After the death of Ghoor Khan, the king of Kara Khatai, Koshluk Khan reigned independently over that country. Koshluk was an idolater, and his wife a Christian; he was in the habit of making converts to idolatry, and those who refused to conform to its rites he massacred; and many Mussulmans attained the honour of martyrdom in this good cause. At this time Tokatughan, the son of Toktabegi, the king of the tribe of Mukreet, left the service of Koshluk Khan, the son of Naimanuk Khan, and retired to the Khum Kuchuk. Koshluk Khan about this time despatched an army to Kashghur three or four successive years, and so ravaged that country that he produced a dreadful famine, and the people were obliged to eat all kinds of animals. He at last determined to march thither himself with a great army; on his arrival there the people all submitted to him, and he then moved to Khotun, of which he also possessed himself, and constrained the inhabitants to follow his idolatrous religion. He also directed that the learned of the Mussulman and other religions should assemble and hold a public disputation on their respective faiths; it is said that three thousand imams and learned Mussulmans made their appearance on that occasion, and Koshluk Khan, when they had assembled, addressed them, and asked who was so bold as to refuse to listen to truth. Shaik Moafiq Ala-ud-deen Mahummud Khotuni (may God enlighten his tomb!) approached him, and, determining to speak the truth, began a dissertation on the evidences of the Mahummudan religion. Koshluk Khan, however, interrupted him with a foolish reply, and reviled the prophet Mahummud. The imam could not brook this insult, and cried out, “Dust in thy mouth, infidel!” Koshluk, on hearing this, ordered him to be seized, and directed him to abjure the Mahummudan faith, and, as he refused, he was fastened with four nails to the gate of the Keir mosque (which he himself had built), and was most cruelly tortured; during which time he addressed the people, and advised them not to give up their hopes of eternity for the fear of present pain.* After this, the Mussulman religion was abolished in that country.
At the time Koshluk Khan conquered Khotun, there resided at the city of Almaligh a man of uncommon strength and bravery, of the Kunkoli tribe, whose name was Ooraz. This man was a robber, and as a number of men of the same description joined him, he became strong enough to plunder the environs of Ilmaligh, and at length obtained possession of that city, and became its ruler. He then collected troops, and attacked Foulad Soom, which was one of the most considerable cities in that country, and took possession of it. Koshluk Khan despatched a large army against him, which defeated him, and ravaged his country: and when he was reduced to extremity, he sent his daughter with ambassadors to Chungeez Khan, and begged his assistance in opposing Koshluk Khan. Chungeez Khan gave him a munsub, and affianced his daughter to his eldest son, Joje; and Ooraz afterwards visited Chungeez Khan, who received him with great favour. On his departure, Chungeez advised him to refrain from hunting, that he might not in time become the prey of a hunter. He also gave him a thousand sheep, and dismissed him to Almaligh. At that time Koshluk Khan had, as usual, despatched an army to plunder Almaligh, and after having ravaged the country to its gates, besieged that city. At this time also news arrived in the camp of Koshluk Khan that Chungeez Khan was advancing towards him with a great army, and Koshluk’s troops in consequence retired. Ooraz Kunkuli, who was a great hunter, and knew nothing of the advance of Koshluk Khan’s army, and had also forgotten the advice of Chungeez Khan, being on the road attended by a few horse, fell in with a large body of Koshluk Khan’s troops, and was killed by them. Chungeez Khan, on hearing of this event, placed the son of Ooraz, Shuknagh Tukeen, in his father’s rank and office, and gave him to wife a daughter of his son Joje, and sent him to Almaligh. It is also stated that Arslan, the chief of the tribe of Kurligh, a dependent of Chungeez Khan, gave him his daughter, and the government of Kialigh.