A'azzu-d dín, Prince, vii. 392, 393, 434,
436, 448, 546
'Abbásides, i. 443
Abdál of Tibet, vii. 62, 67
'Abdu-lla Khán, vi. 333, 386, 393, 395,
396, 408, 409, 413, 416, 419; vii. 21;
receives title “Fíroz Jang,” 22
'Abdu-llah Kutbu-l Mulk, vii. 286
'Abdu-llah (Saiyid, Kutbu-l Mulk) sup-
ports Farrukh Siyar, vii. 435, 437, 561;
honours and promotion to office of wazír,
442; difficulties as minister, 447, pass.;
his díwán Ratan Chand, 447, 461,
479, 486-7, 501, 506, 512, 519, 571;
neglects his duties, 461; takes possession
of the palace, 476; seizes the royal
property and ladies, 481; differences
with his brother, 481-4; marches
against Jai Singh, 483; raises Mu-
hammad Sháh to the throne, 485;
opposition to, 501; struggles after
Husain 'Alí's death, 507; puts Mu-
hammad Ibráhím on the throne, 509;
preparations for the struggle, 510;
defeated, 512; a prisoner, 515; death,
519, 573; character, 519
'Abdu-l 'Abbás as Saffáh, Khalíf, i. 443
'Abdu-l Majíd. See Ásaf Khán
'Abdu-l Malik, the Khalíf, i. 426
'Abdu-n Nabí, Shaikh, v. 520, 531, 542
'Abdu-r Rahim, Khán-Khánán, vi. 239.
See Mirza Khán
'Abdu-r Rashíd, Sultán, ii. 196, 257, 274,
511; iv. 202
'Abdu-r Razzák, embassy to India, iv.
95; arrives at Kálíkót, 98; journey
to Bíjanagar, 103; his reception, 112;
return, 123
'Abdu-r Razzák, Khwája, ii. 62, 512
'Abdu-r Razzák Lárí, vii. 327, 331 to
335, 351, 360
'Abdu-s Samad Diler Jang, vii. 456, 491,
'Abdu-s Samad Khán, viii. 148, 169, 267,
278, 279
Abhang Khán, vi. 93, 99, 100
Abú Bakr, Khalíf, i. 415
Abú Bakr made king, iv. 20, vi. 186; de-
feats his rival, iv. 21, 22, 23, vi. 186;
obliged to escape, iv. 24; death, 25
Abú Is'hák, iii. 23, iv. 159
Abú Ja'far al Mansúr, Khalíf, i. 444
Abú-l Abbás Isfaráíní, ii. 486, 488; iv. 148
Abú-l Faiz Faizí. See Faizí
Abú-l Fazl, arrival at Court, v. 511,
516, 522; his scepticism, 524, 529,
530, 543; memoir of, vi. 1; services,
96, 97, 98, 101, 138, 141, 142, 146, 154;
his murder, 154, 288, 442; vii. 6
Abú-l Hasan, Kutbu-l Mulk, of Haidar-
ábád, vii. 287, 315, 333
Abú-l Hasan Khwája, vi. 334, 379,
383, 386, 425, 427, 430, vii. 9, 11
Abú-l Kásim Sultán, i. 297
Abú-l Ma'álí, v. 60, 61, 65, 239, 248,
263, 264, 283, 285, 286, 287
Abú Nasr, ii. 62, 106, 190, 509
Abú Sa'íd Mirza, i. 303
Abú Suhal Zauzaní, ii. 61, 89, 509, 512
Abú Táhir Hasan Khwája, ii. 512
Abwábs introduced, iii. 238, 243
'Adalí (Mubáriz Khán), meaning of the
name, v. 45, 490; pretensions to the
throne, iv. 496, 500, 504; murders
Fíroz Sháh, v. 45, vi. 179; assumes
the crown, v. 45, vi. 180; his folly, v.
45; contest with Andrún or Andardún,
46, 53; defeats Táj Khán, iv. 506, vi.
199; resumption of jágírs, v. 109, 241;
severity to his nobles, v. 52; opposed
by Ibráhím Khán, v. 52, vi. 199; de-
feated and killed, iv. 508, v. 66, 245,
vi. 22
Ádam Khán Ghakkar, iv. 193, v. 11, 14,
234, 237, 279, 280
Ádam of Kashmír, vi. 307
Adham Khán opposes Bairám Khán, v.
261; sent to Hathkánt, vi. 23; sent
against Báz Bahádur, v. 270; keeps
spoils, 271, vi. 24; returns, v. 273;
murders Atka Khán, 277, vi. 26;
killed, v. 277
'Ádil Khán, of Bíjápúr, vii. 23. See
Bíjápúr 'Ádil Khán, son of Sher Sháh, iv. 478,
'Ádil-Khánís, vi. 95, 131, 344, 408, 411,
414, 416. See Bíjápúr
'Ádil Sháh, v. 45. See 'Adalí
Adína Beg, viii. 167, 169, 240, 265, 266,
267, 273, 278
Afzal Khán of Bihár, vi. 205, 321
Afzal Bíjápúrí, murder of, vii. 258
Afrásiyáb Khán, viii. 297
Aghánís, iii. 399, 480
Ágra, history of, iv. 450; taken by
Mahmúd, 522; the capital, 319, v.
103; besieged by Sikandar Lodí, v.
93; founded by Sikandar, 98; earth-
quake at, iv. 465; building of the fort,
v. 295; explosion at, 491; siege of by
the Saiyids, vii. 483; temple at, viii.
Ahdád Afghán defeated, vi. 343
Ahmad Ayyáz, iii. 254, 259, 264;
Khwája-i Jahán, sets up a son of Mu-
hammad Tughlik, 278; submits to
Firoz, 285; death, 286
Ahmad Chap, Malik, iii. 139, 150, 156;
blinded, 162
Ahmad Hasan, Khwája bin Hasan Mai-
mandí, ii. 61, 487, 495, 496, 499,
iv. 150, 167, 196
Ahmad Khán (Mansúr Khán), brother-
in-law of 'Adalí, rebels, v. 54; defeats
Ibráhím Súr, 56; assumes royal state
as Sultán Sikandar, 56; defeated by
Akbar, 58. See Sikandar Sultán.
Ahmad Khán Bangash, viii. 117, 118,
119, 121, 148, 279, 398, 407
Ahmad Khán Bárha, Saiyid, v. 352, 353
Ahmad Khán Bhattí, v. 5
Ahmad Khán Mewáttí, v. 74, 79, 85
Ahmad Niáltigín, ii. 58, 116, 122, 129,
131, 250
Ahmad Sháh Abdálí, first invasion, viii.
106; burns Sirhind, 107; battle with
at Sirhind, ib.; offers to treat, 108,
109; defeated, 109; retreats, 110.
Second invasion, 114; obtains cession
of Láhore, etc., 115; returns, ib.
Third invasion, 121; gains a victory
and retires, 122, 166. Fourth in-
vasion, 145; defeats Mahrattas on the
Indus, 146, 272, 274; enters Dehlí,
146, 241, 264; reviews his army, its
numbers, 398; plunders Mathurá, 147,
168; defeats Mahrattas at Pánípat,
150, 170, 279; attacks Suraj Mal Ját,
265; destroys Mathurá, 265-272, 276;
entrenches his camp, 401
Ahmad Sháh Báhmaní, vi. 232
Ahmad Sháh (Emperor), viii. 81; his
father's jealousy, 105; sent against
Ahmad Abdálí, 106; fights him, 107;
becomes king, 112, 174; character, 112;
a mere cipher, 113-116; poverty, 115,
174; deposed, 140-1, 323; blinded,
143, 323; attacked by Mahrattas, 322,
Ahmad Sultán of Gujarát, iv. 49, 85
Ahmadábád, described, vi. 358; taken
by Humáyún, v. 193; delivered over
to Akbar, 343; struggles for, 360;
besieged by Muzaffar Husain Mirza,
405; seized by Muzaffar, 431
Ahmadnagar, Akbar's embassy to, v 460;
obtained by Burhánu-l Mulk, vi. 87;
at war with Bíjápúr, 91; peace with,
ib. 94; operations against, 93, 95, 99;
taken by Akbar, 100, 144, 241, 247;
struggles for possession of, 241, 324,
380, 416, 434, 437
Aholias, viii. 258
Aibak, ii. 299
Aimáks, vi. 267, 273, viii. 146
Áín-i Jahángírí, vi. 326
'Áínu-l Mulk, iii. 246, 247, 248, 369, 619
Aitamúr, iii. 133, 134
Ajípal (Jaipál), ii. 518, 533
Ajít Singh, Rája, daughter married to
Farrukh Siyar, vii. 470-3, 483; sub-
mits and pays allegiance, 404, 420;
account of, 446; made a Mahárája,
469; joins Saiyid 'Abdu-llah, 470,
473, 476, 485, 517; rebels, viii. 44;
killed, ib.
Ajmír, conquered by Muhammad Ghorí,
ii. 214, 225
Akat Khán, attempts life of 'Aláu-d dín,
iii. 172
Akbar, birth of, i. 318, v. 214; re-
stored to his father, 222; retaken by
Kámrán, 224; exposed on walls of
Kábul, 226; again restored, 227; de-
feats Sikandar at Sirhind, 58, 238;
succeeds to the throne, 241, 247, vi.
180; marches against Hímú, v. 62;
defeat and death of Hímú, 65, 66,
253; accident with an elephant, 257;
takes government into his own hands,
264; forgives Bairám Khán, 268; and
takes charge of his son, 269; kills a
tiger, 272; punishment of Adham Khán,
277, vi. 26; conspiracy against, v.
284; shot at, 285; restores Muhammad
Hakím at Kábul, 294; marches
against Khán-zámán, 297; leads his
army against Muhammad Hakím, 313;
campaign against Khán-zámán, 319;
besieges and takes Chítor, 169, 324;
goes on foot to Ajmír, 328, 334, 335;
obtains Rantambhor, 175, 330, 332;
obtains Kalinjar, 333; hunts wild asses, 336; campaign in Gujarát, 339;
victory at Sarnál, 345, vi. 37; siege
and conquest of Surát, v. 346; another
campaign in Gujarát, 361; his rapid
ride, 362; victory, 366; provision
against damage in his marches, 371;
siege and conquest of Patna, iv. 512;
v. 374; pursues Dáúd, iv. 512; conquest
of Bengal, v. 381, 414, 428; revenue
arrangements, 383, 513, vi. 61; his
'Ibádat-khána, v. 390, 409, 517, 526,
vi. 59; provision for the pilgrimage,
v. 396; at Údípúr, 402; preaches as
Khalíf, 412; sends envoys to Má-
waráu-n nahr, 413; abolishes tolls and
customs, 413; assumes government of
Kábul, 449; attempts conquest of
Kashmír, 450; journey to Kashmír and
Kábul, 457, 462, 464; conquest of Sind,
i. 240, 297, v. 459, 461; inspects fort of
Surát, 501; his use of Alláhu Akbar,
523; heretical associates, 524; religious
difficulties, 526, vi. 189; Christian
missionaries, v. 528; worship of the
sun, 529; fire worship, 530; adopts
some Hindú customs, 531; his infalli-
bility, 531; experimental seclusion of
infants, 533; innovations, 534; his
“Divine Faith,” 536, vi. 153; houses
of charity, v. 538, vi. 111; illness, v. 541;
coinage, 541, vi. 65; his mints, 57;
encouragement of learning, v. 570;
his translations from Sanskrit, 570;
prisoners of war not slaves, vi. 25;
remits jizya and pilgrim tax, 29;
receives Christians at Surát, 40; takes a
census, 61; restrictions on widow burn-
ing, 68; defeated in Swát, v. 450, vi.
80; rebellion in Bengal, 78, 79, 106;
Europeans at his court, 85; conquest
of Orissa, 85, 88; dealings with Bur-
hánu-l Mulk, 70, 87; conquest of
Birar, 84; war in the Dakhin, 91, 92,
95, 105, 111, 113, 132; taking of
Ahmadnagar, 99; grief for Abú-l
Fazl, 155; wounded, 193, 203; throws
a servant from a tower, 164; death,
115, 168, 243, 247; reign, 242; ex-
tent of his dominions, 242; his
character, 180, 242, 248, 290; tomb,
319; portrait, 290
Akbar, Prince, son of Aurangzeb, vii.
196; sent against the Ráná, 299;
deserts, 301; abandoned, 304; flight,
308; with Sambhají, 309, 312; goes
to Persia, 312, 361; dies in Garmsír,
313, 384
Akbarsháhí rupees, v. 370
Akham Lohána of Brahmanábád, i. 145,
146, 147
'Ákibat Mahmúd Khan, viii. 141, 142,
Ák-Kúínlú, iv. 299; vi. 196
'Álam 'Alí, vii. 488, 490, 495, 497
'Álam Khán, son of Bahlol Lodí, v.
25, 27, 106
'Álamgír. See Aurangzeb
'Álamgir II. raised to the throne, viii.
140, 141, 142; desires to take Ghá-
zí'u-d dín prisoner, 239; incidents of
his reign, 168, 170; interview with
Ahmad Abdálí, 264, 265; murder of,
143, 170, 241, 268
'Aláu-d daula, iv. 206
'Aláu-d dín Ghorí, ii. 258, 286; attacks
and burns Ghazní, 286, iii. 36, iv. 208
'Aláu-d dín Khiljí, receives government
of Karra, iii. 140; of Oudh, 148; his
schemes, 140, 149, 179; murders
Sultán Jalál Fíroz, 155; march to
Dehlí, 158; scatters gold, 158;
shoots gold into Dehlí, 41; ascends
the throne, 41, 69, 155, 157, 160; his
conquests, 74, 543, 549, 166; con-
quests in Sind, i. 225; conquers
Deogír, iii. 40, 77; Kambay and
Somnát, 42, 549, 551; Chítor, 189,
549; Guzerat, 163, 548; Telingana
and Dur Samundar, 49, 78, 550; im-
prisons Mughal ambassadors, 51; his
buildings, 69; “the second Alexander,”
169; his vast projects, 168; attempt
to kill, 172, 600; revenue arrange-
ments, 179, 182; severe government,
182; his ignorance, 183; consults a
lawyer on government, 184; hard
pressed by Mughals, 166, 189; army
arrangements, 191; his “Regula-
tions,” 192, 598; battles with Mu-
ghals, 42, 47, 197-200; his sons, 204,
206, 209, 217, 600, 601; slaughters
“New Musulmáns,” 205; his decline,
207; passion for Malik Kafúr, 97,
555; death, 208, 552
'Aláu-d dín Mas'úd, Sultán, ii. 342, 365
'Aláu-d dín Sháh Báhmaní, vi. 233
'Aláu-d dín Sikandar, Sultán, iv. 28
'Aláu-d dín, Sultán, son of Muhammad,
iv. 86, v. 74, 75; vacates the throne, iv.
88, v. 78; death, iv. 88, v. 86
'Aláu-d dín, Sultán, rival of Ibráhím, v.
25, 27
'Aláu-d dín, Sultán, of Bengal, iv. 260,
261, 462
Albarí, ii. 320, 360
'Alí, the Khalíf, i. 116, 421
'Alí Arghún, Sultán, i. 308
'Alí Beg Gúrgán invades India, iii.
47, 72, 198, 548; taken into service, 48
'Alí Gauhar. See Sháh 'Álam Alí Jáh, vii. 566
Alí Khán Rája of Khandes, v. 403,
406, 408, 411, 441, 449, 460, vi. 84,
87, 89, 92, 131, 134, 136, 148, 241;
death, 95
'Alí Khesháwand, ii. 486, 508, iv.
193, 198
'Alí Mardán Khán surrenders Kan-
dahár, vii. 64; reception by Sháh
Jahán, 66; governor of Kashmír, 67;
governor of Panjáb, 67; his canal, 67;
in Balkh, 69, 70, 71, 81; death, 124
'Alí Mardán Khiljí, ii. 314, 315
'Alí bin Mas'úd, ii. 257, 274, iv. 202
'Alí Sher (Jám), i. 228
'Alí (Sultán), ii. 257, 274
'Alí Tabár, vii. 567
'Alim Khán, Bábar's general, iv. 241,
'Aliwardí Khán, viii. 128; death, 210, 324
'Alláfís, or 'Allánís, i. 156, 427, 428
Alláhábád, building of, v. 512; surren-
ders to Aurangzeb, vii. 237; siege of, 486
Almáns (predatory bands), vii. 77, 78
Almás Beg, brother of 'Aláu-d din, iii.
152, et seq.; made “Ulúgh Khán,”
157; subdues Multán, 161; Guzerat,
163; causes mutiny, 164; death, 179
Almshouses, v. 538, vi. 111
Alor, Muhammad Kásim at, i. 192; de-
struction of, 256
Alp Arslán, ii. 274, 277
Alp Ghází, iii. 539
Alp Khán, iii. 169, 208, 553, 554;
iv. 41, 60, 79
Alptigín, ii. 179, 267, 479; iii. 23; iv.
159; vi. 569
Altamsh (advanced guard), v. 387
Altúniya Malik, ii. 335, 337
Altúntásh, ii. 495, 497, 498; iv. 171, 175,
178, 195, 196
Amar Singh, Ráná, vi. 335; submits,
339; sends son to court, 341; death,
Amína Begam, viii. 428-9
Amír Anúk, ii. 181, 267
Amír Jadída, iii. 252; viii. 16
Amír Khán, Nawáb, viii. 131
Amír Khán, viii. 352, 439
Amír-i Sadah, iii. 252; viii. 16
Amír Zú-n Nún, i. 303
'Amrán, i. 450
Amráni, i. 258
Amrú bin Jamal, i. 444
Amrú Lais, ii. 172, 425
Ánand Pál, ii. 12, 27, 31, 249, 403, 426,
446, 450, 452; iv. 173; vi. 218
Ánangpál, iii. 565
Ancient History, Firishta's summary,
vi. 533
Ancient Persian Kings of India, vi. 548
Anrán tribe, i. 296
Anwar Khán, vii. 466
Anwáru-d dín Khán, viii. 391
Áppájí Gaikawár, viii. 400
Áppájí Mahratta, killed, viii. 208
'Arábas, iv. 251, 255, 268
Árab Bahádur, v. 415, 418, 453; vi. 47,
'Árabí Káhí, i. 319, 320
Arabs in Sind, i. 414, 434; trade with
India, 468; fall of their power, 479;
conquests, vi. 564
Árám Sháh, Sultán, ii. 301
Arangal, taken, iii. 233, 558; lost, 245
Arghúns, i. 303, 497
Ariyarúk (Hájib), ii. 61, 100
Arkalí Khán, defeats Malik Chhajú, iii.
138, 538; at Multán, 156, 159;
blinded, 41, 162
Armíl, king of Sind, i. 223
Armies, iii. 50, 115, 191, 197, 241, 289,
305, 321, 327, 329, 342, 346, 347, 349,
439, 498, 576; iv. 207, 248, 252, 415,
457, 459, 551; v. 28, 86, 205, 515;
vii. 99; viii. 50, 51, 53, 60, 147, 148,
170, 398, 400
Arslán Jázib, iv. 171, 172
Arslán, Sultán, ii. 199, 257, 483; iv. 207
Art, curious work of, vi. 192
Asad Beg, vi. 150, 155, 161-2; mission
to the Dakhin, 167
Asad Khán (Jamdatu-l Mulk, Nizámu-l
Mulk, Ásafu-d daula), vii. 363; at
siege of Jinjí, 348; supports Prince
A'zam, 384-7, 391, 396, 401; joins
Bahádur Sháh, his titles, 401; arrests
Jahándár Sháh, 440; interview with
Farrukh Siyar, 444; arrested, 445;
death, 460
Ásafu-d daula succeeds Shujá'u-d daula,
viii. 183, 369; plots against, 423;
meets Warren Hastings, 230; and the
Rohillas, 350
Ásaf Jáh. See Nizámu-l Mulk
Ásaf Khán, 'Abdu-l Majíd, raised to
the dignity by Akbar, v. 266; at Chu-
nár, v. 287; conquers Garha Katanka,
169, 288, vi. 30, 117; government of
Garha, v. 297; visits Akbar, 297, 298;
flight to Garha, 299; force sent
against him, 309; flight and capture,
310; pardoned, 310, 317, 324; gover-
nor of Chítor, 328; last mention of,
363, 365
Ásaf Khán, Ghiyásu-d dín receives the
title, v. 369; services, 397, 402, 404,
vi. 57 (died in 989 A.H.)
Ásaf Khán, Ja'far Beg, v. 467; vi. 97,
130, 143, 144 Ásaf Khán, Yamínu-d daula, brother
of Núr Jahán, services, vi. 318, 321,
384, 386; causes rebellion of Mahábat
Khán, 420; attempts to rescue Ja-
hángír, 424; takes refuge in Atak,
428; taken by Mahábat Khán, 428;
released, 431; his measures on death
of Jahángír, 435, vii. 5; campaign
against Bíjápúr, 28-31; becomes
Khán-khánán, 46; death, 68; wealth,
Ásám, account of, vii. 264; war against,
144, 265, 267
Asílu-d dín Mauláná, i. 235
'Ásí Ma'súm. See Ma'súm Kábulí
Asír, siege of, vi. 97, 135; description,
Ashmuks, the, i. 53
'Askarí, Mirza, v. 35, 144, 189, 196, 197,
203, 206, 215, 220, 221, 224, 229, 230,
231, 233, vi. 11, 15, 16; death, v. 234
Asphaltum, vi. 456
Assassins, sect of, ii. 485, 572, 573
Ástán Sháh, i. 201
'Atá Khán, viii. 149
Atká Khán (Shamsu-d dín Muhammad),
accompanies Humáyún in his flight, v.
211, 254, 255, 266; made Khán-i
a'zam, 273; high in office, 273;
murdered, 277
'Atr of roses, invention of, vi. 338
Áúng Khán, i. 498
Aurangzeb, birth, vii. 213; governor of
the Dakhin, 58, 60; proposes to with-
draw from the world, 69; governor of
Gujarát, 69; sent against Balkh, 71,
72, 76; disasters on return, 96; sent
to Kandahár, 88, 99; fails, 100; cam-
paign against Golkonda, 109; receives
Mír Jumla, 117; sent against Bíjápúr,
119, 124; takes Bidar, 124; takes
Kalyáni, 127; Dárá Shukoh intrigues
against him, 129; deserted by nobles,
130; makes peace with Bíjápúr, 130,
215; his charity, 156; character and
habits, 156; illness, 180, 266; pro-
hibits Hindú teaching and worship,
183; destroys Hindú temples, 184,
188; visits Údípúr and Chítor, 188;
imprisons his eldest son, 190; releases
his eldest son, 192; conduct during his
father's illness, 217; treatment of Mír
Jumla, 217, 232; defeats Rája Jas-
want, 219; defeats Dárá Shukoh, 220;
arrives at Ágra, 226; confines his
father, 226; pursues Dárá Shukoh,
228; imprisons Murád Bakhsh, 228;
ascends the throne, 229; defeats
Shujá', 233; proclaimed Emperor, 241;
alters the calendar, 241; remission of
taxes, 246, 293; abolishes pilgrim tax,
viii. 38; his correspondence with Sháh
Jahán, vii, 251; has Murád Bakhsh
killed, 266; war with Assám, 265, 267;
reception of Sivají, 276; forbids
writing of history, 282; his habits and
manners, 283; renews the jizya, 296,
viii. 38; deserted by his son Akbar,
vii. 301; proceeds to the Dakhin, 309;
makes war upon Kutbu-l Mulk, 315,
318; goes to siege of Bíjápúr, 322;
takes Golkonda. 324; tortures and
kills Sambhájí, 341; grants privileges
to English, viii. 380; seizes Englishmen
and orders war, vii. 350; army de-
stroyed by Mahrattas, 355; makes
war on Mahrattas, 363; besieges and
takes Sattara, 365; obtains fortresses
by bribery, 372; fails to conquer
Mahrattas, 374; overtures of peace
with Mahrattas, 376; refuses to con-
cede the chauth, viii. 465; his siege of
Wákinkera, vii. 377; illness, 382; dis-
misses his sons, 385; death and burial,
193, 384, 536, 565; his family, 195;
character, 385; post-mortem title, 402;
some letters of, 562
Auz Khiljí. See Hisámu-d dín
Ayand, king, i. 109
A'zam Humáyún, a title, v. 8
A'zam Humáyún, Ahmad Khán, iv. 462
A'zam Humáyún, Lodí, iv. 445, 456, v.
8, 10, 20, 90, 92, 105; murdered, 21
A'zam Humáyún Níází (Haibat Khán,
iv. 441), iv. 428, 431, 485, 486, 493,
496, v. 488; killed, iv. 497
A'zam Humáyún Sarwání (Haibat Khán)
iv. 257, 321, 348, 352, 369, 377, 395,
397, 399, 547; Khán-i 'azam, 415,
v. 405
A'zam Khán (Mirza 'Azíz Muhammad
Koka, Khán-i a'zam), v. 352, 353, 360,
364, 365; in disgrace, 393; restored
to favour, 419; in command in Bengal,
419, 426-8, vi. 66, 68; campaign in
Birár, v. 441, 442; in Guzerat, 447,
458, 459, vi. 87, 90, 205; at Ásír,
97, 143; recalled, v. 466; goes to
Mecca, 466; returns, vi. 130; patro-
nizes father of Abú-l Fazl, v. 517;
conduct at Akbar's death, vi. 169, 171;
sent against the Ráná by Jahángír,
337; imprisoned, 338
A'zam Khán (Irádat Khán), campaign
against Nizám Sháh, vii. 11; pursues
Khán Jahán Lodí, 12; takes Dhárúr,
20; attacks Parenda, 22; in cam-
paign against Bíjápúr, 28
A'zam Sháh, Prince Muhammad, makes
peace with Ráná, vii. 189; parentage
and character, 195; sent against the
Ráná, 299; campaign in Dakhin, 311;
sent against Bíjápúr, 321; at siege of
Golkonda, 326, 328, 332; sent against
Mahrattas, 337; illness, 358; jealous
of his elder brother, 358; at siege
of Sattára, 365; offends his father,
369; visits his dying father, 383; his
pretensions, 384; dismissed by his
father, 386; performs obsequies of his
father, 194; claims the throne, 387,
537; jealous of his son Bedár Bakht,
389; announces his accession, 391,
537; marches against Prince Muazzam,
391-4, 538; defeat and death, 396,
545; character, 537
'Azímu-sh Shán, Prince, vii. 384, 392,
393, 426, 428, 429, 438, 539, 541,
545, 546, 550; defeat and death, 430,
439; his sons, 567
'Azdu-d daula, v. 441, 443, 469, 540
'Azíz Muhammad Koka. See A'zam Khán