Mujtahid, highest title among Muslim
divines, 636 n 2.
Mujta-i-muamman, a kind of metre,
607 n.
Mukābir, a stubborn disputant, 614
and n 6.
Mukhālafat, opposition, 576 n 5.
Mukhliṣ, a servant of Malik Fakhru-
d-Dīn Silāḥdār (q. v.), 308.
Mukhliṣ Khān, brother of Sulān
Ibrāhīm Shāh Sharqī, of Jaunpūr,
386 and n 7.
Mukhtaṣar, of Sa‘du-d-Dīn at-Taftā-
zānī, 428 n 3.
Mukhtaṣṣ Khān, brother of Sulān
Ibrāhīm Shāh Sharqī of Jaunpūr,
386 and n 7.
Mulāḥidah, the, a sect of Muslim
heretics, 73 n 2. See the next.
Mulḥidah, the, another name of the
Bāinī sect of Shī‘ah Muslims, 22
n 3. See the above.
Mullā Muḥammad ‘Azīz, one of the
Amīrs of Humāyūn, 460 and n 1.
Mulmul, the bodkin or style for ap-
plying kuḥl, 153 n 8.
Multān, 12, 19 and n 5, 20 and n 4,
21, 28, 29, 44, 60, 66 and nn 2, 3
and 5, 69, 79 n 3, 80 and n 1, 87,
90, 95, 98 and n 2, 120 and n 8,
128 and n 1, 129, 130, 132, 133 n
and n 2, 187, 188, 189 n 1, 190 n 2,
197, 198, 199, 208, 213, 217, 219,
220 and n 2, 221, 222, 226, 229, 232,
233, 236, 244, 247 and n and n 4,
248, 249, 252, 284, 292, 293, 297,
298, 304, 328, 335, 343, 352, 353
and n 8, 355, 358, 362, 363, 376,
387, 388, 389 and nn 2 and 4, 390,
392, 398, 399, 402, 427, 464, 543.
Multān river, the, 29.
Multānīs, the, 304.
Mūminpūr, fort of, otherwise called
Patiālī, on the Ganges, 218.
Munēr, town of, 82 and n 1. Also
written Manēr.
Mun‘im Khān, Khān-i-Khānān, one
of the great Amīrs of Humāyūn,
562, 565, 567 and n 2, 591.
Munṣif, one of the high officers of
the State, 497.
Muntakhabu-t-Tawārīkh of Badāonī,
11 and n 1, 332, 442, 447, 473, 497,
545, 579, 610, 632.
Muntakhabu-t-Tawārīkh of Haran ibn
Muḥammad al-Khākī ash-Shīrāzī,
11 n 1.
Muqaddasa, a title of the town of
Īj, 476.
Muqaddasī, the Arab Geographer,
217 n 2.
Muqaddamzāda, a slave born in the
house, 334 and n 1.
Muqaddam-zāda of Kābul, 501.
Muqām-i-Salmān, in the desert of
Arzhan between Bushire and
Shīrāz, 572 n 1.
Muqarrab Khān, title of Muqarrabu-l-
Mulk, one of the Maliks of the
Fīrūz Shāhī dynasty, 348 and n 7,
349, 350 and n 3, 351, 354.
Muqarrabu-l-Mulk, Malik, 346, 348.
See the above.
Muqbil, the servant of Khwāja-i-
Jahān nāib-i-Vazīr of Gujrāt, 313.
Muqbil Khān, Malik, one of the re-
tainers of Mubārak Shāh of the
Saiyyid dynasty of Dihlī, 386.
Muqīm Harawī, Khwājā, Dīwān of
the household of Bābar, 9 n 2, 63 n.
Muqi‘, holder of a qi‘, 396 n 2.
Murād, Shāh, son of Shāh Ṭahmāsp
of Persia, 572, 573 and n 1, 575,
Murajjab, Al-,—a title of the month
of Rajab, 441 n 2.
Murad, son of Shaddād ibn ‘Ād, a
king of the ancient Arabs, 263 n.
Murtaẓ, the chosen, a title of ‘Alī ibn
Abī Ṭālib, 74, 629 and n 5.
Mūs al-Hādī, the ‘Abbāside Khalīfah,
75 n.
Muṣ‘ab, a traditionist, 18 n 1.
Musbal, name of the sixth arrow in
the game of maisir, 369 n 1.
Muṣḥaf, meanings of the word, 615 n 5.
Mushtarik of Yāqūt, a Geographical
work, 15 n 5.
Musk, notes on, 172 n 2.
Mula sākhtan, meaning of the ex-
pression, 296 n 2.
Muslim ibnu-l-Walīd, a poet of the
Court of Hārūnu-r-Rashīd, 74 n 2.
Muslim theologians, 614 n 2.
Muslims, the, 83, 120, 143 n 3, 150
n 4, 176 n, 191 and n 3, 194 and
nn 4 and 5, 204, 235, 256 n 4, 361,
368 n 1, 377, 385 n 3, 387, 393, 395,
428 n 4, 432, 477, 483, 509 n 5,
514, 522 and n 5, 550, 565 and n 1,
576 n 5, 577 n, 600 n 9, 602 n 7,
603 n 6, 625 n 5, 626 and n 6, 636
n 2. See also under the Muḥam-
madans and the Mahometans.
Muṣafā, the Prophet Muḥammad, 59,
74, 475.
Muṣafā Farmalī, one of the Afghān
Amīrs of Hindūstān, 444.
Muṣafaābād, pargana of, 596.
Mustakfī bi-llāhi Abu-r-Rabī‘ Sulei-
mān, third of the ‘Abbāsī Khalīfahs
in Egypt, 327 n 6.
Mustanṣir billāh, the ‘Abbāside Khalī-
fah of Baghdād, 88 n 3, 94 n 2, 311
n 4.
Mustung, village in the neighbour-
hood of Quetta, 567 n 9.
Mutaraffiẓ-i-ghālī, a fanatical heretic,
626 and n 4.
Mu‘taṣim billāh, eighth Khalīfah of
the House of ‘Abbās, 571 n 2.
Muawwal of Sa‘du-d-Dīn at-Taftā-
zānī, 428 and n 3.
Mu‘taẓid bi-llāhi Abū Bakr ibnu-l-
Mustakfī bi-llāhi, sixth of the
‘Abbāsī Khalīfahs in Egypt, 327
n 6.
Muthra or Mâhurâ, a sacred town of
the Hindūs, 24 n 6.
Mutmara. See Shihāb-i-Mutmara,
the Poet.
Muttra, District of, 134 n 1, 366 n.
Muttra, town of, in the Doāb, 377
n 6.
Muwaẕẕinī, Maulā Ḥusāmu-d-Dīn,
author of a commentary on the
Miftāḥu-l-‘Ulūm, 428 n 2.
Mu'yad Beg, one of the Amīrs of
Humāyūn, 574.
Muaffar, Malik, Governor of Gujrāt
under Sulān Muḥammad Tughlaq
Shāh, 314.
Muaffar Khān, nephew of Shaikh
‘Alī ruler of Kābul, 389, 390, 392.
Muaffar Shāh of Gujrāt, contem-
porary of the Fīrūz Shāhī dynasty,
363 n 2.
Muaffarnagar District, 378 n 1.
Mu‘zam, Khwājā, one of the Amīrs
of Humāyūn, 566.