Next day, Maliku-sh Shark Kamálu-l Mulk, and all the other amírs and maliks who were outside [the city,] renewed their oaths of allegiance to the Sultán, and he again, with general consent, took his seat upon the throne. Kamálu-l Mulk was made wazír, with the title of Kamál Khán. Malik Jíman received the title of Ghází-u-l Mulk, and the fiefs of Amroha and Badáún were confirmed to him. Malik Allah-dád Lodí would not take any title himself, but obtained the title of Daryá Khán for his brother. Malik Khúnráj Mubárak Khání received the title of Ikbál Khán, and the fief of Hisár Fírozah which he held was confirmed in his possession. All the amírs were favoured with great honours and rich gifts; and all men who held offices or fiefs, or villages or grants, or pensions, received confirmation, and even an increase of their possessions. The eldest son of Saiyid Sálim was entitled Majlis-i 'Álí Saiyid Khán, and the younger one Shujá'u-l Mulk. Malik Madh 'Álam, his nephew, was entitled 'Aláu-l Mulk, and Malik Ruknu-d dín was called Nasíru-l Mulk. They also received golden girdles, and splendid head-dresses and fiefs. Maliku-sh Shark Hájí Shudaní was made governor of the capital. Having thus arranged for the administration of the kingdom, the Sultán determined on going to Multán. In the month of Rabí'u-l ákhir, he encamped at the chautara of Mubárakábád, and gave orders to the amírs and maliks to make ready their forces and join him. Maliku-sh Shark ['Imádu-l Mulk]* came and waited upon the Sultán. He received rich presents and great honours, and was confirmed in many dignities. Those amírs and maliks who delayed their coming—FINIS].
* “Muhammad Sháh, after visiting the holy men of “Multán, and having left Khán-i Jahán there, returned “to Dehlí.”
“In the year 840 H. (1436 A.D.) the Sultán himself pro-
“ceeded to Sámána, and sent an army against Shaikhá “Khokhar. The country of this chief was ravaged, and “the Sultán then returned to Dehlí. “In 841 H. (1437 A.D.), intelligence arrived that anarchy “prevailed in Multán, in consequence of the insubordina-
“tion of the tribe of Langáhs. And intelligence was also “brought that Sultán Ibráhím Sharkí had seized upon “several parganas. The ráí of Gwálior, and other ráís, “ceased to pay their revenue. Still, the Sultán took no “measures to secure his possessions, but gave himself up “to indulgence and neglect. All men's heads were crazy, “and every heart was anxious. Some amírs invited Sultán “Mahmúd Khiljí, King of Málwa, and in the year 844 H. “(1440 A.D.), he proceeded towards Dehlí. Muhammad Sháh “equipped his army, and sent it forth with his son, under “the command of Bahlol Khán Lodí. On the other side, “Sultán Mahmúd Khiljí sent his two sons Ghiyásu-d dín “and Kadar Khán to meet them. The battle raged from “morning till night, when both sides withdrew to their “respective positions. Next day Muhammad Sháh made “proposals of peace. Just at this time Sultán Mahmúd “was informed that Sultán Ahmad Gujarátí was marching “against Mandú, so he immediately accepted terms of “peace and returned home. This peace degraded Muham- “mad Sháh still lower in the estimation of all men. As “Sultán Mahmúd of Málwa was retreating, Bahlol Lodí “pursued him, and carried off part of his baggage and “valuable effects. This success of Bahlol Khán's delighted “Sultán Muhammad; he honoured Bahlol with great dis- “tinction and favour, and called him son. “In 845 (1441 A.D.), the Sultán went to Sámána. He “conferred upon Bahlol Khán the country of Díbálpúr and “Láhor, and sent him against Jasrath Khokhar. Then “the Sultán returned to Delhí. Jasrath made peace with “Bahlol Khán, and flattered him with hopes of the throne “of Dehlí. Aspirations of sovereignty now inspired Bahlol “Khán and he became intent on forming a party. He called “together the Afgháns from all parts around, and enlisted “them, so that in a short time he assembled a large force. “He also took possession of all the surrounding parganas. “On a slight pretence he declared war against Sultán Mu-
“hammad Sháh, and marched against Dehlí in great force, “and besieged it for some time, but was eventually obliged to “fall back unsuccessful. The business of the State day by “day fell into greater confusion, and affairs came to such “a pass that there were amírs at twenty kos from Dehlí who “shook off their allegiance, and made pretensions to inde- “pendence. At length, in the year 849* (1445, A.D.), Sultán “Muhammad Sháh died, after a reign of ten years and “some months.
“Upon the death of Muhammad Sháh, the amírs and “nobles assembled and raised his son to the throne, under “the style of Sultan 'Aláu-d dín. Malik Bahlol and all “the amírs proffered allegiance to him. In a very short “time it became evident that the new Sultán was more “negligent and incompetent than his father in the duties “of government, and the mad ambition of Malik Bahlol “grew stronger. In 850 H. (1446 A.D.), the Sultán went “towards Sámána; but as he was on the road, news ar-
“rived that the king of Jaunpúr was on the march against “Dehlí; on hearing which the Sultán returned immediately “to Delhí. Hisám Khán, wazír of the State,* and vice- “gerent in the king's absence, then represented to the “Sultán, that it was unworthy of a sovereign to return “upon hearing a false report of the approach of an enemy. “This remark went against the Sultán's feelings, and “wounded him deeply. “In 851 H. (1447 A.D.), the Sultán went to Badáún, and “after staying there some time, returned to Dehlí; when “he said that he was much pleased with Badáún, and “wished to stay there always. Hisám Khán, in all “sincerity, told him that it was impolitic to leave Dehlí, “and to make Badáún the capital. This answer incensed “the king still more, and he separated the wazír from “himself, and left him in Dehlí. He made one of his “wife's brothers governor of the capital, and to the other “he gave the title of amír.
“In 852 H. (1448 A.D.), he again went to Badáún, and “gave himself up to pleasure, resting satisfied with the “little territory that remained to him. After a time, dis-
“sensions broke out between his wife's two brothers in “Dehlí. They made war against each other, and one was “killed. Next day the citizens killed the other brother in “revenge, at the instigation of Hisám Khán. Disaffected “men now incited the Sultán to kill Hamíd Khán, the “wazír of the State.* The Khan took to flight, and “proceeding to Dehlí, he, with the connivance of Hisám “Khan, took possession of the city, and invited Malik “Bahlol to assume the sovereignty. Full particulars of “these transactions are given in the history of the reign “of Bahlol. The result was, that Malik Bahlol Lodí came “to Dehlí with a large force, and took possession of it. “After a short time, he left a party of his adherents in “Delhí, and went to Díbálpúr to organize an army. Then “he wrote to the Sultán, stating that his opposition was “really for the Sultán's benefit, and that he was his devoted “servant. To this 'Aláu-d dín replied, ‘My father called “you his son, and I have no means of resisting you. I “will content myself with the single district of Badáún, “and resign the sovereignty to you.’ Thus successful, Malik “Bahlol clothed himself with the garments of royalty. “Leaving Díbálpúr, he proceeded to Dehlí, and ascended “the throne with the title of Sultán Bahlol. The nobles “who remained with 'Aláu-d dín were confirmed in their “privileges. After a while, 'Aláu-d dín died, and the world “went on according to the wish of Sultán Bahlol. The “length of the reign of Sultán 'Aláu-d dín was eight years “and some months.”