YOUR letter, accompanied by a sealed packet of pearls, with a memorandum of the prices at which they were bought, has been received. The pearls you have sent have, on the whole, been purchased at a very heavy price. If they can be procured cheaper in the Buhrain* you must send thither for them. There is, at the same time, no objection to your buying them at Muscat, when they can be had cheap there.
Making some advance [of money] to ten divers, dispatch them to the Presence, as they are wanted for the purpose of diving or fishing* for pearls on the shore of Mangalore.
You write, “that sandal wood and pepper are become cheap [at “Muscat].” It is known. Keep them [therefore] some time by you. When they become dear [again] you must sell them. There is no necessity for selling them cheap. The cardamums, however, you may dispose of at the current [or market] price [of the day], if that should not be a losing one.* What you write, respecting their diminution from dryness, is understood. If it be only in weight that they are diminished, it is of no consequence. You will state [the deficiency] in your accounts.
The factory of Muscat has been placed under the Aumil [or been made a dependency] of Mangalore: you must, therefore, transmit to him the accounts of all sales and purchases, as well as of all other receipts and disbursements [of the factory].
We do not want any copper or lead; but you should buy sulphur, when the price of it is moderate.*
You write, respecting an increase to the stipend of Oba Gooler, in consequence of his being appointed to the Churokâry.* Let his stipend be augmented, to the amount of the monthly pay formerly allowed to the Churokâr.
The morahs* of black pepper must be weighed in bulk, and sold in that state. Where is the necessity of opening them, if, by that means, any loss should be incurred?
You write, recommending an increase to the allowance of Permanund Mullâh. It is apparent. Let him have an increase of five rupees.
The humble addresses of the Imaum, the Khulfâr* and Bheem Jee, the broker, which you forwarded to us, have passed under our view. You have been stationed there for the sole purpose of buying and selling: whenever [therefore] any occasion arises, in which you can act for our advantage, you should do so, though we may not have directed it, and without waiting for our orders on the subject.*
We are in great want of pearls. Purchase to the amount of ten thousand rupees worth, as cheaply as you can, and dispatch them to us.
You write, “that the Dullâl [or broker] has demanded payment of “two hundred and sixty rupees, advanced by him to Mahommed “Ibraheem, and of a hundred and two rupees advanced to Othman “Khân [both of them servants of our Sircar].” It is known. Pay the amount to the aforesaid broker, and take his receipt for the same
In your letter of the 17th of Zilhijjeh, A.H. 1199, you wrote, “that “the second sort of sandal wood, in charge of Ghous Mahommed “Khân, continued on hand, being, in comparison with the third “and fourth sorts, in little demand.” Let the aforesaid sandal wood be kept until purchasers are met with, and then sell it to the best advantage you can.
We want ten ship-wrights, acquainted with the construction of Dows. Get them together, and dispatch them hither.
You must [constanly] date your letters to us, specifying the day, month, and year, in the same manner that our orders to you are dated.
What you write, respecting your having hired a warehouse for our goods, is understood............* will shortly be dispatched from the Presence: upon the arrival thereof you must prepare a factory-house for the use of the Sircar.
Entertain a hundred Clashies* in our service, at the monthly wages of seven rupees; and appointing a Surdâr [or commander] to every twenty-five men, dispatch them to the Presence, where, on their arrival, they shall be raised to superior rank.* What more?
I possess no information, with regard to the Sultan’s project for establishing a pearl-fishery in the vicinity of Mangalore: but it may be inferred, from the silence of the subsequent correspondence on the subject, either that the requisite divers were not procurable, or that the attempt, if actually made, did not succeed. His endeavours to form a marine were somewhat more successful; but the nature of the sea coast in his possession hardly admitted of his attaining to any great importance as a maritime power. If, however, such an obstacle really existed to the accomplishment of this design, he, at least, would not appear to have been sensible of it, since it will be seen, by Appendix K, containing “Regulations “for the Marine Department,” that only two or three years previously to the extinction of his power, he had conceived the idea of creating a very formidable naval force. It may, indeed, be reasonably doubted, whether either the resources of his country, or of his genius, were equal to the realization of so bold a plan; but it is as well, perhaps, that he was not allowed time for the experiment.