YOUR letter has been received* ........ You write, “that keeping “in view [or looking to nothing else than] the proper execution of the “public business,* you make no distinction of persons, and labour only “to approve your zeal for our service, and to discharge the obligations of “fidelity; but that [nevertheless], owing to your evil destiny,* these “circumstances have not been made known to us by the superintendants “and Hurkârehs of the post [or intelligence] department there [i. e. “Bangalore].”
It is comprehended. Your respectability and integrity are [duly] impressed on our mind, and, therefore, did we appoint you to your present situation. The aforesaid superintendant and Hurkârehs are employed to write the intelligence of that place; how is it possible, then, that they should do otherwise than represent the actual truth to us?*
You moreover state, “that the circumstance of your inspecting the “accounts of the receipts and issues of the Athouny,* and examining “the same justly, and according to the rules prescribed in the regulations [whereby a certain saving or advantage arises to the Sircar], “having rendered your interference* extremely disagreeable to them “[i. e. to the Athouny], they had, in consequence, misrepresented you “to us.*” It is revealed. Whenever, by means of a reference to the regulations, any saving [or deduction] can be fairly made in the receipts and issues of the Athouny, you must fearlessly carry the same into effect.
Your account of a certain person, who is extremely well versed in the affairs of that country, and who is ready to undertake the realization of the balance of eight lacks of pagodas [due from it], as well as an augmentation of two or three lacks on the present revenue, is fully understood. By the favor of God the Helper, our lofty standards will shortly be removed thither [i. e. to Bangalore], when we will enquire into this matter. What more shall we write?