To RÂJAH RÂM CHUNDUR; dated 3d TÛLOOEY. (10th December.)

YOU write, “that at Hûscottah, and other places, the Jowkdârs of “the Hûzoor are proceeding to relieve [or change] the troops stationed “in the [several] forts, whose pay you are, in consequence, agreeably “to our orders, preparing to issue; but that, in the mean while, the “Mûtusuddies of the Ehshâm Kuchurry say, that certain stoppages are “to be made, on account of the appointments [or commissions] of “Jumaadârs, &c. for which stoppages, you observe, you see no authority “in our instructions [to you].”

We are amazed at the understanding and good sense [you have dis­played] on this occasion!* Those things which are permanently fixed [or standing orders alone] are inserted in our Hûkm-nâmehs [or general instructions]; but such fresh matters as this, which are from time to time ordained, are notified in distinct [or separate] orders. How, then, should this new regulation be referred to in instructions delivered to you [before it was made]?

You further write, “that Syed Peer, the Kilaadâr, demands pay for “men belonging to the Jyshe, Ehshâm, and others, who have not been “regularly returned to the Mûtusuddies of the Kuchurry; and that “you likewise see no authority for this in your instructions.” If you contravene or exceed the same in any instance, you will have to refund what you have over-disbursed.


The stoppages here spoken of, probably referred to some tax, or fees, which the Sultan might have ordered to be levied on new appointments, for the benefit of the government.

Râm Chundur appears, in the present instance, to have been very unjustly reproved; for, notwithstanding the decisive tone assumed on this occasion by the Sultan, it may be safely contended, that the Râjah was strictly justified, both by the general scope of his master’s instructions, and the particular nature of the case in question, in what he did. Is he not told, in the very same letter, “that he will be made “to refund all disbursements unauthorized by his instructions?” And does it appear, that he was in possession of any regular, or official notification, of the innovation which he was required to carry into effect? The Dewân was, unquestionably, entitled to be duly apprized of a regulation, to which he was expected to conform.