DÁIM ALI, Amir, 241, 247, 271, 306,
307, 316, 325, 327, 421; campaign
in Kashmir, 438-441.
Dam-giri (Yás), the, in Tibet, 273 n.,
412 and n., 413 and n.; Sultán Said
Khán's death from, 137 and n., 446.
Dána Kukildásh, Sháh, 319; Abá
Bakr's treatment of, 321.
Dandána (Sind) River, 431.
Danel, fort of, 489.
Danibeg, the Georgian traveller, and
dust showers, 69* n.
Dánishmanjah, of the house of Oktai,
“Dár al Islám” (the Seat of Islám),
Darázukhán, 354: see Badakhshán.
Darband-i-Ahanin (Iron Gate), pass of,
20 n., 21 n., 179, 245.
Darugha, Amir, 316, 321.
Darugha, a tribe of Khotan, 67.
Darvish Muhammad Kará Tágh, Mau-
láná, 460, 463.
Dáshmand, messenger named, 46.
Dasht-i-Khizr, given to Juji Khán,
Dasht-i-Kipchák, subdued by Kásim
Khán, 207; Abulkhair Khán in, 92;
given to Juji Khán, 293; Kásim
Khán ruler of the, 82, 133, 273; the
Uzbeg Kazák leave the, 135; Baran-
duk Khán in power, 154, 163; Abul-
khair Khán master of, 272.
Dasht-i-Kulak, 267.
Dáud Khwája, Amir, 31, 36.
Daulat Nigár Khánim, wife of Muham-
mad Haidar Mirzá, 88.
Daulat Sháh, 28.
Daulat Sultán Khánim, 108, 118, 156,
356; married to Timur Sultán, 160;
daughter of Yunus Khán, 351-2.
Daulat Sultán Sakanj, marries Vais
Khán, 64.
Davá (son of Borák), reign of, 35,* 36*;
his battles with Chapár, 36*; death
of, 36.*
Davá Khán Pádisháh (Davá Sahan),
tomb of, 299, 300.
Dazák Bulbul, place called, 29.
Deguignes, work of; on the house of
Chaghatai, 28*; on the legal code of
the Mongols, 22 n.
Delhi, sacked by Davá, 36*; Moghuls
still living in neighbourhood of, 128*;
captured by Hindál Mirzá, 470, 471;
retaken by Kámrán Mirzá, 471.
Desert (or ‘steppe’) in Moghulistan,
55*; central, of Alti-Shahr, 66,* 67*.
Deserts to the east and south of Kásh-
ghar and Khotan, 295.
Desideri, Jesuit missionary, on Tibet,
135 n.
Digar Pass, 445 n.
Dili Bázár, village of Khatlán, 219.
Dilshád Aghá, Princess, 42; her mar-
riage with Amir Timur, 43.
Div Sar, district of Kashmir, 428 and n.
Dogras, expedition to Tibet, under
Zoráwar Sing, in 1841, 458 n., 461 n.
D'Ohsson, work of, and the house of
Chaghatai, 28*; on the inhabitants
of Moghulistan, 73*; and the name
Tatar, 84* n., 85*; and the Chin-
budje, 289 n.; Christians and Budd-
hist monks, 290 n.; on city of Bála-
Sákun, 362 n.
Dowson, Prof., 87* n.; episode of the
battle of Kanauj translated from
Tarikh-i-Rashidi, viii.
Dowaira, fortress of, 79 n.
Drokpa, the, 409 n.
Dughlát tribe; Mirzá Haidar a mem-
ber of, 3*; mixed with Turki tribes,
4*; the Amirs of Eastern Turkistan,
7*, 39*; the latter province given to
the house of, 33*; genealogical table
of the Amirs of, 50*; Mangálái
Suyah under administration of, 75;
given to Chaghatai Khán, 294;
commanded by Sayyid Muhammad
Mirzá at siege of Kashghar, 305, 306.
Dughlát Amirs; pay tribute to China,
63*; in power in Alti-Shahr, 99*;
entrusted with the province of
“Mangalai Suyah,” 100*.
Dukhtui, family of the, 306, 307
Dukhtui Sharáwal, Amir, 6, 7.
Dulán, 183.
Duldi tribe, 55 n.
Dulpa (Dukpa), tribe of Champa called,
409 and n., 411, 412 n., 417.
Dust Ali Chulák, 224.
Dust Muhammad Khán, son of Isán
Bughá Khán, Khánship of, 88-90;
his death, 91, 98; marries the widow
of Sániz Mirzá, 99, 102; his great
stature, 99; Abá Bákr pays respects
to, 252.
Dust Násir, Amir, 260.