OBSERVATORY built by Ulugh Beg at
Samarkand, 60 n.
Odoric of Pordenone, 117.*
Oirat, the Kalmáks known as, 97*:
see also Kalmáks.
Oktai (or Ogodai), third son of Chingiz
Khán, 95*; dominion of, 31,* 32*;
death of, 32*; Chapár, the last of
the house of, 37.*
Oliver, Mr. E. E., paper entitled ‘The
Chaghatai Mughals,’ 28,* 29*; and
the representatives of Chaghatai,
32,* 33*; and the reign of Borák,
35*; and Chapár, 37.*
Olkhonod tribe, the, 16 n.
Omar Mirzá, son of Sániz Mirzá, 88;
attempt to subdue Khotan, 99, 101.
Omar Mirzá, brother of Aba Bákr
Mirzá, 251; has his eyes put out,
Omar Shaikh, chief of the Shulkárchi
tribe, 309.
Omar Shaikh, governor of Andiján, 45,
46; sent by Amir Timur against
Kamar-ud-Din, 49.
Omar Shaikh Mirzá, Timur's son, 20 n.,
21 n.
Omar Shaikh, Mirzá, son of Sultán
Abu Said, 93, 110, 111; married to
Kutluk Nigár Khánim, 94, 96, 117,
155; and Yunus Khán, 96; battle at
the bridge of Tiká Sagrutku, 96, 97;
hostilities with Sultán Ahmad Mirzá,
112, 113, 115, 116; his sons, 154;
death of, 119, 174; visit of Yunus
Khán to, 173.
On Archa (Ankghun Archa), 189 n.
Orgánah Khatun, widow of Kara
Hulaku, 33,* 34*; driven from Al-
máligh, 34.*
Orong Timur, 34.
Orpelian, the Armenian writer, and
Arghun, 290 n.
Osmán Mirzá, 112.
Osmán Sultán and Khwárizm Sháh,
Otár (Arshál Atár), 41 n.
Otrar (Fáráb), 44 n., 49, 63 n.; Amir
Timur's death at, 54: see Táráz,
Yangi, etc.
Ottogush-Shahr, remains of ancient
town of, 12 n.
Oxen, wild (kutás), in the hills of
Khotan, 301-2, 302 n.