Ascending the throne as regent in place of his elder brother Sulán Ghiyáu-d-Dín, king of Ghor and ‘Iráq and Khorásán, in the year 569 H., in Ghaznín, had the khutba read and the cur­rency struck in his own name,* and in obedience to the command of his brother brought several armies against Hindustán and raised aloft the standard of holy war. Dehli was reduced in his time.

In brief, Sulán Ghiyáu-d-Dín when he had seized Tagínábád* which was one of the dependencies of Garmsír and had made over the governorship of that place to Sulán Shahábu-d-Dín, used continually to bring up armies against Ghaznín, till at last in the abovementioned year Sulán Ghiyáu-d-Dín brought that country within the circle of his conquests, and drove out of Ghaznín the tribe of Ghuzz, who after the captivity of Sulán Sinjar had been in possession of it, and bestowed upon Sulán Muizzu-d-Dín Muḥammad, the title of Sulán Shihábu-d-Dín.* Sulán Shihábu-d-Dín after one year of sovereignty as vicegerent for his brother, in the year 570 H., conquered Kardíz* and in the 47. year 571 H., took Uchh and Multán and drove out the tribe of the Karmatians from those regions, and utterly destroyed the Bhatí* tribe who had fortified themselves in the fortress of Uchh,* and having entrusted that country to Alí Kirmáj* re­turned to Ghaznín.

Then in the year 574 H. (1178 A. D.) proceeding by way of Multán* he brought an army against Gujrát, and suffered defeat at the hands of Rái Bhím Dev ruler of that country, and with great difficulty reached Ghaznín and obtained relief.

And in the year 575 H. he seized Parshúr,* and in the year 580 H. (1184 A. D.) marched against Láhore; Sulán Khusrau Malik who was the last of the kings of Ghaznín, shut himself up in the fortress of Lahore as has been related, and after considerable correspondence by letter and messenger, he sent his own son with an elephant as a present, and Sulán Shihábu-d-Dín made peace with him, and set about building the town of Síálkot* and having left his deputy there, proceeded to Ghaẕnín; and in the year 581 H. he brought an army against Díwal by which is meant Tattah* and having thrown into confusion the cities on the sea shore took a vast amount of plunder and returned.

And in the year 582 H. he came again to Lahore and plundered the surrounding country, and having provided Husain with the means of fortifying and holding Síálkot retraced his steps, and 48. from Táríkh-i-Nizámí which is the original source of this selection we gather that the building of Síálkot took place in this year, in contradiction to the Mubáraksháhi* from which we learn that the building of Síálkot was two years earlier. God knows the truth. And inasmuch as the house of history is, like the house of dreams and other things of that sort, ruinous, apologies must be made for discrepancies; and in that year Khusrau Malik with the assis­tance of the Khúkhars* and other tribes, besieged the fort of Síálkot for a long time, but had to return without attaining his object. In this year also Muizzu-d-Dín again besieged Khusrau Sháh in Láhore, who after striving for some days, found himself unequal to the task, and yielded to the Sulán who conveyed him to Ghaznín and sent him to his brother Sulán Ghiyáu-d-Dín at Fíroza Koh. Ghiyáu-d-Dín imprisoned him in one of the fortresses of Ghurjistán, where he died a prisoner, and the plain of Empire once for all passed to the dynasty of Ghor without the thorn of a partner or rival, as has been already mentioned.