WHEN the sun had gone down in the west, and
the moon was risen in the east, Khojisteh put on fine
attire, and, going to the parrot, said, “Although I am
able of myself to go to my lover, still I do not think
it adviseable without your consent, because I rely
on your judgment: be expeditious to-night in giv-
The parrot began: “In time of yore, there was a
wise merchant who had a vicious horse. One day,
during the time the merchant was eating a meal,
a person arrived on a mare, and, having alighted,
wanted to tie his mare near the merchant's horse.
The merchant said to him, Don't tie her near my
horse! The man did not mind, but tied his mare
close to the merchant's horse, and then sat him-
The parrot, having finished the story, said, “Now go to your lover.” She wanted to have gone; at the very time the cock crowed, and the dawn appearing, her visit was put off.