AGREEABLY to our former orders, you are to proceed to Mangalore; and there obtaining from the Aumil of that place whatever supplies [or stores] may be required for the use of the ships, you are to dispatch the latter to Tidry.*
You write, proposing to take fifteen hundred wax-candles, besides wax. Where can be the necessity for so many wax-candles? Get the Aumil to deliver what number may be [really] requisite. The latter has been already written to, directing him to supply whatsoever was required for the use of the vessels. What more?
You moreover write, “that the Aumil of Mangalore delivers to you “only old and black rice.” It is known. That rice is good. You must take it, and not engage in improper altercation. What more shall we write?
The Sultan having now determined on sending another embassy to Constantinople, and from thence to France (the one previously dispatched by the same route, having, as before stated, been recalled), Shâh Noorûllah was employed to make the necessary preparations for the purpose. The same person was subsequently appointed a member of this mission; which, however, proved equally abortive with that which had preceded it, and was, in its turn, succeeded by another (as will be seen hereafter) in 1787.
It has been said, that the embassies proposed to be sent to the court of France, by land, failed through the parsimony of the Sultan, who could not be induced to supply the funds necessary on the occasion. Whatever ground there might be for this opinion, the foregoing letter certainly announces a determination to regulate the expences of the outfit, at least, of the meditated embassy, on principles of strict economy. Old and black rice is declared to be good enough for his plenipotentiaries; who are likewise given to understand, that they will not be allowed to burn as many candles as they please.