YOUR letter has been received, together with a memorandum of the remaining articles of supply, which Nursia, the Dewân* of Nugr, has taken upon himself to dispatch after you.
You were appointed, and have been sent from hence, for the purpose of repairingto Constantinople, and not for that of writing to us accounts of squabbles. Now, forasmuch as, while you are employed in narrating these disputes, the season for sailing is passing away, you must compel Nursia* to provide the articles you require; and, having done so, you must embark them on ship-board, and then proceed [on your voyage]. Even if there should be a small deficiency in your surplies, you must not make that a pretence, or excuse, for your delay, and for suffering the proper season for your proceeding to escape.
The whole of the men, who are to accompany you, have been dispatched, and will soon join you.
Agreeably to the desire of that person of magnificent degree,* we have sent the most peremptory orders to Nursia, to expedite the remainder of your supplies.
When it is considered, that Ghûlâm Ali Khân was among the most distinguished men at the court of Tippoo Sultan; that he was now proceeding on a service, to which his master attached much importance; that his appointment to such a high trust (for he was, I believe, at the head of the commission) would, at least, seem to imply, that entire confidence was placed in his zeal, talents, and fidelity; and, finally, when the frivolous nature of the offence imputed to him is adverted to, it is difficult to say, whether the Sultan has manifested most want of temper or of wisdom, in the harsh and degrading language here addressed to that person. Of his excessive irascibility and asperity of manner, other proofs have already appeared, and more will hereafter occur: but, on none of the occasions alluded to, did he, perhaps, so little consult, either his true dignity, or, apparently, his true interests, as in the present instance, since in proportion as he sunk the consequence of his minister, he diminished his own; while, by thus outraging the feelings of that minister, he incurred the risk of damping his ardor, paralyzing his energies, and even shaking his loyalty. It must, however, at the same time, be owned, that Ghûlâm Ali Khân was not likely to be so sensible of the indignity offered to him, or so apt to resent it, as the view here taken of the subject supposes; and it is only reasonable to conclude, that the Sultan knew this sufficiently well.