Bábá Chuchak, 18*, 482.
Bábá Kulághán, 309.
Bábá Sárik Mirzá, 308, 316, 375, 421,
Bábá Sayyid, 382.
Bábá Sultán, 142, 144, 250, 251, 358,
368; kept a prisoner by Jáni Beg
Sultán, 140; marries Mirzá Haidar's
sister, 359; his history, 379-383.
Bábáják Khán, son of Sultán Ahmad
Khán, 122, 130, 160; Mansur Khán
and, 126.
Bábáják Sultán, 178, 332; pursued by
the Kirghiz, 378; forays against by
Mirzá Abá Bakr, 337; proceeds to
Kusan, 339; surrenders to Mansur
Khán, 340, 343; friendly meeting
with Said Khán, 346-8.
Bábarin Ázuk Mirzá, 309, 310.
Bábar Kalandar, Mirzá (Abdul Kásim
Baber), 83.
Bábar Pádisháh (Baber Emperor), the
first of the Moghuls of India, com-
pared with Mirzá Haidar, 3*;
contempt for the Moghul race, 4*;
memoirs, written in Turki, 4*; his
son: see Humayun. Mirzá Haidar
related to, 9*; plot against, by
Haidar's father, 9*; takes Mirzá
Haidar into his household, 10*;
defeats the Uzbegs at Hisar, 10*; the
battle of Ghajdiwan and subsequent
retreat to Kabul, 10*; threatens
to support the chief of Badakhshán
against Sultán Said, 12*; a copy of
his ‘Memoirs’ in Mirzá Haidar's
possession, 23*; forces of, the Mo-
ghuls and the Uzbegs against, 57*;
ancestors of, were Turks, 78,* 79*;
and the Turah, 22 n.; on the
Jadah stone, 32 n.; the Shibartu
Pass, 36 n.; buildings, etc., erected
by Ulugh Beg at Samarkand, 60 n.;
visited by Sultán Said Khán, 131;
defeats the Uzbeg Sultáns, 132;
Sultán Mahmud's nephew, 158, 159;
his kind treatment of Chin Timur
Sultán and Yusun Timur Sultan,
161; son of Omar Shaikh Mirzá,
154, 155, 156; his birth, 173; gene-
alogy of, 173; his ‘Memoirs’ and
other works, 173, 174 n.; raised to
the throne at the age of twelve,
174; attacks Samarkand, 174; de-
feated by Shahi Beg Khán and sub-
sequent flight, 175, 196; meets with
Khusrau Sháh, 176; takes Kabul,
177, 191; welcomes Muhammad
Husain Kurkan, 196, 199 n.; ex-
pedition into Khorásán, 197-8; and
Sháh Begum, 200; his sojourn in
Kabul, 199, 201-204, 263-4, 356;
battle with Sháh Beg near Kan-
dahar, 202; battle with Abdur Raz-
zák, 204; executes Hamza Sultán,
217; reception of Mirzá Haidar at
Kabul, 228-230; sets out for Kunduz,
237-8, 267; proceeds against Hisar,
238, 243, 260-1, 268; Sultán Said
Khán and, 242; enters city of Samar-
kand, 246, 250, 268; defeated by
Ubaid Ullah Khán at Kul Malik,
260; defeated by the Uzbeg at Ghaj-
daván, 261; revolt of the Moghul
Amirs, 261, 357; and Sultán Nasir
Mirzá, 264; obtains help from Sháh
Ismail, 281; Daulat Sultán Khánim
joins, 351; marches upon Kandahár,
357; proceeds to Hindustán, 357,
387; defeats Ibráhim, the Aoghán
Sultán, 357-8; gives Ruhtak to
Bábá Sultán, 381; his two sons,
387; sends Sulaimán Sháh Mirzá to
Badakhshán, 388, 389; defeats Raná
Singá at Kanwa, 402; marches
against Chitur, 402; his death, 402;
and the town of Bhira, 406 n.; sends
Said Khán to Andiján, 447; expedi-
tion against Perhálah, 480 n.; and
the throne of Samarkand, 484; the
province of Sind, 484 n.: see also
Zahir-ud-Din Muhammad.
Baber Emperor: see Bábar Pádisháh.
Baber's ‘Memoirs,’ by Erskine, 173; on
the ‘Dispersion of the Irázan,’ 73 n.;
and Yangi, 79 n., 86 n.; and Yunus
Khán, 85 n.; the battle of Tika-
Sakaratku, 97 n.; and Kattor, a
division of Kafiristan, 104 n.; the
tribe of Jagirák, 165 n.; description
of his father's death in, 174 n.; his
battles with the Uzbeg Sultáns
wanting in, 245 n.-248 n.; other
gaps in, 247 n., 248 n.: see also
Bábdághán (Bábdá Kurkán) Amir,
Bábis, the, in Persia, 69 n.
Bábrika Mirzá, 316.
Bábulái, son of Ibráhim, 91.
Badakhshán (Darázukhán), 103, 111;
province of, 10,* 24*; Sultán Said's
campaign against, 12,* 135; Mirzá
Haidar winters in, 16*; overrun by
foreign troops, 65*; Karluks in, at
the present day, 19 n.; return of
Husain and Timur to, 23, 24; Sikan-
dar in, 107 and n.; subjugated by
Khusrau Sháh, 130, 163; the Uzbeg
army and, 203; claimed by Sháh
Begum, 203; Mirzá Khán's reign
over, 203, 219-221; Sháh Razi-ud-
Din in, 217, 219; the Muláhida in
hill districts of, 218 n.; capital of:
see Kala-Zafar; escape of Sultán Said
to, 226; Mirzá Haidar at, 221, 227-
28, 467; Mirzá Abá Bakr sends an
army to, 254; Kushluk captured in,
292; Mir Vali and, 320; Bustángir
Mirzá flees to, 330; upper districts
of, subdued by Mirzá Abá Bakr,
353; Said Khán and, 354, 355; Bábá
Sultán flees to, 380, 381; Said
Khán's second expedition into, 387-
390; Sulaimán Sháh Mirzá's reign
in, 389.
Badi-ul-Jamál Khanim, 453.
Bádi-uz-Zamán, son of Mirzá Sultán
Husain, 164, 195, 196.
Bágh-i-Zághán, garden at Herat, 83.
Bághán, kills Maulaná Kará Tágh,
Bágh Navin, village called, 438.
Bágh Yasár Oghlán, 165.
Bahárlu tribe, 214 n.
Baháuddin, Khwája, 67.
Bahá-ul-Hakk, Khwája, 396.
Bahrámgalla, 488.
Bahrám Chu, of Balti, 422.
Bahrám Jaláir, Amir, 26, 39, 41; re-
volt of, 44, 45.
Bahrika Mirzá, 306, 444.
Bahrin, tribe of, 183-185, 316.
Bái, 75; raids into, by Mir Jabár Birdi,
124; Bábáják Sultán and, 126;
Bábáják Sultán in, 332; forays
against, by Mirzá Abá Bakr, 337.
Bái Gul (Oikul) near Aksu, 12.
Báisanghar Mirzá, 119, 154; Khusrau
Sháh and, 163, 174, 203 n.
Báiták, village of, 42.
Bái Tisha, 309.
Bai-ya-dsi, Prince of Hami, 105.*
Bájwára (Bajáora), city of, 405 and n.,
406 n.
Bajwára, River of, 406 and n.
Bakábulung, 72.
Bakar, 357.
Bakbulan, Rivers called, 72 n.
Bakhsh, Mr. Maula, on the Karáwánás,
491, 492.
Bakhtimulk Aghá, wife of Prince
Jahángir, 48.
Báki Chaghaniáni, 165 n., 177 and n.
Baki Nila Furush, 177.
Baklán (Baghlán), plain of, 37, 175.
Baklata, place in Kashmir, 437.
Balásaghun, city of, 58,* 287 n., 289;
captured by Yeliu Taishi, 94.*
Ba-la-ma-rh, a chief of Turfán, 103.*
Bála-Sákun (Khán Báligh), city of,
361 and n.; 362-4.
Balgháji, 79.
Bálish, a, 256-7.
Balkásh, Lake, 53.*
Balkh, 36; conquered by Sultán Abu
Said, 81 n.; besieged by Sháhi Beg,
164, 165, 167, 204-5.
Balti, mountain range, 405.
Balti (Baltistan), invaded by Mirzá
Haidar, 13,* 14*; again in 1548, 21*;
province of Tibet, 410; Said Khán
in, 421, 422; Mirzá Haidar in, 461,
Balti, tribe of Baltistan (Little Tibet),
82*; Balti, tribe of, 82,* 83*; pro-
vince of, 135 n.; holy war against,
by Sultán Said Khán, 136.
Balur (Bolor), country of, 135 n.; in-
vaded by Mirzá Haidar and Rashid
Sultán, 142, 384-386; Mirzá Abá
Bakr and, 254; Mir Váli takes, 320.
Baluristán, province of, 385 n., 386.
Bandagán Koka, attack on the province
of Kishtawár, 21.*
Bandagi Hazrat Khwája, 378: see
Nura, Khwája.
Bandagi Khwája Tájuddin, 127.
Bandagi Maulavi Jami, 396.
Bangála, 406, 410, 411; attacked by
Emperor Humáyun, 470.
Bangi: see Pir Muhammad Barlás.
Banihál, district of, 21.*
Barák Khán, father of Davá Khán, 3;
his tomb, 299, 300.
Báramula, Mirzá Haidar killed near,
Baranduk Khán, 82, 154, 163, 230,
272 n.
Bárán Tálish, Amir, 373.
Barát Khwája Kukildásh, 49.
Bárin, tribe of, 79.
Báris Káun (Barskun Pass), 350 and n.
Barka Yasával, 309.
Barkha, post station in Tibet, 456 n.
Bárki (or Yárki), family of, 307.
Barlás tribe, 55 n., 146; Timur, a
member of, 3.*
Barlás, family of, dispute with Amir
Dáim Ali, 306-7.
Bármáng, place in Tibet, 454, 456 n.
Bar Mazid Mankish, 309.
Barnág (Virnág), district called, 427.
Barskun Pass, 350 n.
Bashgirds, the, 88.*
Batu, son of Juji; dominion of, 30*;
and the province of Turkistan, 34.*
Báush Sultán, 453.
Báyán Sulduz, Amir, 19, 22.
Bayán Timur, 40.
Báyázid Jaláir, Amir, 16, 18, 19, 31.
Báyazid, Shaikh, 130, 159, 167; throws
Said Khán into prison, 178, 447.
Báyazid (Bábdághán) Amir, 294 n.
Báz-Shirak, 310.
Beale, Mr., on Khwája Baháuddin,
67 n.; on Sayyid Ali Hamadáni,
433 n.
Beam in the monastery of Shaikh
Habib, 304.
Beg Abdullah, chief of the province
of Hami, 124* n.
Begjik, Amir, taken prisoner by Amir
Timur, 28.
Begjik, merchant named, 9.
Begjik of the tribe of Kánkali, 16,
Begjik, family of, 308; dispute with
the family of Jarás, 308-9.
Beg Kuli Makrit, 309, 326.
Beg Muhammad Mir, 241, 247, 308,
316, 325, 327, 354.
Bellew, Surg.-Genl. W. H., ‘History of
Eastern Turkistan,’ largely drawn
from the Tarikh-i-Rashidi, vii., on
Uch Burhán, 42 n.; on the column
of Ak'sumá, 49 n.; on Inághu,
50 n.; ten privileges granted to an-
cestors of Amir Khudáidád by Chin-
giz Khán, 54 n., 55 n.; on the cities
of Eastern Turkistan, 51* n.; on
Tásh-Rabát, 59 n.; on towns buried
by moving sands, 67,* 68*; on
Buruj Oghlán, 92 n.; on the tombs
of the Khwájas, 125*; on small re-
sidue of Moghuls still existing in
Eastern Turkistan, 127*; on Man-
lik, 7 n.; on ruins of ancient towns
in Eastern Turkistan, 11 n., 12 n.;
on the word Tupchák, 260 n.; on
the Ilak Kháns, 287 n.; on the
name of Bábdághán, 294 n.; on
dam-giri, 413 n.
Bendall, Professor, on Jnána-Kásyapa,
415 n.; on the Játakas, 416 n.
Bengal, Humayun defeated by Shir
Sháh Sur, 16.*
Bernier, French traveller on island of
Lanka, 429 n.
Bhaniyar, ruins of temple at, 427 n.
Bhira, town of, 406 and n.
Bhirbal, district of, 22.*
Biás River, the, 481.
Bidakan, 461.
Biddulph, Col. J., on Kature, the
rulers of Chittal, 104 n.; on load-
carrying sheep, 408 n.
Biljaván, 24.
Biloch frontier, the; use of the word
Turk on, 90.*
Biluchi, Sir H. Yule and, 77.*
Bilur (or Bolor) hill country, invasion
of, 12*; see also Balur.
Binakat (Shahrukhia), 289 n.
Birilásh, brother of Táhir Khán, 82.
Birkeh-i-Ghurián, 41.
Bish Báligh, territory of, 288.
Bishbálik (or Bishbáligh), city or ‘town’
of, 58*; its situation, 62*; the
Chinese and the name of, 61*; (the
Five Towns) the Toghuz Uighurs
of, 93*; (the modern Urumtsi) 100.*
Bish Ka Mirzá, 307, 316.
Bishkand, battle at, 266.
Blochmann, Professor, 89*; and privi-
leges granted by Chingiz Khán to
ancestors of Amir Khudáidád, 54 n.,
55 n.
Bogdo-Ula Mountain, in the Tian
Shan, 112.*
Bokhara, Mirzá Haidar carried off to,
9*; taken by Baber, 10*; seized by
the Uzbegs, 10*; in 1232, Chaghatai
and, 31*; death of Borák at, 35*;
plundered and burnt by Abáká, 36*;
wars in, 154; conquered by Sháhi
Beg Khán, 158, 166; ruled by Ubaid
Ullah Khán, 206 n., 207; the Uzbeg
driven out of, by Emperor Bábar,
245; marched against by Ubaid
Ullah Khán, 259, 260; during reign
of Ubaid Ullah Khán, 283.
Boldai, tribe of, 23.
Bolor: see Balur.
Borak (or Barák), great-grandson of
Chaghatai, 34*; invades Khorasán,
35*; death at Bokhara, 35.*
Bower, Capt. Hamilton, birch-bark
MSS. found near Kuchar, 70,* 71,*
124*; on the wild yak, 302 n.
Bretschneider, Dr., translation of the
history of the Ming dynasty; on
the Moghul Kháns, 41*-46*; on
the ancient kingdoms of Karashahr
and Kuchar, 62*; ancient Taráz, 63 n.;
the River Ili, 66 n.; the work of Arab
Shah, 79 n.; on the history of Turfán,
102*-106,* 113; on the Khans of
Uighuristán, 123,* 124*; on the
Sarigh Uighur, 9 n.; Chinese names
for Lake Lob, 12 n.; on the Kángali
tribe, 16 n.; on the Karluk tribe,
19 n.; on the Kara Khitai capital,
153 n.; on the title Fuma, 278 n.; on
Ubaira-Subaira, 282 n.; on the Ilak
Kháns, 287 n.; the River Jinuj,
289 n.; the Tie-Sie (Tarsa), 290 n.;
on Chang-ba-la (Jám Báligh), 291 n.;
on country of the Yellow Uighurs,
349 n.
“Bridge of Stone,” the, 24 and n., 25.
Briggs, Gen., and Firishta's version of
Mirzá Haidar's death, 22.*
British and Foreign Bible Society:
copies of the Tarikh-i-Rashidi in
possession of, ix., x.
British Museum: Erskine's partial
translation of the Tarikh-i-Rashidi,
in, v., vi., xi.; copy of the Tarikh-
i-Rushidi at, ix.
Buddhists, the known as Tarsi, 96*;
Uighuristán, centres of the, in
Middle Ages, 113.*
Bughá Khán (Afrásiáb the Turk), 286,
287 n.; Bála-Sákun built by, 362 n.
Bughám Issigh-Kul, 50.
Builash Khán, son of Uyak Sultán,
Bu Kutlugh, Amir Timur's private
secretary, 46, 47.
Buláji Dughlát, Amir, 7,* 26,* 118*,
38, 51 n.; sends after Manlik and
her child, 6, 7; his territory, 7; sur-
name of, 9; nine privileges granted
to by Tughluk Timur, 23, 55; intro-
duces Islám, 153.
Bulásh (Tulásh) Khán, 273.
Burás, in Tibet, 410.
Burhán-ud-Din Kilij, Shaikh, 46.
Bur Kápá, a Nubra chief, 418.
Buruj Oghlán, son of Abulkhair Khán,
92; his murder by Yunus Khán, 92,
93, 116.
Bustángir Mirzá, 330.
Buya, 179.
Buyan Kuli, servant of Yunus Khán,
Buyun Pir Hasan, 231.
Buzana, son-in-law of Khwája Ali Ba-
hádur, 187.
Buz-ghala Khána (the Iron Gate), 20 n.