PÁIK, 470.
Paitoug (Baitok), village, 42 n.
Pák (or Jábák), 309.
Pakhli, province of, invaded in 1548
by Mirzá Haidar, 21.*
Pálicha Mir Akhur, 309.
Pamirs, the, 54,* 405.
Pandit Nain Sing, and the gold mines
of Tibet, 409 n.
Pandrettan, ruins of temple at, 427 n.
Pánipat, battle at, 357.
Panja-Kand: see Bishkand.
Pandu Koru, ruins of temple at, 427 n.
Parak: see Chir River.
Parváz (Darwáz), a district of Badakh-
shán, 353.
Pasár, a district of Badakhshán, 353.
Páyech, ruins of temple at, 427 n.
Perhálah (Pharwala), Bábar's expedi-
tion against, 480 n.
Persia, no copies of the Tarikh-i-
Rashidi to be found in, ix.; the
Moghul army in, 58.*
Peshawar, ravaged by Davá, 36.*
Phukpa, habitations of the Dulpa tribe,
409 n.
Pir Ali Beg, 316, 317.
Pir Haji Kunji, Mir; his daughter
married to Yunus Khán, 86.
Pir Muhammad Barlás (called
‘Bangi’), 75, 76.
Pir Muhammad, Mirza, son of Prince
Jahángir, 48.
Pishka Mirzá Itárji, 248.
Pishkarán, a township of Akhsi, 280.
Plano Carpini; the Sari Huiur nation,
349 n.
Poisonous herbs, on road from Kashmir
to Tibet, 432 and n.
Po-lo-lo (Balur), 385 n.
Pomegranate peculiar to Balur, 386.
Poole, Mr. S. Lane, Muhammadan
Dynasties, and the western branch
of Chaghatai Kháns, 49*; Emperor
Baber and Sháh Ismail, 247 n.;
dual character of Shaibani's dynasty,
206 n.; on the Miskál, 256 n.; on
the Ilak Kháns, 287 n.; on Davá
Khán, 299 n.
Prejevalski, Gen., on wastes of moving
sand, 69*; on ruins of ancient towns
in Turkistan, 11 n., 12 n.; wild camel
seen in the Lob region by, 301 n.,
302 n.; on the wild yak, 302 n.; on
Tangut, 361 n.
Price, Major, translation from Akbar-
Náma, 479 n.
Pukpa (Dulpa tribe), 409 n., 411, 412 n.
Pul, Sháikh, and the Emperor Humá-
yun, 398-9; put to death, 470.
Pul-i-Sangin, 243.
Pulád Bughá, 24, 32, 34, 44, 45; death
of, 47.
Punch Pass, the, 19.*
Punjab, Mirzá Haidar, governor of,
16*; ravaged by Davá, 36.*; Mr.
Ibbetson and the words Turk and
Moghul in, 89*-91,* 128.*
Puránvár Shaikh, tomb of, in Tásh-
kand, 115.
Purik, a district of Ladak, 15,* 442;
district of Balti, 410.
Pushang, village of, 216, 227.
Putáji Bahádur, 309.
QUATREMÈRE, translations from the Haft Iklim, 25,* 26*; his transla- tions of the Matla' Asaadin, 42*; on the term Jatah, 75* n.; on the ‘Karavenas’ (Chaghatais), 76,* 77*; on Táráz, 80 n.