THE Persian Manuscript which has furnished materials for this Work not being distinguished by any particular title, the Translator would have ventured to style it the <Arabic> WAKIAATI JAHANGUIRI, or to bestow on it some other name equally signifying “Incidents in “the Reign of the Emperor Jahangueir.” But to supply an Oriental name from mere conjecture seemed unnecessary, as the contents could be indicated with sufficient accuracy in an English title-page.

Besides, from some extracts, occupying about seventeen pages in the “Asiatick Miscellany” (printed at Calcutta 1785-1786, vol. ii., pp. 71-173) it would appear to be the same, or nearly the same, with that work which was described by an accomplished Orientalist, who translated those passages (James Anderson, Esq.) as the “TOOZUK E “JEHANGEERY (<Arabic>), or Memoirs of JEHANGEER written by “himself, and containing a History of the Transactions of the First “thirteen years of his Reign.” But Mr. Anderson did not profess to give more than a few extracts from the Toozuk; and a comparison of these with the present work, will show that he must have occa­sionally omitted whole pages between certain facts recorded in both.