It has been mentioned before that when Qabil separated from his father and went to the country of Yemen, Eblis instructed him in fire-worship, which he and his children adopted. They built fire-temples, and were engaged in worshipping fire. At that time the divine inspiration reached Adam, commanding him to go among them, and to direct Qabil, with his offspring, to the true way, as has already been mentioned above. Adam went to Yemen, and, having announced his mission, his descendants demanded a miracle from him, whereupon he started water for them from gravel-stones; on another occasion he called a tree at a distance to approach him, which obeyed and came to him; thirdly, a handful of gravel which he held in the palm of his hand bore testimony to the truth of his prophetship. One of the numerous miracles worked by him to prove his mission to Qabil was that he prohibited wild beasts from injuring his children, whereon they ceased to attack them. He also miraculously traversed deserts and seas; but if all his wonderful performances were to be related, they would greatly lengthen this account.