On Tuesday the 25th of Mohurrum, 644 (A. D. 1246), Nasir-ood-deen ascended the throne of the kingdom of Delhi, in the Kusre Pherozuh. For many years he ruled with great power. On Monday the 22nd Shuwal, 649 (A. D. 1251), he marched with the intention of going towards Lahore, Mooltan, Ooch, and Bukkur. When he left Ooch, and entered Sind, he appointed Kulugh Khan to the district of Sehwistan, and Mulik Sunjur to Ooch and Mooltan; he himself returned to Delhi. He then proposed going to the country of Luknootee; but the Ameers were averse to his proceeding in that direction: therefore a force under Mulik Julal-ood-deen was sent there, to punish the breakers of the law. In the latter months of 656 (A. D. 1258), a Mogul force came towards Ooch and Mooltan. The king, hearing of this, marched from Delhi to expel them, but the Mogul army went away without fighting. The Sultan then returned back again. It is said that Sultan Nasir-ood-deen wrote with his own hand two Korans every year. The money realized by their sale he expended on his food. Besides this, he did not spend any other money on his food. At one time, this incident occurred: the king, having written a Koran, an Ameer on this account gave more money for it than the usual price. The king was displeased on hearing of this, and he gave orders to his servants, that from that time, the Korans which were written by him should be sold without making this known, and that nothing above the usual price should be taken for them. It is also said, that in the royal palace there were no female slaves, or any female domestics for his wife, who always cooked the king’s bread with her own hands. One day she said to the king, that there would be nothing wrong if one female slave was brought to cook the food. He replied that the public revenue was the right of God’s poor and humble, that it would not be becoming in him to expend any of it in buying female slaves, and that if she (the queen) would have patience, the Almighty would reward her after death.

“The world is a dream in front of open eyes; with such a dream the hearts of the good will not mingle!”

In the year 663 (A. D. 1264), Sultan Nasir-ood-deen became sick, and on the 11th Jumadee-ool-Awul, 664 (A. D. 1265), from this world he went to the other world. He had no offspring. He reigned nineteen years, three months, and some days.