When Jūnagarh was taken, and the landed proprietors had become obedient and had made their submission, the Kokaltāsh made courage shoulder to shoulder with skill. He applied all his energies to the capture of Moaffar, who was the thornbush of the sedi tion. That evil-thinking man had given himself up to failure and had taken refuge with Sīvābād* Hail who was the ruler of the country of Hālār. The temple of Dwārka belongs to him. The Kokaltāsh sent to that quarter Naurang K., Gūjar K., Anwār,* Niāmu-d-dīn* Aḥmad, Bābā Khwāja, Qādir Qulī Koka, the Saiyids of Cambay, M. Qulī Mogal and other soldiers. On 16 Mihr they left the camp 25 kos from the enemy and arrived in morning (cāsht) at Dwārka, and took it without a contest. There it was learned that Moaffar was in Basīna* (?) the residence of Sīvā (?), and that in the town of Arāmrāh,* Sangrām, a rolation of that landholder, was bohaving arrogantly. Qādir Qulī and some others were left at Dwārka, and then 629 two bands were made out. Naurang K. with a large force proceeded to chastise Moaffar. Niāmu-d-dīn Aḥmad, Bābā Kbwāja, and a number of gallant men also went off in that direction. At the end of the day they arrived at his residence, and a severe engagement took place. A little before this, the report of the approach of the victorious troops had made the landholder demented, and he sent off Moaffar and his household by boat to an island* which he had fortified. He himself went after them. The imperialists followed him, and he, from being doomed, turned and fought with them. On account of the heights and hollows, the brave men got off their horses and engaged. Naurang K. beheld this from a ridge. A force, thinking that he had few men, attacked him, but by the Divine help they had to retire with disgrace. There was close fighting up to evening. During the struggle an arrow reached the turbulent one (Sīva ?), and he went to annihilation. The rebels were dispersed, and many were killed. Those also who had gone to punish Sangrām were successful. By the Divine succour the breeze of victory played on the pennants of fortune, and in both places much plunder was obtained. Some said that Moaffar had been drowned. He could not remain where he was, but fled to Cutch. Bihāra Jāreja the ruler of that country placed him in retirement. On 26 Ābān the Khān A'im went there from Jūnagarh, sending on ahead his son 'Abdullah with some brave men. Mīr 'Abdu-r-Razzāq M'amūrī, who had been appointed Bakhshī of that country, arrived on this day. On 9 Āẓar he arrived, after traversing 55 kos in ten marches, at the village of Amrān,* which is the burial-place of Dāwar-al-Mulk. The Jām came with his sons and other relatives and renewed his promises of good service. The ruler of Cutch sent able men and had recourse to cajolery. He spoke about obeying orders and sent his son to do service. His pretences did not lull asleep the Kokaltāsh, and he replied that if he wished to be delivered from the victorious troops, he should deliver up Moaffar, and come in person. At this time, Lokan Kohal (?) went off with evil thoughts and without leave to his house, and the soldiers in Jūnagarh plundered his house and household. His three sons were killed. The Khān Ā'am sent his son Khurram to that quarter with some brave men. He himself left Morbī, and havīng marched 31 kos in five stages arrived at the village of Cārbāra.* As the words of that proprietor* in those two matters did not produce action, he (M. Koka) wished to make over his estates to the Jām. He left his pretences and sent a message to the effect that if the town of Morbī—which had belonged to his ancestors for a long time—were given to him as a reward, he would deliver up Moaffar. His proposals were accepted, and some persons were sent ahead of the army. On 13 Dai, 23 December 1592, they arrived there. The proprietor's agents represented to the turbulent 630 one (Moaffar) that Bihāra was coming to wait upon (dīdan) him. He was pleased* and came out with alacrity. When he came near, they arrested him and brought him back. That night passed on the journey. Next morning, he retired* on pretence of easing himself, and put a razor—which he had kept hidden—to his throat. Thus-by his own hand he gave the final touch to his retribution. Apparently this was well, for the Khān A'am would not have put him to death without orders, and if they had brought him into the Presence, H.M.'s abundant graciousness would not have hunted for his life. In revenge for Qubu-d-dīn K., his head was severed from his body and hung* up at the door of Naurang K., and afterwards Niāmu-d-dīn Aḥmad* brought it to court. Two days previous to this H.M. had said, “Inasmuch as the help of God towards this suppliant increases daily, every one who turns away his head from obedience descends into non-existence. The ingratitude of Moaffar has gone far. Something tells my heart that about this time he will be killed.” On beholding this intelligence, eyesalve became cheap and a door of auspiciousness was opened out for many.