Habshís, v. 353. See Sídís
Háfiz Rahmat Khán, viii. 146, 148, 221,
269, 270, 279, 303-312, 398, 410, 422
Haibat Khán Gurg-andáz, v. 8, 33, 89
Haidarábád, conquest of, vii. 111, 315,
318, 323
Haidar ('Alí) Náik, viii. 288, 437
Haidar Doghlat, Mirza, iv. 496, 497,
498; v. 127, 131, 204
Haidar Kulí Khán, vii. 483, 501, 504-7,
511-12-13-14-15-16-17-18, 520, 522,
527, 531, 572
Hahaj, King of Kandahár, i. 22
Hájí Khán of Kashmír, vi. 307
Hájí Khán (Akbar's reign), vi. 21
Hájí Maula, revolt of, iii. 175
Hajjáj, i. 118, pass.; death, 123, 157;
163, 171, 173, 180, 185, 186, 188, 189,
429, 430, 431, 437; v. 159
Hakím Abú-l Fath, vi. 80
Hál, King of Hindústán, i. 106, 109
Hamdís, ii. 283
Hámid Khán Habshí, vi. 433
Hámid Khán (uncle of Nizámu-l Mulk),
vii. 523, 527, 528, 529, 554
Hamír Deo, iii. 171, 179
Hamíra, the title, ii. 8, 428
Hámún, i. 216
Ham-zabán of Surat, v. 349
Hardás Ráí, vi. 287
Hardat, ii. 42, 460
Hardwár, destruction of pilgrims at, viii.
Harpál Deo of Deogír, iii. 215, 564
Hárunu-r Rashíd, i. 445
Hasan Gángú, iii. 258; becomes king,
261, 328, 339; viii. 15
Hasan, the Khalíf, i. 421
Hasan Khán Mewáttí, v. 35; defeated
and killed, 36, 37
Hasan Maimandí, ii. 189, 504, 509, 519,
Hasan Mirza, Sháh, i. 308
Hasan Sabáh, first of the Assassins, ii.
485, 490, 492, 573
Hasan Saiyid, revolts in Ma'bar, iii. 243
Hashám, the Khalíf, i. 441
Hashám, in Sind, i. 444
Hasnak, ii. 88, 497, 499; iv. 151
Hastings, Warren, arrival, viii. 229; at
Benares, 229; his recall, 230; fights
a duel, 231
Hauz-i Kháss described, iii. 441, 500,
Hazar-dínárí. See Malik Káfúr
Hazára tribes, i. 239, 303
Heads, pyramids and towers of, iii. 48,
74, 197, 198, 297, 405, 504; iv. 227,
272, 277; v. 5, 368
Hellenes, i. 379
Heretics, how dealt with, iii. 377, 426
Hijází language, i. 133
Himmat Khán, Aurangzeb's general, vii.
Hímú, defeats Kiránís, iv. 506, v. 243,
vi. 199; title of Rája Bikramájít, ib.
v. 252; defeats Ibráhím Súr Sultán,
iv. 507, v. 243-245; besieges Ba-
yána, iv. 507, v. 244, 490; origin, 48,
241, vi. 199; defeats Junaid, v. 48;
defeats the Mughals, 58; marches to
Dehlí, 60, 245, 250; defeats the Mu-
ghals there, 61; occupies Dehlí, 63,
250; defeated, 65, 262; killed by
Akbar, 66, 482; by Bairám Khán,
252; destruction of his family, vi. 21
Hind, Hindústán,
praise and description of,
iii. 28, 562, 574; viii. 3;
extent of, iii. 31, v. 186; language of,
iii. 556, 562; Bábar's account of, iv.
220; revenues of, see Revenues
Hindál Mirza, v. 36, 37, 38, 40, 144,
188, 190, vi. 17; rises against Humá-
yún, v. 201, 202, 203; flight, 205,
206, 207, 220, 222-228, 229, 230, 231,
232; killed, 234
Hindí, Hindúí,
language, iii. 556, 562, iv.
535, v. 571; translations
from, viii. 207; books at Nagarkot,
vi. 227
Hindú history, Firishta's summary, vi.
532; kings, lists of, viii. 207, 208
Hindús, classes of, i. 16, 76, 88; in ser-
vice of Ghazní, ii. 32, 59, 125, 127,
130, 142, 448
Hindú Beg, vi. 15
Híraj of Ajmír, ii. 219, 225
Hisámu-d dín Auz Khiljí, ii. 315, 317
Holkar, Jaswant Ráo, at siege of Bhart-
púr, viii. 352, 367, 369, 370; peace
made with British, 353, 371
Holkar, Malhar Ráo, attacks Málwá, viii.
261; besieges Sámbhar, 51; attacks
Jaipúr, 51, 117; in league against
Suraj Mal Ját, 384; attacks the Ro-
hillas, 118; joins Gházíu-d dín, 266,
321; plunders the Emperor Ahmad at
Sikandra, 142, 322, 384; marches
with Raghunáth Ráo towards Dehlí,
266; joins the Bháo's army, 273;
strength of his force, 400; with Adína
Beg, 169; plunders the Rohillas, 272;
routed by Abdálís, 272, 274; in the
advance against Ahmad Sháh, 146;
flight from Pánípat, 154, 171; in
league with Jawáhir Singh Ját, 364;
captures the impostor Bháo, 385
Holkar, Túkají, transactions with the
Rohillas, viii. 305; defeated, 308
Horses, import trade, i. 69, iii. 33
Horses and horsemen, iii. 107, 168, 197,
Hoshang, Prince, vi. 430, 437, 438
Hoshang, Sultán of Mándú, iv. 552, vi.
Hospitals, iii. 361, vi. 385, 286
Húglí, taken from Europeans, vii. 31, 211
Hulákú Mughal, ii. 358, 381, 384, 574;
iii. 38, 46, 102, 103
Humáyún (Emperor), his first services,
iv. 249, 253, 256, 266, 274; his
father's last injunctions, 42; acces-
sion, v. 118, 188; behaviour to his
brothers, ib.; state arrangements, 119;
obtains Kálinjar, vi. 9; campaign in
Gujarát, v. 180, vi. 12; defeats and pur-
sues Sultán Bahádur, v. 191; takes
Mándú, 192; and Ahmadábád, 193;
and Champánír, 194; defeats Sultán
Mahmúd, iv. 349, v. 189; besieges Chu-
nár, iv. 350, 357, v. 199; takes Garhí,
201; action against Sher Sháh, iv. 356;
takes Chunár, 359, v. 138; makes
terms with Sher Sháh, iv. 362; invades
Bengal, 363, v. 200, vi. 11, 19; oc-
cupies Gaur, iv. 368, v. 112, 141; re-
tires from Bengal, iv. 369; defeated at
Garhí, v. 110; defeated by Sher Sháh
at Chaunsá, iv. 375, v. 113, 141, 202-3;
rescued from drowning at Chaunsá,
113, 143, 205; his queen made pri-
soner, iv. 375, v. 113; bridge over the
Ganges, vi. 20; defeated at Kanauj,
iv. 380, v. 130, 143, 205; deserted
by Kámrán, 130, 204; flight of, i.
316, iv. 383, 387, v. 205; at Lahari,
i. 316; marries Maryam Makání, v.
207; marches against Tatta, 208;
besieges Sihwán, i. 317, v. 208; re-
tires to Joudhpúr, i. 317, v. 211; to
'Umarkot, i. 318, v. 212, 218; at Jún,
i. 318, v. 214; birth of Akbar, v. 214;
goes to Kandahár, i. 318; proceeds to-
wards 'Irák, v. 217; at Hirát, 218; at
Kandahár and Kábul, iv. 217; meets
Sháh of Persia, v. 218; at Kandahár,
219, 222; obtains Kábul, 222; loses
it, 224; recovers it, 226; at battle
of Kipchák, 145; defeats and for-
gives Kámrán, 229; attacks Balkh,
v. 230; retreats, 231; loses and re-
covers Kábul, 232, 233; crosses the
Indus. iv. 498, v. 234; blinds
Kámrán, 147, 235; retires to Kábul,
iv. 499 v. 234; marches again to
India, 236; reaches Láhore, 237;
defeats forces of Sikandar, 237; re-
gains Dehlí, v. 239; death, 239; cha-
racter, 240; called after death Jannat
Áshyání, 187
Humáyún Sháh Bahmaní, vi. 234
Hurmat Khán Rohilla, viii. 347
Husain 'Alí, Saiyid, fights for 'Azam
Sháh, vii. 546; supports Farrukh
Siyar, 435, 439, 561; severely wounded,
440; created Amíru-l umará, 442;
exaltation of, 571; marches against
Ajít Singh, 446; claims the subadárí
of the Dakhin, 448-9; threatens
Farrukh Siyar, 449; in the Dakhin,
451; secret orders for opposing him,
452, 464, 476; defeats Dáúd Khán
Paní, 452; proceedings in the Dakhin,
461; struggles with the Mahrattas,
462, 466; makes a peace which the
Emperor rejects, 468-9; Emperor's
opposition, viii. 260; marches to Court,
vii. 471, 474, 476; deposes Farrukh
Siyar, 476; differences with his brother,
481, 487; besieges Ágra, 483; appro-
priates all the treasures of Ágra, 484;
besieges Alláhábád, 486; quarrels with
with Nizámu-l Mulk, 489, 492; his
armies defeated, 496, 497; proceeds to
the Dakhin, 500; murdered, 501, 572;
character, 481, 519
Husain Arghún, Sháh, treatment of
Humáyún, v. 206, 208; compels him
to retreat, 209-215
Husain Farmuli, Míán, iv. 546
Husain bi-l Karár, Sultán, i. 304
Husain Khán Afghán, vii. 491
Husain Khán Tukriya, v. 468, 496, 503
Husain Kulí Khán Turkomán, v. 355-6;
created Khán-Jahán, 362; governor
of Panjáb, 362; governor of Bengal,
395; besieges Nagarkot, 507; pur-
sues Mirza Ibráhím, 507; cam-
paign in Bengal, 397, 399; defeats
Dáúd and beheads him, 400, 525;
death, 410, vi. 54
Husain Langáh, Sultán, i. 233, 315
Husain Nizám Sháh raised to the throne,
vii. 27; taken and imprisoned, 43
Husain Sultán of Jaunpúr, v. 83, 86;
attacks Dehlí, 87; defeated by Bahlol,
88, 89
Husain Sultán of Multán, v. 472
Húshang, iv. 60