BOOK VIII.—Tímúr and his descendants who ruled over Írán and Túrán, p. 224.

BOOK IX.—Saffaví Kings, p. 240.

BOOK X.—Osmánlís of Rúm, p. 276.

BOOK XI.—Shaibání descendants of Changíz Khán, p. 290.

BOOK XII.—Kings of Dehlí.—Chap. i. Kings who ruled before Tímúr, p. 295; ii. Descendants of Tímúr who reigned in Hindústán, p. 299.

BOOK XIII.—Minor Dynasties of Hindústán, p. 340.—Chap. i. Báhmaní Kings of the Dakhin, p. 340; ii. Nizám-sháhís, p. 343; iii. 'Ádil-sháhí Kings of Bíjápúr, p. 345; iv. Kutb-sháhí Kings of Haidarábád, p. 347; v. 'Imád-sháhí Kings of Birár, p. 350; vi. Barídia Kings of Bidar, p. 350; vii. Kings of Gujarát, p. 351; viii. Sultáns of Málwá, p. 353; ix. Sultáns of Khándesh and Burhánpúr, p. 354; x. Sultáns of Bengal, p. 355; xi. Sultáns of Jaunpúr, p. 359; xii. Sultáns of Sind, p. 359; xiii. Sultáns of Multán, p. 360; xiv. Kings of Kashmír, p. 361; xv. Sultáns of Little Tibet, p. 363.

BOOK XIV.—Muhammadan religious and learned men, p. 364.—Chap. i. Learned Shí'as, p. 364; ii. Learned Sunnís, p. 370.

BOOK XV.—Súfís and great Saints, p. 383.

BOOK XVI. — Celebrated Poets.—Chap. i. Arabic Poets, p. 392; Persian Poets, p. 393.

BOOK XVII.—Miscellaneous occurrences since the establish­ment of the Hijra era, p. 407.

BOOK XVIII.—Tribes of Arabia and Persia, p. 409.—Chap. i. Those of Arabia, p. 409; ii. Those of Persia, p. 412.

Conclusion—Chronological Tables of Dynasties, p. 415.

SIZE—Small folio, containing 426 pages, with 18 lines to a page.

The Burhánu-l Futúh is quite unknown. I am fortunate enough to possess the autograph of the author, written in the year of composition, and no doubt the identical one presented to Nawáb Sa'ádat Khán, and stolen from the Royal Library. I procured it in a bázár at Lucknow.

[The Extracts were translated by a munshí, and corrected by Sir H. M. Elliot. They differ in some respects from a new copy of the Mir-átu-s Safá belonging to Sir Henry.]