parganah Nadarbár 25,00,000
Parganah Sultánpúr 15,00,000
Parganah Hissabeh and Nerrada 10,00,000

Amounting in all to three mahls, yielding a revenue of fifty laks of changízís, and which are equal to twenty-five krores of tankchas, or twenty-five laks of rupees.

Moreover, Bohrjí, zamíndár of Baglánah,* possessed the forts of Múlhír and Sahler; and performed service with three thousand horse.

The jágír of the Kamilu-l-Mulk* consisted of the Sirkar of Godhrah, containing twelve mahls or parganahs, out of which the revenue of two mahls was settled on the zamíndár of Súth and Chattárál Kúlí, for the services they per­formed. Deducting these, there remain ten mahls; yielding a revenue of fifty laks of changízís, being about twenty laks of rupees; or being, in detail—

Towns. Changízís.
Parganah Godhrah 171    2000,000
Parganah Sehra 24    1500,000
Parganah Míral 42    400,000
Parganah Samdah, called some­times Nasirábád 42    800,000
Parganah Dodah 36    200,000
Parganah Ambábád 42    200,000
Parganah Jhálod 84    700,000
Parganah Morwah 24    10,00,000
Parganah Kaddhánah 24    200,000
Parganah Dahmod* 12    200,000
501    7200,000

Being, in all, ten mahls, five hundred and one villages, yielding a revenue of seventy-two laks of changízís.