The extreme eloquence of the Qur'án is in its concision of words and marvellous presentation of ideas; imitation thereof results but in citation, to such a degree that a sense of awe is produced, and the wise and understanding man is converted from his state [of doubt]. And this is a clear proof and trenchant argument to establish the fact that this Word did not proceed from the mouth of any created being, nor issue from any human lips or tongue, but that the stamp of Eternity is the stigma of its prescriptions and sentences.
It is related that one day one of the Muslims was reciting before Walíd b. Mughíra this verse:—“And it was said, ‘O Earth, gulp down thy waters, and O Heaven, draw them up’: and the water abated. Thus was the matter effected. And it [i.e. the Ark] rested upon Mount Júdí.”*
“By God,” said Walíd b. Mughíra, “verily it hath beauty and sweetness, and verily at its highest it is terrible as a wild beast in fury, and at its lowest is as the deepest mine!”*
When even enemies reached such a level of enthusiasm, by reason of the eloquence of the Qur'án and its incomparable height in the domain of religion and equity, to what degree must friends attain?