To BURHÂNÛDDEEN; dated 22d Extra AHMEDY. (8th April.)

YOUR letter has been received, and its contents are duly understood.

You write, “that having reduced your baggage as much as you “could, you were prepared, with the victorious army [under your “command], to chastise the enemy, and that, if the latter made their “appearance in force, it was your intention to raise the siege,* and “send off your heavy ordnance to Dhârwâr.” It is well: be it done as you propose. In the mean while, being careful to procure constant information of the enemy’s motions, you will act as circumstances may render expedient, taking counsel herein from the three commanders [attached to you], whose opinions being committed to writing, must regulate your proceedings. We have here the fullest intelligence regard­ing the enemy’s forces, which we are persuaded dare not look at our army: caution and vigilance are nevertheless necessary. Agreeably to your desire, letters have been written to Dileer Dil Khân, &c. Doubt­less they will discharge the obligations of fidelity and devotedness; and you will all, in conformity with our instructions, conduct matters in concert, and after mutual consultation. Hereafter, what is behind the veil of invisibility will be displayed.*


It appears from this, and several other letters, that Bûrhânûddeen (as well as Kumrûddeen), had a council of war assigned him, without whose advice and concurrence he was not at liberty to take any material step. His council, at this time, was composed of Dileer Dil Khân, Syed Humeed, and Syed Ghûfâr, three Sipahdârs, or commanders of Kushoons, whose military reputation stood very high, and who possessed a considerable share of the Sultan’s confidence. Syed Ghûfâr fell with his master in defending Seringapatam. Of the fate of the other two commanders I am uninformed.