In the year in which the pattern of natural philosophers, sifted flour of erudition-amassing doctors, delicate balance of sciences, key of the locks of opinions, raised to lofty dignities, expounder of material truths, assayer* of the jewels of verity, solver of Greek problems, render of the curtain between light and dark­ness, discerner of the stations and motions of earthly and heavenly bodies, soaring phoenix (‘anqā), very learned of the Age, ‘Aẓdu-d-daulah Amīr Fatḥu-l-lāh of Shīrāz, under the guidance of good fortune, was elevated to the pedestal of the lofty throne and obtained a robe of honour, together with degrees of exaltation and steps of advancement,—the writer of this noble volume one day remarked to him that the horoscopes of the auspicious nativity were discrepant, and expressed the hope that he would examine them according to the true namūdār, and weigh them in the trutine of inquiry. The honoured Mīr, having after complete investigation, deduced the horoscope from the Persian rules and the Greek canon, found that the birth was in Leo. As in the opinion of the writer, this is the most reliable horoscope, he gives its figure here, together with some specimens of the prognostications.

Page 2,noteline 11,for Manāsabat read Munāsabat.
Page 2,noteline 11,4 lines from end read Dīwān.
Page 3,note 2,Delete the i after Z in Zi kāf and read birūn for barūn.
Page 3,note 3,read ‘ālam.
Page 7,note 1,line 4,read <Arabic script> kaun.
Page 12,note 1,line 4,ārāī.
Page 12,note 4,line 2,āq for āqt.
Page 13,note 1,line 1,shāyistagī.
Page 17,noteline 1,Fundgruben.
Page 17,note 6,Ādam.
Page 18,note 6,line 5,rumūz.
Page 20,note 1,line 4,bazmgāh.
Page 20,note 1,line 5,naar.
NOTE to p. 7.

Dr. Bloch has kindly pointed out to me that there is an iẓāfat after ḥarf in the second hemistich of the third verse on p. 2 of text, and that the metre requires this. My translation therefore appears to be wrong and the true translation probably is—“For this is the case (ḥarf) of the Muslin and the moonlight.”

If this be so, the preceding line should apparently be translated “Think not that there is a letter of it (i.e., of God's Praise) in the (i.e. the writer's) book.”



The cusp* of the glorious Ascendant in this holy horoscope which is a masterpiece of the revolutions of the stars and planets, is 28° 36' Leo. The angles* are in Fixed Signs and as the cusp of the fortunate-starred Ascendant is in the Sun's House, no planet is its dominant. It is the term of Mars, and Jupiter is lord of the triplicity,* in companionship with the Sun and with Saturn in attendance. There are the face and darījān* of Mars, the nuhbahr of Jupiter, ādar­jān and haftbahr* of Mars, twelfth of the Moon and detriment* of Saturn. The degree is masculine and lucid, free from misfortune. The Sun is dominant over the Ascendant with intent towards an alliance with Saturn. Venus is in 26° 23' 37" Virgo. Admittedly the Part* of children is 24° 23' (Virgo); that of wealth, 25° 7'; that of father's death 24° 23'; that of brethren 8° 47'; and that of the number of brethren 14° 12' Virgo.

The cusp of the Second House is 28° 43' Virgo; it is the House and exaltation of Mercury, and term of Saturn. The Moon is master of the triplicity in companionship with Venus and the doryphory* of Mars. There are the face and nuhbahr of Mercury, darījān of Venus, ādarjān of the Moon, twelfth of the Sun, haftbahr and fall of Venus and detriment of Jupiter. The Moon is dominant over the House. The degree is masculine, void of darkness or light, of good or bad fortune. Jupiter is posited in 15° 13' 37" and Mercury in 25° 24' Libra. The Part of hope is 12° 53'; that of victory and conquest is 1° 17' Libra. The place of anterior conjunction is 24° 50' Libra.

The cusp of the Third House is 28° 1' Libra. It is the House of Venus, exaltation of Saturn, term of Mars, and Mercury is lord of the (aerial) triplicity in companionship with Saturn and attended by Jupiter. There are the face of Jupiter, the darījān, nuhbahr, twelfth and haftbahr of Mercury, ādarjān and fall of the Sun, and detriment of Mars. Saturn is paramount over this House. The degree is feminine, lucid, and void of good or bad fortune. Saturn is in 10° 40' 33" Scorpio. The Part of Fate is 17° 50' Scorpio. The Part of good Fortune, according to Ptolemy* and Muḥyī'u-d-dīn Maghribī,* is 18° 9' Scorpio. The Part of true friends and of welfare* (?) and that of servants are admittedly 23° 12.' The Part of ailments is admittedly 17° 21'. The Sun is 0° 45' 57" Scorpio.

The cusp of the Fourth House is 27° 21' Scorpio. This is a cardinal point (angle) and is the House of Mars, term of Saturn, face, twelfth and detriment of Venus. The Lord of the triplicity is Mars in companionship with Venus and attended by the Moon, and there are the darījān of Mercury and the nuhbahr and haftbahr of Jupiter. Mars is paramount over this House. The degree is mascu­line, fixed (qayyima) and void of good or bad fortune. The Part of land journeys is 12° 28' Sagittarius. The Part of law-suits is 28° 32 Scorpio.

The cusp of the Fifth House is 27° 11' Sagittarius. It is the House and nuhbahr of Jupiter and the exaltation of the Dragon's Tail (Katabibazon), the term of Mars and face of Saturn; the lord of the triplicity is Jupiter in companionship with the Sun and with Saturn in attendance. There are the Sun's darījān, the ādarjān of Venus, the twelfth of Mars, the nuhbahr of Jupiter and haftbahr of Saturn, the fall of the Dragon's Head (Anabibazon) and the detriment of Mercury. Jupiter is paramount over the House with an inclination for the alliance of Saturn. This degree is masculine, fixed and void of good or bad fortune. The Part of sovereignty and territory is 28° 39' Sagittarius. Cygnus and Aquila are in 25° Capricorn and Mars is in 10° 48' 23". The Moon is in 19° 48" 14' Capricorn.

The cusp of the Sixth House is 26° 46' Capricorn. It is the House of Saturn, exaltation and term of Mars and face of the Sun. The Moon is master of the triplicity in companionship with Venus and attended by Mars. There are the darījān and nuhbahr of Mer­cury, ādarjān and twelfth and fall of Jupiter, the haftbahr and detri­ment of the Moon. Mars is paramount over this House in companion­ship with Saturn and the Moon. The degree is masculine, lucid and unfortunate. The Dragon's Head is 27° 29' 13" Aquarius. The Part of war* and of captives is 24° 44' Capricorn. The Part of the deaths of brethren is 2° 1' Aquarius.

The cusp of the Seventh House is 28° 36' Aquarius. It is the House and twelfth and term of Saturn. The lord of the triplicity is Mercury in companionship with Saturn and attended by Jupiter. There are the face of the Moon, the darījān of Venus, ādarjān and nuhbahr of Mercury, haftbahr of Jupiter and detriment of the Sun. Saturn is paramount over this House in companionship with Mercury and with inclination to the companionship of Jupiter. The degree is masculine, dark and void of good or bad fortune. The Part of friendship, constancy, firmness and love is 20° 8' Pisces.

The cusp of the Eighth House is 28° 43' Pisces. It is the House and nuhbahr of Jupiter, exaltation of Venus, term,* face, darījān and ādarjān of Mars who is lord of the triplicity in companionship with Venus and the doryphory of the Moon. It is the term, haftbahr and twelfth of Saturn and the fall of Mercury. Venus is paramount over this House in companionship with Mars and with inclination to alliance with the Moon. The degree is masculine, fixed, and void of good or evil fortune. The Part of excellence is 20° 8' Aries and the Part of valour 2° 53' of the same.

The cusp of the Ninth House is 28° 1' Aries. It is the House of Mars, the exaltation* of the Sun, the term,* fall* and ādarjān of Saturn, and face and detriment of Venus. The lord of the triplicity is Jupiter, in companionship with the Sun, and the doryphory of Saturn. It is the darījān, nuhbahr, twelfth and haftbahr of Jupiter. Mars is paramount over this House in companionship with Jupiter and with inclination towards alliance with Saturn. The degree is masculine, light and belonging to the deep or pitted* degrees. The Part of male children is admittedly 23° 49 Taurus. The Part of sea-voyages is 2° 36'. The Part of messengers* is 5° Taurus.

The cusp of the Tenth House is 27° 21' Taurus. It is the House and ādarjān of Venus, the exaltation of the Moon who is master of the triplicity in companionship with Venus, and with attendance of Mars, the darījān of Saturn, the nuhbahr and haftbahr of Mercury, the twelfth term and detriment of Mars. Venus is paramount over this House in complete companionship with the Moon and in com­panionship with Mars. The degree is masculine, lucid and void of good or bad fortune. The Part of good fortune is admitted by all with the exception of Ptolemy and Muḥyī‘u-d-dīn Maghribī to be 9° 22' Gemini. The Part of reason and of speech is 9° 51' Gemini. The Part of disease is 25° 27' Gemini. The Part* of male offspring is admittedly 29° 40' Taurus. The Part of abstinence (temperance) is 4° Gemini. The Part of possessions is 19° 36'. The Part of enemies is admittedly 25° 27' Gemini.

The cusp of the Eleventh House is 27° 11' Gemini. It is the House and nuhbahr of Mercury and he is lord of the triplicity in companionship with Saturn and with attendance of Jupiter. It is the exaltation of the Dragon's Head (Anabibazon) and the term and darījān of Saturn, the face of the Sun, ādarjān of Jupiter, twelfth and haftbahr of Venus. This degree is feminine and fixed, and void of good and evil fortune. The Part of the conclusions of actions and the Part of marriage are 14° Cancer. Mercury is paramount over this House in companionship with Saturn.

The cusp of the Twelfth House is 26° 46' Cancer. It is the House and face of the Moon and the exaltation,* nuhbahr and the darījān of Jupiter. It is the term and detriment of Saturn. Mars is lord of triplicity in companionship with Venus and with the Moon in attendance. It is the ādarjān, dodecatemorion, haftbahr and fall of Mars. The Moon is paramount over this House with Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Saturn. The degree is feminine, lucid and void of good or evil fortune. The Dragon's Tail is in 27° 29' 13" Leo. The Part of knowledge and clemency (al-‘ilm wa-l-ḥilm) of superiority and victory is 18° 22'. The Part of offspring is admittedly 2° 49' The Part of fear and pain is 22° 15'. The Part of life is 2° 49' The Part of the father is 18° 22' Leo.

The hyleg* in this horoscope is;—firstly, the point* of anterior conjunction; secondly, the Part of Fortune; and thirdly, the Ascendant. As regards the hyleg, the kadkhudā* is Saturn and then Jupi­ter; as regards* the Part of Fortune, Jupiter comes first, then Saturn; as regards the Ascendant, the Sun comes first, then Mars.