YOUR two letters, dated the 14th and 16th instant, informing us of the junction of the Sipahdâr, Mahommed Ali, with his Kushoon, have been received. What you write, respecting the audacity and contumacious conduct of the Zemindâr of Surhutty, and your receipt of letters from Ghûlâm Hûsain and Ghûlâm Mohyûddeen, the Kilaadâr of Lukhmaiser, on the subject of chastising the said Zemindâr, is comprehended.
Notwithstanding the said fort is situated in your road, yet as you have no heavy [or battering] ordnance with you, it is to be apprehended, that if you were to attack it, you might be detained before it, and thereby prevented from advancing. We write, therefore, to desire our dear Son* will merely encamp his army near the fort, and endeavour, by striking an awe into the garrison, or by stratagem, to get possession of it. If this should not appear to be practicable, you must proceed straight forward, without making any delay.