Calcutta, taken by Siráju-d daula, viii.
324; recovered, 325; foundation of,
378; description, 381
Canals, Fíroz Sháh's, iii. 300, 433; iv.
8, 11; vi. 225; vii. 86; 'Alí Mar-
dan's, 67; Mahí-gír, iii. 408
Castes, i. 16, 17, 76, 183
Census, taken by Akbar, vi. 61
Chach, son of Siláíj, i. 140; chamberlain
ascends the throne, 140; campaigns
of, 140; marches to Kashmír, 144;
takes Multán and Siwistán, 143; fights
with Akham Lohána, 146; takes
Brahmanábád, 147; marches to Kir-
mán and Makrán, 151; and to Túrán,
152; dies, 152; history of, 292, 409
Chaghatáís, v. 130
Chaghtáí, Mughal, ii. 389, 390, 559
Chain of Justice, vi. 262, 284
Chákna, siege and surrender of, vii. 262
Chaks of Kashmír, vi. 307
Chálukyas, i. 358
Chámpanír taken by Humáyún, v. 194;
recovered by Sultán Bahádur, 199,
vi. 17; taken by the Mirzas, v. 331,
343; vi. 14, 16, 125
Champáran, Rája of, iv. 546
Champion, General, viii. 308
Chanar, i. 221
Chánd Bíbí, vi. 93, 99, 100, 144, 241
Chánd the bard, vi. 464
Chánd Ráí, ii. 47, 427, 461
Chandál Bhor, ii. 47, 458, 462
Chandar, succeeds Chach, i. 152; dies,
Chandar Sen, v. 382
Chánderí, siege of, iv. 261, 274, 395;
Rájá of, defeated by Bábar, v. 38;
possession of, 102
Chandernagore, viii. 383
Chánesar and Laila, i. 347
Changíz Khán, in Khurásán, ii. 324;
at Bukhárá, 387; pursues Jalálu-d
dín to the Indus, 303, 388, 391;
his coins, 484; Institutes of, vi. 287,
Changíz Khán of Gujarát, v. 290, 325;
murdered, 330, vi. 125
Charity, houses of, v. 538, vi. 111
Charnock, Job, viii. 378
Chatera, Malik of Pábiya, i. 141
Chatrsál, Rája, viii. 46, 48
Chattar Singh, Ráná of Gohad, viii. 289,
Chaudharí, viii. 314, 315
Chaukandi, v. 347, 503
Chaunsá, battle of, iv. 375; v. 113, 141,
Chaurágarh, capture of, v. 169, 288;
death of the Ráni, 169, 288, 309,
vi. 118; taken from Jajhar Bundela;
vii. 49
Cháús, v. 157
Chauth, vii. 362, 408, 409, 422, 450,
462, 465, 467, 527, 528, 530; viii. 260
Cháwáras, i. 267, 268
Chess, i. 409
Chhabíla Rám, vii. 435, 483, 486, 561
Chhajju, Malik, nephew of Balban, ii.
520, iii. 135; claims the throne and is
defeated, 135, 137-140, 536
Chhata Amrání, i. 258
Chín Kalích Khán. See Kalích Khán
China, embassy to, iii. 45
Chintáman, Brahman, v. 201
Chítor, taken by 'Aláu-d dín, iii. 76, 189,
549; Akbar's conquest of, v. 169, 324;
description of, 170, 325; besieged by
Sultán Bahádur, v. 190, vi. 11-13;
rebuilt by the Ráná, vii. 103; sur-
rendered and dismantled, 103, 104
Cholera, vi 346
Christian missionaries, v. 528
Christians at Surát, vi. 42. See Euro-
Chronograms, viii. 441
Chronological Tables, iv. 304; viii. 31
Chunár, taken by Sher Sháh, iv. 343;
besieged by Húmáyún, 350; confirmed
to Sher Sháh, 351; taken by Humá-
yún, 359, v. 139; held by Jamál
Khán, 494
Chúráman Brahman, iv. 357
Chúráman Ját, vii. 511, 512, 514, 521,
532; viii. 360
Clive, Col. Lord, at Madras, viii. 325, 407;
retakes Calcutta, 325; wins battle of
Plassy, 328, 427, 440
Coins of Ghaznivides and Ghorians, ii.
478; in Sind, i. 287; depreciation,
ii. 188; Muhammad Tughlik's copper
coins, iii. 240; of Fíroz Sháh, 357;
tested, 359; values of, 582; dis-
coveries of, iv. 452; of Bíjanagar, 109;
of Gujarát, vi. 11; Akbar's, v. 541,
vi. 65; square, 57; Jahángir's, 287,
354, 357; of Aurangzeb, vii. 241; of
Bahádur Sháh, 404
Colligation in fighting, i. 537
Columns, stone, moved by Sultán Fíroz,
iii. 350; examined by Tímúr, 353
Comets, ii. 505; v. 407; vi. 363, 406
Company, East India, iii. 411
Cornwallis, Lord, viii. 370-1, 437, 440
Custom duties, iv. 96, 99, 421; vi. 354,
Customs of tribes in Sind, i. 269
Dábshilím, ii. 500; iv. 183
Dágh Brand, iv. 407, 411, 551; v. 414,
Dahiná Jádú, vii. 347, 359, 376, 380
Dáhir, King of Alor, i. 119, 154; at
Brahmanábád, 155; receives ambas-
sadors from Muhammad Kásim, 165;
kills a lion, 201; his battles and death,
121, 169, 170, 292; daughters of, at
Baghdád, 209, 210, 211
Dair Sál, i. 318
Dakhin, Akbar's invasion and conquest,
vi. 91, 95, 99, 131, 133, 240; states of,
131; Jahángír's wars in, 323, 332,
343, 376, 377, 411, 414, 432, 433;
description of and its divisions, vii. 58;
famine in, 24; Sháh Jahán's wars
with, 28, 35, 36, 51, 54, 55, pass.;
Aurangzeb's wars in, 254, pass.
Dalaka wa Malakí, ii. 348, 366
Dalu Ráí, i. 258
Danáík, iv. 108, 116, 122
Dániyál, Prince, birth of, v. 340; ser-
vices in the Dakhin, 467, 468, vi.
91, 99, 104, 110, 133, 240, 247;
marriage to Princess of Bíjápúr, 152,
162, 208; his habits of drinking, 107,
112, 114; death, 114
Dáráb Khán, vi. 386, 388, 389, 410,
412, 416, 417
Dárábars, ii. 230
Dárá Shukoh at Kábul, vii. 96; sent
against Kandahár, 101-2; honours be-
stowed on, 104, 128, 143, 214; inter-
feres in the government and against
his brothers, 128; in command against
Rája Jaswant, 131; acts as heir to
the crown, 178, 214; his heresy, 178,
214; his intrigues, 179; defeats Sháh
Shujá', 215; defeated by Aurangzeb,
218, 220; flight, 225, 227, 229, 230,
231, 236, 237; obtains Surát and
Kambay, 238; takes a position near
Ajmír, 239; defeated, 240; flight, 240,
242; death of his wife, 244; be-
trayed, 244; prisoner at Dehlí, 245;
condemned and executed, 246; his
jewels, 253
Dáríjas, i. 244
Darohar Ráí. i. 197, 199, 200
Dáru-l Khiláfat, iii. 589
Daryá Khán (reign of Jahángír), vi. 393,
409; with Khán Jahán Lodí, viii. 15;
killed, 19
Daryá Khán Lodí, v. 3, 79, 85
Daryá Khán Lohání, iv. 442, 454, v. 105
Daryá Khán Sarwání, iv. 463
Daryá Khán (of Sind), i. 234, 235, 236,
275, 276, 309
Dastam Kákshál, vi. 77, 79
Datta Patel, viii. 146
Datta Sindhia. See Sindhia
Dáúd, son of Sulaimán Kirání, becomes
king, iv. 510, v. 372; character, 373;
kills Lodí, iv. 511, v. 373; besieged
in Patna, iv. 512, v. 374; escapes,
iv. 512, v. 378; flies to Orissa, 382,
384, vi. 45; pursued and defeated, v.
384, 387, vi. 41; makes peace, iv. 513,
v. 388; attacks Tánda, 397; beheaded,
iv. 513, v. 400, 525, vi. 54
Dáúd Khán Paní, vii. 433, 446, 448,
466, viii. 260; defeat and death, 452
Dáúd Khán (reign of Bahádur Sháh),
dealings with Mahrattas, viii. 260
Dáúd Saljúki, ii. 274, 277
Daulatábád (Deogír) made the capital,
iii. 239, 614; forced immigration,
239, 244, 614; siege and conquest of,
vii. 36
Daulat Khán, iv. 40-44; aspires to
the throne, 44; submits to Khizr
Khán, 45
Daulat Khán, of Bíjápúr, vii. 23
Daulat Khán, patron of Sher Sháh, iv.
Daulat Khán Lohání, v. 110, vi. 199
Daulat Khán Lodí, v. 22, 469; invites
Bábar, 23, 106; written to by Bábar, iv.
234, 239, 240; waits upon Bábar, v.
25, 106; death, 25
Daulat Khán Ujíála, iv. 492, 495, 533
Dáwar-Bakhsh, Prince, vi. 419, 435,
436, 438
Debal, conquest of, i. 120
Debál, Rána, ii. 375
Degh (mortars), iv. 401, v. 132, 350
Dehlí, historical account of, viii. 10;
said to be taken by Mas'úd, ii. 531;
conquered by Muhammad Ghorí, 216;
invaded from Ajmír, 225; revolt at,
237; besieged by Turk rebels, 341;
attempt to surprise, 356, 377; bom-
barded with gold, iii. 41; 'Aláu-d dín's
buildings, 69; 'Aláu-d dín builds Sírí,
iii. 191, 200; beset by Mewáttís, 104;
attacked by Mughals, 166, 190; de-
populated by Muhammad Tughlik,
239, 613; return of emigrants, 244,
614; desolate, 244-5; decorations,
568; anarchy at, iv. 31; buildings
raised or repaired by Firoz, iii. 383;
attacked and taken by Tímúr, 430,
433, iv. 35; sacked by Tímúr, iii. 445,
503; described by Tímúr, 447, 504;
pestilence at, iv. 36; its territories
divided, ib.; described by Amír Khusrú,
iii. 524; by Shahábu-d dín, 575;
court of, 579; described by Ibn Batúta,
589, 612; Bábar at, iv. 256, 259; at-
tacked by Jaunpúr, 306, v. 78, 86,
87; Sher Sháh's buildings, iv. 419,
476; Islám Sháh's, 499; held by Yád-
gár Násir, 203; recovered by Humá-
yún, v. 239; massacre at, viii. 23, 64,
88; put to ransom by Nádir Sháh, 90;
attacked by Safdar Jang, 135; Ahmad
Abdálí at, 146; plunder of, 146, 147,
275; Old, iii. 446, 447, 503
Dehliwálís (coins), ii. 242
Denarius, i. 461
Deogír taken, iii. 40, 69, 77; rebels and
is reconquered, 200, 201, 214; named
Daulatábád and made the capital, 238,
614; revolt at, 257-8; lost, 261
Deopál Harnáma, v. 161
Deo Ráí, King of Bíjanagar, iv. 112, 121
Dewal Rání, iii. 545, 551, 552, 555
Dewar, ruler of Ma'bar, i. 69; iii. 32, 52
Dhalíla, conquered, i. 175
Dhankal Singh, succeeds Ajít Singh,
viii. 44, 340
Dhar Ráj, Ráí of Jesalmír, i. 293
Dharsiya, son of Chach, i. 154; dies,
Dhárúr taken, vii. 20
Diamonds, iv. 257, vii. 84; mines, vi.
Díb Yáwaghúí, iii. 21
Díg, taken by English, viii. 352, 370
Diláwar Khán, son of Daulat Khán,
v. 23, 29, 30
Diláwar Khán, officer of Jahángír, vi.
Dilazáks, vi. 312
Diler Jang. See 'Abdu-s Samad
Diler Khán, vii. 268, 272, 274, 277, 279,
Dinár, i. 461, viii. 31
Dín-panáh, v. 124, viii. 11
Dirham, i. 461, viii. 31
Dismounting for combat, i. 535
Distances in Hindústán, vii. 162
“Divine Faith,” v. 536, vi. 3, 153
Diwáíj, King of Sind, i. 140
Do-aspahs, iii. 192, 625
Dogs, provision respecting, i. 449
Drake, Mr., viii. 324-5
Drachma, i. 461
Drinking, habit of, ii. 108, 139, 141,
145, 181, 186; iii. 102, 126, 127, 171,
180, 217, 287, 306; iv. 225; vi. 260,
285, 341, 357, 361, 499
Dúa Chaghatáí, iii. 42
Dúda, i. 216
Dúdá II., i. 217
Duhar, defeated, i. 124
Dulabh Rám, Rája, viii. 328, 426, 428
Dúl Chain (Chand) of Bhatnír, iii. 422,
Durárí tribe, ii. 413
Durga Dás, vii. 187, 301, 304, 404
Durgávati, Rání of Garha, v. 169, 244,
288; vi. 31, 118
Dúr Samundar, conquered, iii. 49, 87, 203