'Ibádat-khána, Akbar's, v. 390, 409, 517, vi. 59
Ibn Batúta at Dehlí, iii. 585; his history
of India, 590; ambassador to China,
Ibráhím Husain Mirza, v. 315, 330, 331,
343, 344, 351, 354, 358, 503, 505,
509; vi. 38, 123, 125
Ibráhím Khán (Akbar's reign), v. 295,
302, 305
Ibráhím Khán (Jahángír's reign), vi.
344, 390, 408, 409, 410
Ibráhím Khán Gárdí, viii. 155, 264, 273,
275, 279, 400; death, 281
Ibráhím Khán Súr, brother-in-law of
'Adalí, v. 51; flies from 'Adalí, 52; defeats
his forces, ib., 243; assumes royalty,
52; defeated by Sikandar, 56, 243;
defeated by Hímú, iv. 507, v. 244,
245; flies to Orissa, iv. 507, v. 245;
taken prisoner and slain, iv. 507, v. 245
Ibráhím Lodí, Sultán, reign, v. 7; ascends
the throne, 7; murders Jalálu-d dín,
13; defeats Islám Khán, 15; takes
Kálpí, 105; takes Gwálior, 13, 486;
flies to Bayána, 490; his nobles dis-
contented, iv. 324; attacks Ráná
Sanká, v. 16; his cruelty, 23, 24;
Bábar sends embassy to, iv. 234; de-
feats Bábar's advanced force, 241,
242; character, 252; defeated by
Bábar, 254, 290; slain, 256, 325, v.
26; plenty during his reign, iv. 475
Ibráhím, Mirza, of Badakhshán, v. 227,
228, 230, 231, 232, 249
Ibráhím Nizámu-l Mulk, vi. 91
Ibráhím Sháh, Sultán of Jaunpúr, iv. 38,
41, 63, 85
Ibráhím, Sultán (Ghaznivide), ii. 198, 257,
276, 483, 510, iv. 204, 522; con-
quests in India, v. 162, 559
Idols, destruction of, iv. 447, v. 486, vii.
184, 187, 188
Ikbál Khán, iv. 31; joins Násiru-d dín,
33; becomes actual ruler, ib.; de-
feated by Tímúr, 35; recovers Dehlí,
36; wars, 37; death, 40
Ikbálmanda, Mughal, iii. 199, 548
Ikdála besieged, iii. 296, 308, iv. 8, 10
Ikhtiyár Khán, v. 194, 195
Ikhtiyáru-d dín. See Muhammad Bakh-
Ikhtiyáru-l Mulk, v. 343, 353, 360, 367;
death, 368
Iláhí era, v. 247
Ílak Khán, ii. 32, 441, 443, iii. 64, iv.
166, 170, 172
'Ilmu-l Aktáf, i. 331
'Imádu-d dín Husain, vi. 57
'Imádu-d dín Ríhán, ii. 352, 354, 369,
370, 371-4
'Imádu-l Mulk (reign of Fíroz Sháh),
iii. 331, 349, 372
'Imádu-l Mulk. See Gházíu-d dín
'Imádu-l Mulk of Gujarát, v. 195
Impalement, iii. 233, vi. 268, 273, 301,
Incantations, i. 330
India, Ancient, i. 3, 13, 19, 44; vi. 532
Indus, crossed by swimming, ii. 389,
552 pass., 571; bridge of boats over,
iii. 408, 482, iv. 93, viii. 80
Infants, experimental seclusion of, v. 533
Institutes of Jahángír, vi. 284, 493; of
Changíz Khán, 287, 300
Intemperance. See Drinking.
Intizámu-d daula, viii. 135, 318-323,
Intrenchments, iv. 251, 268, 339, 370,
viii. 401
Íraj, Mirza, v. 464, vi. 105, 111
Ísa Khán of Bhátí, vi. 72, 73, 75, 76,
78, 79, 132
Ísa Tarkhán, Mirza, i. 276, 301, 307,
320, 322, 323, v. 337
Is'hák, son of Alptigín, ii. 267, 479;
iv. 159
Iskandar Sháh of Kashmír, iii. 409,
469, 470, 518
Islám Khán rebels, v. 23; death, v. 16
Islám Khán (Jahángír's reign), vi. 326
to 330
Islám Sháh, Sultán, becomes king, iv.
478; character, 479; regulations, 480;
extent of territory, 480; plots against
his brother, 481; cruelty, 484; attempt
to assassinate, 495, 500; slaughters the
Niázís, 496, v. 488; goes to Láhore
against Humáyún, iv. 499; wishes
to kill 'Adalí, 500, 505; blows up
prisoners, 500, vi. 170; kills Khawás
Khán, 531; death, 505
Isma'íl Beg Khán, viii. 244, 246
Isma'íl Kulí Khán, v. 450, 453, 455,
Isma'íl, son of Subuktigín, iv. 163-5
Isma'ílians, ii. 258, 385, 442, 572
Isrí Singh, of Jaipúr, viii. 106, 109, 117,
I'tikád Khán (Ruknu-d daula), vii. 469,
471, 473, 475, 476-7-9, 509
I'timád Khán, of Gujarát, v. 340, 342,
376, 428, 430, 431, 519
I'timádu-d daula, father of Núr Jahán.
See Ghiyásu-d dín
I'timádu-d daula. See Kamru-d dín and
Muhammad Amín Khán

Jabbárí Kákshál, v. 418, vi. 40, 66, 68, 72
Jádú Ráí, vii. 10, 261
Ja'far 'Alí Khán (Nawáb Mír Mu-
hammad), viii. 128, 172, 210—214,
328, 329, 379, 380, 383, 426—429
Jagannáth, viii. 439
Jagat Seth, viii. 426
Jahándár Sháh (Mu'izzu-d dín), vii.
392-3, 545-6, 556; claims the throne,
vii. 429; becomes Emperor, 432, 557;
his dissolute habits, 432, 550; marches
against Farrukh Siyar, 436; defeat and
death, 437-8, 440, 445; his sons, 567
Jahángír, Emperor (Prince Salím), birth
of, v. 334; his tutor, 413, vi. 318;
married to daughter of Ráí Singh, v.
454; has a son born, 456; in camp,
462; cabal against him, vi. 442; re-
bellious spirit, 3, 98, 104, 108; at
Údípúr, 98, 110, 205; rebels, 105,
205; offended by Abú-l Fazl, 107;
death of his wife, 112; self-indul-
gence, 112; on service in Dakhin,
133; quarrel with his son Khusrú,
168; plot to prevent his accession,
169; succeeds to the crown, 173;
remission of taxes and duties, 174;
summary account of his reign, 248;
pursues and defeats Khusrú, 265,
269; imprisons Khusrú, 267, 272, 291;
impales prisoners, 268, 273, 401; orders
Khusrú to be blinded, 448; his chain
of justice, 262, 284; Institutes, 284;
comments upon them, 493; habit of
drinking, 285, 341, 357, 361, 381,
499; coins, 287, 354, 357; instigates
murder of Abú-l Fazl, 443; avows
murder of Abú-l Fazl, 288; discus-
sions with Hindús, 289; abolishes
transit duties, 290; confines his son
Khusrú, 291; death of his Hindú
wife, 112, 294; journey to Kábul,
302; knowledge of Turkí, 315; treat-
ment of Khusrú, 315; marries grand-
daughter of Mán Singh, 317; builds
tomb of Akbar, 319; his Regulations,
325; admiration of a turkey, 331;
proceeds against the Ráná, 335; and
sends Prince Khurram, 335; visits
Mándú, 348; love of the chase, 351,
362; prohibits use of tobacco, 351;
journey to Gujarát, 352; illness, 357,
380; description of Ahmadábád, 358;
opinions on poetry and painting, 539;
publishes his Memoirs, 360; renounces
hunting, 362, 384; journey to Kash-
mír, 367, 417; visits Kángrá, 380;
Sháh-Jahán's rebellion, 383, 394,
407, 413; captivated by Núr Jahán,
398; marries Núr Jahán, 403, 404;
great power allowed to Núr Jahán,
399, 405, 451; upbraided by Mahábat
Khán, 451; grants Surat to English,
viii. 202; harsh treatment of Mahábat
Khán's son-in-law, vi. 396, 420, 512;
seized by Mahábat Khán, 421; pro-
ceeds to Kábul, 428; escapes from
Mahábat Khán, 429; illness and
death, 435, vii. 5; character and habits,
vi. 447; his cruelty, 503; his Memoirs,
vi. 251, vii. 74; called Jannat-makání
after death, 5
Jahángír Kúli Beg, iv. 378, v. 201-2,
vi. 20
Jahángír Kúli Khán, vi. 327
Jahán Khán Abdálí, viii. 265, 267, 363
Jahán-numá, iii. 432-3-4, 495-6
Jahán-panáh, iii. 445-6, 501, 503
Jahán Sháh, Prince, vii. 429, 431, 545-6,
550; his sons, 567
Jáhir Deo, ii. 351, 368
Jahtal Ráí, i. 208
Jai Chand, Ráí of Benares, ii. 223, 300
Jaimal, defender of Chítor, v. 173, 325,
327, 399
Jaipál, ii. 12, 19, 21, 22, 24, 45, 50, 270,
403, 419, 424, 425, 461; iii. 64; iv.
161, 162, 179, 515, 523; vi. 564,
Jaipál II., ii. 426
Jaipúr, foundation of, viii. 44; attacked
by Holkar, 117
Jai Singh, of Nahrwálá, ii. 162, 164
Jai Singh, Mirza Rájá, vii. 8, 14,
22, 79, 82, 215, 237, 238, 245; takes
Sivají, 272, 276; sent against Bíjápúr,
277, 279; death, 282
Jai Singh Sawáí, Mahárája Rájádhiráj,
vii. 405, 420, 474, 475, 480, 483, 485,
511, 516, 521, 532, 539; viii. 44, 49,
50, 51, 55, 261, 343, 360
Jaisiya, son of Dáhir, i. 124, 125, 171,
174, pass.
Jajhár Khán Habshí, v. 330, 343, 351
Jajhár Singh Bundela, rebels, vii. 6, 19;
campaign against, 47; killed 50: his
wives and children, ib.
Jájnagar, subdued by Fíroz Sháh, iii.
312; iv. 10
Jalála, the sectary, v. 450, 455, 462,
467; vi. 101
Jalál Khán, son of Sher Sháh, iv. 350,
351-5-6-9, 367, 381, 397, 529; ascends
the throne as Islám Sháh, 478; de-
feats Mughals at Ghari, v. 112, 201;
vi. 19, 20. See Islám Sháh
Jalálu-d daula, iv. 206
Jalálu-d dín Fíroz Khiljí, governor of
Kaithal, iii. 133, 143; kills Kai kubád,
39, 598; becomes king, 40, 135; his
lenity, 139, 140; character, 141, 547,
597; meets 'Abdu-llah, grandson of
Hulákú, 147; murdered, 41, 155
Jalálu-d dín of Bengal, vi. 34
Jalálu-d dín, Sultán of Jaunpúr, v. 8;
murdered, 13
Jalálu-d dín, Sultán of Khwárizm, ii.
303, 324, 338, 393—401, 484, 549,
577; iii. 37, 38
Jám, the title, i. 495
Jám, of Gujarát,
Jám, of Káthíwár,
vi. 356
v. 438-9, 443, 459;
vi. 519, 527; vii. 68
Jáms of Sind, i. 224, pass.
Jamál Khán, of Ahmadnagar, vi. 87
Jamál Khán, of Chunár, v. 494
Jamdatu-l Mulk. See Asad Khán
Jammú, taken by Tímúr, iii. 468, 517
Jamnájí, vii. 466, 468
Ján Bábá, Mirza, i. 293, 325-6
Jání Beg Tarkhán, Mirza, i. 245, 248,
252, 262, 285; v. 456-7-9, 461, 463,
464, 466, 536; vi. 143
Janjúhah tribe, iv. 232, 234, 235
Janki, i. 198, 210
Jankú, Mahratta, viii. 146, 154, 169,
170, 241, 267, 271, 273, 274, 280
Jannat-áshyání, post-mortem name of
Humáyún, v. 187
Jannat-makání, post-mortem name of
Jahángír, vii. 5
Jánúba (Janúha) tribe, v. 278
Jánújí Bhonsla, viii. 286, 291
Jasrat Shaikhá Khokhar, iv. 53, pass. 65,
73, 74, 75, 85
Jaswant Ráo. See Holkar
Jaswant Singh, Rája, sent against Murád
Bakhsh and Aurangzeb, vii. 216, 218;
defeated by Aurangzeb, 219; sub-
mits to Aurangzeb, 231; deserts in the
field, 233; war against, 237; intrigues
with Dárá Shukoh, 238; pardoned
and reinstated by Aurangzeb, 131,
239; governor of Málwá, 143; in cam-
paign against Sivají, 271; death, 187,
296; his two children, 187, 297, 298
i. 14, 103, 128, 151, 167, 187, 188,
220, 286, 336, 450, 507, ii. 133,
217, 247, 409, 444, 477, iii. 245, 428,
492, iv. 234, 240, 398, v. 278, vi. 370,
vii. 343, 413, 425, 513, 515, 521, 531,
viii. 55, 66, 133, 135, 137, 147, 208,
209, 225, 226, 227, 320, 352, 360, 367
Ját Buluchís, i. 218
Jatriya tribe, v. 278
Jauhar (the Hindu practice), ii. 27, iv.
277, 534, v. 173, 328, 565, vi. 121,
vii. 50
Jaunpúr dynasty, origin, iv. 29, 37, 38,
41, 53, 85, 86, 99, 259, 266, 305, 306,
310, 356
Jaunpúr, Kings, iv. 451, 455-6, v. 2, 7,
78, 80—84; taken by Sultán Mu-
hammad of Bihár, v. 37, 189; re-
covered, ib.; taken by Bahlol, 89;
recovered, 90; Bárbak made king,
90; abandoned by Bárbak, 93; con-
quered by Akbar, 259; buildings at, 307
Jawán Bakht, raised to the throne, viii.
278, 363
Jawáhir Singh Ját, viii. 225, 226, 363
Jáwed Khán, Nawáb Bahádur (eunuch),
exaltation of, viii. 113; mobbed for
pay, 115, 122; his power, 116, 120,
133; murdered, 133, 317
Jayají Sindhia, viii. 266, 273
Jayapa Mahratta, viii. 321
Jazíra, foundation of, vii. 289; attacked
by Sivají, 290
Jewels, vi. 257
Jews, viii. 385, 388
Jhanku. See Jankú
Jhárejas, i. 217, 218
Jharokha, vi. 525, vii. 283, 296
Jhíls, v. 355, 509
Jihtar invades Dehlí, ii. 225
Jinjera. See Jazíra
Jinjí, siege of, vii. 348
Jizya, the, i. 476; imposed in Sind,
176, 182; levied by Fíroz, iii. 365,
380; not paid, 467; at Arangal, 560;
abolished, vi. 29; re-imposed, vii. 296,
310; enforced, 462; abolished, 479,
516, 524; re-established, viii. 38
Jogís, fight with Sannyásís, v. 318
Jokiya tribe, i. 286
Jugglers, iv. 118
Júna, Jám, i. 225
Junágarh, guns at, v. 502; taken, vi. 90
Junaid, commander in Sind, i. 125, 441
Junaid Kirání, v. 385, 400, 525; vi. 47,
48, 49, 56
Junaidí, Nizámu-l Mulk, ii. 201, 240,
242, 304, 325, 331, 333, 334
Júnán Sháh, Khán Jahán, iii. 371, iv.
Junks, i. 69
Jurz, Juzr, i. 4, 358
Jwála-mukhi, idol of, iii. 318