WE have received your letter, informing us, “that having detached “Shaikh Unser and Syed Ghuffâr to the relief of Kittoor, the former, “taking a different road [from that pursued by Syed Ghuffâr], had “fallen* upon the enemy’s entrenchments, and after putting to the “sword, or taking prisoners, a thousand of their Piâdehs, had entered “Kittoor: that Syed Ghuffâr, having proceeded by another route, had “attacked a small fort [or redoubt], in which the enemy had placed a “garrison of five hundred men, the whole of which were either killed “or made prisoners: that after this he surprised, in the night, a “picquet of the enemy, consisting of a thousand horse, of great part of “which he made booty,* and then got [in safety] to Kittoor: finally, “that having infused due confidence into the garrison, and supplied the “place with provisions and stores, both Sipahdârs, uniting their forces, “directed their march back by a road leading through the woods; and “that you expected them to rejoin the victorious army in the course of “twenty-four hours. You proceed to state, “that as soon as they “arrive, you will muster the horses [taken], and report the same to “us;” and you add, “that the Kuzzâk [or predatory] cavalry, “belonging to the Sircar, are constantly bringing in horses taken from “the enemy, which, agreeably to our orders, you purpose relinquishing “to them.
It is known. Upon the two Siphadârs rejoining you, you must ascertain, and report to us in detail, the particulars of the gallant behaviour of our troops [in the recent engagements]; in order that we may give directions for their being rewarded [according to their deserts]. State, likewise, what number of horses have been taken from the enemy.
You write, “that seven hundred Piadehs from Nugr, with a Serishtedâr, and the Kilaadâr Hûsainy Baig, had arrived in your camp, for “the purpose of garrisoning Kittoor, and that you had accordingly “dispatched the men and the Serishtedâr; but that Hûsainy Baig being “too ill to proceed thither at present, should be sent as soon as he “recovered.”* You moreover say, “that it is your intention to send “back to Dhârwâr Ghous Mahommed Khân, the second Munshoor* of “that place.”
You must keep Hûsainy Baig with your army, and send Ghous Mahommed Khân, who has distinguished himself by his activity at Dhârwâr, to [command at] Kittoor.
Report to us the particulars of all who have exerted themselves, in order that we may bestow rewards on them also.*
You must inform the aforesaid Munshoor, Ghous Mahommed, and Sheer Khân, the Aumil [of Kittoor], that if they should find the place untenable, or in want of provisions and other supplies, they must not sacrifice our troops in its defence, but evacuating it, repair through the woods to the army: for it is but a mound of clay, the existence and non-existence of which is the same thing [i. e. is of no importance either way.]
It is uncertain whether the enemy, here spoken of, was the Mahrattah army, or only an assemblage of the adherents of the captive Daisye, which had attempted to regain possession of Kittoor. The circumstance, however, of a picquet of a thousand horse, renders the former supposition the most probable.
The Sultan appears to have been well satisfied with the conduct of his troops on this occasion: and if their success was really so extensive as represented by Bûrhânûddeen, he had reason to be so. But his report (as recited in the letter before us) is expressed in too vague and general terms, to be considered as decisive evidence on this point.