THE humble address you sent to us has passed under our view, and the particulars set forth in it are become duly apparent.
You write, “that the villages of Mâtmail,* &c. have, from days of “yore,* appertained to you, and been [actually] in your possession; “but that now the revenues of the said villages have been sequestered, “on account of our Sircar.” It is revealed; and, in consequence, we enclose a letter to Urshud Baig Khân, the Foujdâr of Calicut, in which we have given him strict orders to relinquish the villages in question, and the revenues thereof. Forward the same to him.
We have repeatedly written to you, desiring you to repair to the Presence; but, instead of coming to us, you have excused yourself upon different pretences. For this reason, and in conformity with the policy of the moment, the settlement of the Taalûk of Cherkul, and the appointment of a separate Aumil, on our behalf, to the charge of the same, has appeared expedient to us.
Our consideration for the situation of that refuge of chastity, such as it is [i. e. such as we have always manifested it to be], has suffered no diminution. You will remain [therefore] with collected mind; and if any of our Taalûkdârs should be guilty of oppression, or proceed vexatiously toward your Taalûk, let us know his name, and we will send him strict orders to desist therefrom.
N.B. A letter, in conformity with the tenor of the foregoing dispatch, was written, under the same date, to Urshud Baig Khân, the Foujdâr of Calicut.