Bahrām Gūr goes to Persia, and
another occupying the throne.
The joiner of the parts of this high throne thus adds to it a part correctly joined
As soon as Bahrām Gūr became aware that one, a stranger, had usurped the crown,
He actively prepared for enmity, to seek the crown of the Kayānian kings
In (this his) quest of universal sway Nu‘mān and Munẕir gave him (every) help:
Treasure more plentiful than could be named; jewels more numerous than one could bore.
He raised up countless troops, the hostile man was full of fire, hostility had force.
’Twas reckoned, down to Aden, in Yaman
, a hundred thousand troopers mustered were:
All clad in steel and iron-strong
, to avenge, to bind up demons, and to capture forts.
In heart a lion, each of them, and fit to hold a country by a single sword.
The army of the king set off with speed—the moisture reached the fish, the dust the moon
The trumpet’s blare, the roll of brazen drum would take all trace of courage from the heart.
The brazen kettle-drum cried out aloud, the drummer (by the noise of it) was stunned
The plain and mountain from the blare and noise in ferment rose against their lids, the skies
Troops more than ants and locusts in their count, as hot in rancour as the fire of hell.
They sought the station of the throne (for him), and went from Yaman towards the capital.
The monarch of the world received the news that a young dragon had unclosed its jaws
That to the earth the heavens had inclined, Canopus had from Yaman raised its head
A lion had stretched out his claws with might to put his foe as “gūr” into the “gūr”
That he would take the throne and seize the crown—would settle down himself, and lay the dust
The nobles and the ministers and guards all came together to the royal court
They met in congress and expressed their views
; they spurned all arrogance away (from
After reflection they decided thus
, that they would write a letter to Bahrām.
All that good sense dictated, that, they wrote, they sowed seed which had (previously) been peeled
The letter written out they folded it, and made their preparations to depart.
They (all) alighted when they reached (their goal); Fortune asked blessings on the rightful king
They sought an audience, which was granted them; the chamberlains gave heed to their concerns.
Bahrām, the king, allowed them to approach from the (more) distant place (at which they stood).
They went before him with a thousand fears; they bowed down to the ground, and offered thanks.
He who the ball of wisdom bore away, kissing the superscription, gave the note
After unsealing it the monarch’s scribe (then) read it to the kingdom-taking king.
[From shell to kernel of that beauteous note—the shell was silk, the kernel almond was.
Its outside was adornment of brocade; its inside was an oil-containing lamp]
The letter opened with the name of God, who by His grace guides those who go astray.
Of heaven and earth Creator Absolute, through whom non-being being has obtained.
Of mankind down to all the animals, of the exalted sky and ponderous mount—
His power the painter of all being is within the picture-room of (His) good gifts
There is no lord, save Him, who has not need of some relationship, or thing conjoined.
Creation is a knot by Him unloosed
; praise is the seal He has affixed (to
He is the keeper of the earth and time
; both this and that obey as He commands.
When he who read had read the praise of (God), Maker (of all), exalted (over all),
He read praise of the king, a king’s son
, thus, You who have raised your head to the blue sky,
You, with the wisdom of a king, king’s son, who’re just to manliness and generous thought,
How should I who by race am Kisrá called, by ill-advised contention suffer loss
I’ve merit and experience of the world; I’m in the eyes of (all) the world approved.
And for my merit Fortune fosters me—How can the meritless get crown and throne?
My eminence has given me crown and throne—the base man never can be eminent.
Though the dominion of the earth is mine; the leadership of fairies and of men,
Still with this sovereignty I’m not content, for ’tis a piece of honey poison-mixed.
So much I had of power and needful means that through the same my star was always young
Better if I with this had been content, for a high place is not devoid of risk.
The Persians’ zealous kindness, spite of me, so roused my zeal that (to refuse) I shamed
They (thus) induced me to become the king—the exalted holder of the crown and throne,
To keep deterioration from the realm—such (office) is not rule, but guardianship.
This proverb comes in story apposite: The foe to greed’s a friend to all the world
(But) you no knowledge have of such a world
; you of another world are sovereign lord.
You’d rather find an onager than meet out of a thousand troubles even one.
A draught of wine, the while the lute is played, more than aught ’neath the azure sky you love.
You have no business but the chase and wine; you’ve naught to do with troubles of the world
(If) truth you wish, you, only, have the world, for you have not the pain of ruling men.
At night and dawn you’re at the chase or cup; you joy in eating, now, and now, in sleep.
Not like me day and night remote from joy, and heart-sick with (the care of) men’s affairs.
At times my business troubling for (my) friends, at times I’m apprehensive of (my) foes.
(My) least affliction this that for the crown I must contend against a prince like you.
How happy is your pleasure-loving soul that your head is remote from such distress!
Would that this business had attached to me; perchance my business then had been my own
I should have lived in pleasure, sport, and play; caressed my soul with music and with wine.
I do not say you’re alien to command, (for) you have knowledge both of Church and State.
You are, in truth, the heir to (these) domains; the kingdom by inheritance is yours.
But owing to your father’s foolish acts, the shadow of the crown’s not near your head;
For to his subjects he behaved not so that none (had reason to) set forth complaint.
They were astounded at his wickedness; they called him “Sinner” for such sinfulness
After such tyranny as showed itself now fierce, now swift, in shedding people’s blood,
No one could utter praises of that line; no one could in that ground sow (any) seed
Since no one (here) desires you as (his) king, ’tis better (far) that you should (hence) retire.
You’ll meet hot fire if you get hot and rage; you’ll (only) strike cold iron if you strive
I, in the time of (your) necessity, will from (my) secret treasure scatter gold.
All that may best supply your requisites, and may with usefulness be spent on you—
I’ll suffer not, by any reason led, shortcoming as regards your maintenance.
I’ll be your lieutenant in sovereignty; the orderer of everything you wish.
(And) when the people’s minds get tired of me, the rule is yours without (appeal to) arms.