To MOHYÛDDEEN ALI KHÂN;* dated 29th TÛLOOEY. (5th January.)

YOU write, “that you have recently discovered a vein of lead, the ore “of which resembles that formerly found; that you have sent us seven “pieces of it by the post; and that you wish to be instructed, whether “to dispatch the lead you may obtain by hired bullocks, or to wait the “arrival of some persons from the Presence.” It is known. You must collect the said lead in the fort of Sidhoot. It is an ancient custom* for a silver mine, that is to say, silver earth,* to be [always] found under a lead-mine: you must, therefore, send for the said earth [or ore], and collect it together in the before-mentioned place. Persons skilled in [such] earth [or ores] will be shortly sent from the Presence [to examine it].