(22d April.)

YOU state, “that the Kilaadâr of Dhârwâr having dispatched to our “victorious army thirty-five thousand pagodas, over and above the fifty “thousand which we had ordered, you had detained the additional sum, “and waited our directions respecting it.” It is known Apply the said money to the use of your army; and when, hereafter, a fresh order shall be issued to the above-mentioned Kilaadâr to transmit you a fur­ther supply, let the present thirty thousand pagodas be deducted from the amount.

You write, “that you had detached a Risâla of horse and a Kushoon “of Jyshe through the woods, with orders to chastise the enemy, if a “favourable opportunity for the purpose offered, but otherwise to return “to the army by the same route.” It is known. In future, you must not detach the Jyshe [on such service], but only separate [or straggling] parties of horse, to whom you must give orders to seize and bring in all the camels, horses, and other booty they can.