Abú Raihán Muhammad. See
Aden, 79
Afrásiyáb, ruler of Túrán, v seq.,
11, 13, 14, 16 seq., 20, 79,
81, 92, 98 seq., 118, 127,
129, 149, 184, 189, 242 seq.,
257 seq., 283, 286, 288, 296
seq., 312 seq., 335, 347 seq.,
360 seq., 369, 373, 380, 381,
386, 392 seq., 401 seq.
fights the Arabs for I'rán and
takes it, 92
king of Túrán and Chín, 99
expelled from I'rán by Kai
Káús and Rustam, 101
fights with the Seven War-
riors, 111 seq.
nearly taken prisoner by
Rustam, 14, 116, 354
his plot against Suhráb and
Rustam, 129
his gifts to Suhráb, 130
identical with Astyages in
legend, 191
sends host to invade I'rán,
224 seq.
determines to sue for peace
and sends hostages, 235 seq.
receives Zanga and consults
Pírán, 253 seq.
sends Pírán to welcome
Siyáwush, 258
plays at polo with Siyáwush,
Afrásiyáb, marries Farangís to
Siyáwush, 275
recalls Siyáwush from Gang-
dizh, 285
sends Garsíwaz to Siyáwush-
gird, 289
is deceived by Garsíwaz re-
specting Siyáwush, 296 seq.
sends Garsíwaz to summon
Siyáwush and Farangís to
court, 300 seq.
attacks, takes, and has Siyá-
wush executed, 314 seq.
appealed to by Farangís, 317
his treatment of Farangís,
320, 322
appealed to by Pírán, 324
spares Farangís, 325
and her son Kai Khusrau,
sees and questions Kai
Khusrau, 332
sends Surkha against the
I'ránians, 344
marches to avenge Surkha,
fights with Tús, 353
is rescued from Rustam by
Húmán, 354
crosses the sea of Chín, 356
consults Pírán about Kai
Khusrau, 356
returns, 362
his vengeance on I'rán, 363
pursues Kai Khusrau, 388
disgraces Pírán, 390
turns back at the Jíhún, 394
Áfrígh, king of Kharazm, 190
Age, old, Firdausí's lament over
his, 336
Agni, 25
Áhriman, the Evil Principle, 34,
42, 43, 51, 53, 56, 78, 160, 208,
214, 217, 250, 260, 303, 315,
324, 358, 361, 374 seq., 405 seq.
Ahura, Mazda (Urmuzd), 25
Airán-végó, region (I'rán-vej), 189
Albírúní, Abú Raihán Muham-
mad, 189
his account of Alfír (Gang-
dizh?), 190
Alburz, mountain, 11, 23, 27, 79,
96, 144, 336, 401
Káús' buildings on, 81
Alexander, the Great (Sikandar),
8 seq.
era of, 190
Alfír, fortress (Gang-dizh?), 190
'Alí, Khalífa, 337 and note
Alkús, Túránian hero, 114
Alp-Arselan, Sultán, 219 note
A'mul, city, 18, 104
Andaríman, Túránian hero, 264
Angra Mainyu (Áhriman), 28
Antiochus, Sidetes, 80, 81
Arabia, 100
Arabs, 79, 81, 99
rebel against Kai Káús, 83
fight with Afrásiyáb for I'rán
and are defeated, 92
Ard, day of, 287
Ardabíl, city, 336, 405??
Ardshír Pápakán, Sháh, 10
Arjásp, ruler of Túrán, 9, 29
Arjásp. Túránian hero, 264
Arnold, Matthew, his “Sohrab
and Rustum,” 118
Artang, the, 19 and note
Arwand, river (the Tigris), 392, 404
Arzhang, a dív, vi, 41, 43, 44, 56
seq., 63, 64
Asfandiyár, I'ránian hero, 29
Asp, as Persian termination, 9
Astyages, king of the Medes
(Manda), 190, 191
Astyages, identical with Afrási-
yáb in legend, 191
Athenæus, 10
A'zar (A'zarbáiján), 195
A'zarbáiján, province, 336
A'zargashasp, spirit of the light-
ning, 57, 294, 345
Azi, Dahaka (Zahhak), 81
Babylonia, 80, 81
Badar, battle of, 337 note
Bahar, fire-temple, 286
Bahman, Sháh, 9
Bahman, castle of, x, 336, 405
Bahrám, I'ránian hero, viii, 33,
35, 38, 58, 62, 85, 127, 138,
144, 158, 249, 257, 258, 271,
290, 318, 338, 340
takes part in the Fight of the
Seven Warriors, 107 seq.
accompanies Siyáwush
against Afrásiyáb, 226
put in command by Siyá-
wush, 250
Bahrám, moralist, quoted by Fir-
dausí, 186
Balkh, city, 9, 101, 228, 229, 231,
242, 246, 249
Balúch, Balúchistán (Makrán), 80,
Bánúgashasp, daughter of Rus-
tam and wife of Gív, 365
stays with Rustam while Gív
seeks Kai Khusrau, 365
her suitors, 383, 384
rejoins Gív, 395
Barbar, Barbaristán, country, vi,
79, 82 seq., 90, 93, 98 seq.
identification of, 79
king of, 83, 94, 95
taken prisoner by
Guráza, 97
Bármán, Túránian hero, vii, 18,
119, 129, 130, 150, 349
Bármán, his death and revival in
legend, 119
marches on I'rán, 228
defeated by Siyáwush, 229
Barzín, I'ránian hero, 12, 22, 73
Barzín, fire-temple, 107
Berbera, trading-station, 79
Bíd, a dív, 44, 54, 55, 64, 93
Bihzád, the horse of Siyáwush,
ix, 312, 374 seq. 391
Birth-mark of the Kaian race, 372
Bístún, mountain, 128
Bízhan, I'ránian hero, 366 and note
Black Stone, the, 163 and note
Bukhárá, city, 241
Bull, Bull-fish, mythological, 128,
Bundahish, Pahlaví treatise, 3
note, 11, 26, 81, 118, 189
Buzgúsh, name of a tribe, 55 and
CÆSAR, 383
Cambyses, father of Cyrus, 190
identical with Siyáwush in
legend, 191
Canopus, star, 203
of Yaman, 203
Carnelians, of Yaman, 123
Caspian, sea, 189, 336
Castle, White, I'ránian strong-
hold, vii, 118, 131, 138
evacuated by Gazhdaham, 137
Castle of Bahman, x, 336, 405, 406
Central clime, the, 27
Chách, city of Túrán famous for
its bows (Táshkand), 241,
258, 358
Chares, of Mytilene, 10
Chevy Chase, 82
Chín country (often = Túrán), 77,
82, 111, 143, 154, 156, 237
277, 286, 287, 289, 297
305, 307, 357, 359, 383, 394
sea of, 12, 256, 276, 285, 356,
Chín, brocade of, 39, 203, 262, 290
king of Túrán and (Afrásiyáb),
helm of, 132
ornaments of, 232
cloth of gold from, 275
Khán of, 383
Clime, the central, 27
Climes, the seven, 15 note, 372
“Cloud,” name given by Rustam
to himself, 53
Cloud, of bale (Afrásiyáb), 13
Contents, table of, v
Courses, the Seven, of Rustam,
v, 29, 44 seq
Ctesias, 9
Ctesiphon, city, 80
Cyrus, the Great, 9, 190, 191
identical with Kai Khusrau
in legend, 191
DAÉVAS (dívs), 28
Daghwí, desert, 193
Dakíkí, 3 note, 8
Dámaghán, city, 15
Dámúr, Túránian hero, 296, 319
overthrown by Síyáwush, 295
advocates execution of Siyá-
wush, 317
Dárá, Sháh, 9
Dáráb, Sháh, 9, 11
Darband, pass of, 336
Darmesteter, Professor, on Fir-
dausí's geography, 79, 80
Death, early, Firdausí's justifica-
tion of, 119
Deipnosophistae, 10
Díná-í Maínóg-í Khirad, Pahlaví
treatise, 189
Dínkard, Pahlaví treatise, 26, 81
Dív, denion (Daéva), 27, 33, 34,
38, 41 seq., 57 seq., 68, 73,
101, 102, 144
title of honour, 29
=A'hriman, 46, 324, 342,
370, 386, 400
Dív, Black, the, 53
White, the, vi, 27, 39 seq.,
43, 44, 54, 55, 58 seq.,
66, 93, 163, 373
defeats Káús, 40
his blood cures blinduess,
58, 62
song of a, 31
Dívs, white, 27
Dragon, slain by Rustam and
Rakhsh, 48 seq.
Drought and famine, in I'rán, 363
Duncker, Professor, his views as
to date of the Zandavasta, 9
Dynasty, Kaian, Kaiánian, 7 seq.
Pishdádian, 9, 336
Sásánian, 10
EGYPT (Misi), 80
Ekbatana, city (Hamadán), 191
Elburz, mountain. See Alburz
Elephantine, the (Rustam), 65, 67
Elixir, vii, 177, 178
Euphrates, river, 80
Euxine, sea, 191, 336
Eyes, metaphor for children, 297,
FAGHFÚR, dynastic title of the
princes of Chín and Máchín,
Famine and drought, in I'rán, 363
Farámarz, son of Rustam, ix, 319,
341 seq., 349, 351, 354
takes Surkha prisoner, 345
Farangís, daughter of Afrásiyáb,
wife of Siyáwush, mother
of Kai Khusrau, viii seq.,
188, 288 seq., 299, 306, 373,
376 seq., 381, 386 seq.
identical with Mandane in
legend, 191
marries Siyáwush, 270 seq.
summoned to court by Afrá-
siyáb, 300 seq.
Farangís, confided in by Siyáwush,
307 seq.
appeals to Afrásiyáb, 317 seq.
imprisoned, 320
sentenced, 322
saved and taken charge of
by Pírán, 324 seq.
gives birth to Kai Khusrau,
dwells at Siyáwushgird, 333
instructs Kai Khusrau how
to find Bihzád, 374
gives Gív the mail of Siyá-
wush, 376
crosses the Jíhún, 392
provided for by Kai Káús, 399
Farhád, chieftain, 63 seq., 73, 85,
138, 316, 338, 340
goes as envoy to the king of
Mázandarán, 63
takes part in the Fight of the
Seven Warriors, 111
Faríburz, son of Kai Káús, x, 62,
199, 316, 335, 336, 340, 358,
405 seq., 409
his encampment described,
his claims to the throne sup-
ported by Tús, 401
recognises Kai Khusrau as
Sháh, 410
Farídún, Sháh, 11, 17, 19, 21, 29,
33, 36, 37, 99, 193, 195, 204,
237, 274, 318, 327, 392, 400,
saying of, 219 and note
Farshídward, Túránian hero, 323,
summons Pírán to save
Farangís, 322
Farúd, son of Siyáwush, viii, 291
Fight of the Seven Warriors, vi,
Firdausí, ix, 9, 10, 82, 119
his geography, 28, 79, 80
Professor Darmesteter
on, 79, 80
proud of his version of the
Story of Siyáwush, 188, 191
Fire, ordeal by, vii, 218 seq.
Firúzi Kuh, mountain and pass,
Fish, mythological, 15, 299
Flying-machine of Kai Káús, 103
Frangrasyan (Afrásiyáb), 81, 189
Frásyáv (Afrásiyáb), 81
Fravashí, immortal principle, 82
GANG, stronghold, 241, 261, 309,
344, 357, 369
sea of, 362
Gang-dizh, stronghold, viii, 189,
possible identification of, 189
meaning of, 190
building and description of,
279 seq.
Gang-i-Siyáwush. See Gang-dizh
Garsíwaz, brother of Afrásiyáb,
viii, 188, 189, 193, 195, 228,
231 seq., 249, 253, 264, 268,
269, 286, 289 seq., 313 seq.
defeated by Siyáwush, 229
sues for peace to Siyáwush,
237 seq.
fails to string the bow of
Siyáwush, 266
visits Siyáwush, 289 seq.
envies Siyáwush, 292 seq.
challenges Siyáwush, 294
slanders Siyáwush, 296 seq.
betrays Siyáwush, 301 seq.
compasses the death of Siyá-
wush, 315 seq.
charged with the execution
of Farangís, 322
Garshasp, Sháh, 336
Gáthas, 8
Gazhdaham, I'ránian hero, vii, 131,
132, 134, 138, 139, 145, 146
his description of Suhráb, 136
evacuates White Castle, 137
Genealogical tables, 3, 4
Geography, Firdausí's, 28
Geography, Firdausí's, Professor
Darmesteter on, 79, 80
Ghundí, a dív, 44, 54, 55, 93
Ghúr, district, 101
Gílán, district, 226, 293
Girdúni, Sirdarra, pass, 28
Sawachi, pass, 28
Gív, I'ránian hero, ix, x, 25, 33,
35, 38, 39, 58, 62, 70, 73,
85, 91, 127, 138 seq., 148,
151, 158, 160, 188, 193, 197,
271, 318, 319, 335, 338, 340,
349, 351, 362, 388 seq.
harries Mázandarán, 39
taken prisoner in Mázan-
darán, 40
released by Rustam, 58
taken prisoner in Hámá-
varán, 90
released by Rustam, 97
goes in search of Kai Káús, 104
takes part in the Fight of the
Seven Warriors, 107 seq.
bears letter from Káús to
Rustam, 139
his encámpment described,
son-in-law of Rustam, 155
helps to saddle Rakhsh for
the fight with Suhráb, 160
his account of Suhráb, 166
quarrels with Tús over the
future mother of Siyáwush,
meaning of, 335
sent by Gúdarz to seek Kai
Khusrau, 364 seq.
finds Kai Khusrau, 370 seq.
receives the mail of Siyá-
wush, 377
his exploits in defence of Kai
Khusrau, 378 seq.
tells how he captured Pírán's
wife and sister, 383
his wife, 384
his sister, 384
overthrows Pírán and his
host, 385
Gív, releases Pírán, 387
at the Jíhún, 391 seq.
announces Kai Khusrau's
arrival in I'rán, 394
accompanies Kai Khusrau to
Ispahán, 396
rewarded by Kai Káús, 399
goes on an embassy to Tús,
bears Kai Khusrau's letter to
the castle of Bahman, 408
Gívgán, I'ránian hero, 109, 155
Glory, the divine. See Grace
Grace, or Glory, the divine, 81,
82, 90, 99, 101, 102, 106, 207,
209, 265, 283, 289, 302, 327,
356, 358, 361, 364, 371, 373
seq., 382, 386, 392, 399, 401
seq., 407 seq.
Greek history and legend in
relation to Persian history
and legend, 9
Gúdarz, I'ránian hero, ix, x, 33,
35, 38, 62, 70, 73, 83, 90, 91,
127, 138, 142, 157, 177, 178,
193, 250, 286, 290, 316, 318,
335, 338, 340, 349, 371 seq.,
384, 388, 394, 406
taken prisoner in Mázan-
darán, 40
released by Rustam, 58
receives Ispahán from Kai
Káús, 78
taken prisoner in Hámávarán,
released by Rustam, 97
censures Kai Káús, 105
takes part in the Fight of the
Seven Warriors, 107 seq.
mediates between Kai Káús
and Rustam, 144 seq.
his encampment described,
his sons, 158
consoles Siyáwush for his
mother's death, 199
Gúdarz, appointed ruler of Sughd
and Sipanjáb, 358
returns to I'rán, 362
sees Surúsh in a dream, 363
sends Gív to seek for Kai
Khusrau, 364
hears of Kai Khusrau's arri-
val in I'rán, 395
welcomes Kai Khusrau and
Gív, 396
accompanies them to Istakhr,
his dispute with Tús, 400 seq.
goes with Kai Khusrau to
the castle of Bahman, 407
Gulshahr, wife of Pirán, 269, 275,
276, 288, 326, 387, 390
Gulzaryún, river (the Jaxartes?),
358, 381
Guráza, I'ránian hero, 73, 340
takes king of Barbar prisoner,
takes part in the Fight of the
Seven Warriors, 107 seq.
his encampment described,
Gurdáfríd, daughter of Gazhda-
ham, vii, 119, 131 seq., 138
beguiles Suhráb, 133
Gurdya, sister of Bahrám Chu-
bina, 119
Gurgín, I'ránian hero, 33, 35, 62,
70, 73, 85, 90, 127, 138, 144,
310, 340, 394
takes part in the Fight of the
Seven Warriors, 107 seq.
Gurwí, Túránian hero, ix, 296,
314, 319, 338, 340
challenges and is overthrown
by Siyáwush, 295
advocates the execution of
Siyáwush, 317
carries out the execution of
Siyáwush, 320
Gustaham, son of Gazhdaham,*
12, 58, 177
Gustaham, takes part in the
Fight of the Seven War-
riors, 107 seq.
Gustaham, son of Naudar, 127,
Gushtásp, Sháh, 9
in Rúm, story of, 10
HAFT Khán, 29
Khwán, 29
Mán, 29
Hajír, I'ránian hero, vii, 131, 134,
136, 140, 349
taken prisoner by Suhráb, 131
misleads Suhráb, 152 seq.
his life attempted by Rustam,
Hámávarán, country (Yaman), vi,
25, 78 seq., 93, 94, 96 seq.,
139, 143 seq., 213, 215, 218,
king of, vi, 85 seq., 93, 207 and
asks quarter of Rustam,
releases Kai Káús, 97
Handgrip, as test of strength, 64,
66, 67
Harát, city, 101
desert of, 228
Harpagus, 190
identical with Pírán in
legend, 191
Haug, his theory of the origin of
Zoroastrianism, 8
Herodotus, 9
his account of the youth of
Cyrus the Great, 190
Himyar=Hámávarán (Yaman),79
Hind, Hindústán, 92, 228, 287, 289
Hindu Kush, 80
Hírbad, keeper of the women's
house of Kai Káús, 202, 206
Horses, of Persian royalty, how
distinguished, 410 note
Humái, Sháh, 9, 10
Húmán, Túránian hero, vii, 129,
130, 132, 148, 150, 165, 264,
his account of Rustam, 165,
reproaches Suhráb for sparing
Rustam, 171
throws the blame for Suhráb's
death on Hajír, 176
withdraws from I'rán under
safe conduct, 176, 181, 182,
rescues Afrásiyáb from
Rustam, 354, 355
persuades Afrásiyáb to aban-
don the pursuit of Kai
Khusrau, 394
Húshang, Sháh, 204
Hyreania, country (Mázandarán),
IBLÍS, the Muhammadan Devil,
occasional substitution of for
Áhriman, 82, 110
Ighríras, brother of Afrásiyáb, 18,
20, 303, 304
Indra, god, 25
Indus, river, 21
Íraj, youngest son of Farídún, 8,
16, 19, 20, 237, 297, 302
Iram, garden of, 78
I'rán, vi, ix, 17 seq., 33, 35, 39, 76,
78 and passim
Shahr, 81
fought for by Afrásiyáb and
the Arabs, 92
invaded by Suhráb, 130
I'ránians, the, 9, 20, 27, 42 and
Ispahán, city, x, 394, 399
given to Gúdarz, 78
arrival of Kai Khusrau at,
Ispurúz, mountain, 38, 56, 57
Istakhr, city, v, 11, 22, 28, 399
JAHN, son of Afrásiyáb, 264, 268
Jámásp, chief minister of Sháh
Gushtásp, 9
Jam??d, Sháh, 33, 37, 168, 204,
358, 399
Jaríra, daughter of Pírán, wife of
Siyáwush, mother of Farúd,
188, 269
marries Siyáwush, 268 seq.
birth of her son Farúd, 291
Jíhún, river (the Oxus), x, 15, 19
seq., 99, 229, 237, 248, 258,
311, 340, 390, 394, 399, 404
Jupiter, planet, 115
Juyá, a dív, 71
slain by Rustam, 72
KABÁB, small pieces of meat
skewered together for roast-
ing, 103
Kábul, Kábulistáu, city and
country, 12, 18, 21, 92, 228,
260, 271, 341
Káchár Báshí, city in Túrán, 258,
260, 361
Káf, mountain, 83, 404
Kai, meaning of, 8
Kaian, Kaians, race and dynasty,
8, 9, 22, 404
birth-mark, 372
stature, 375
Kaiániau, Kaiánians, race and
dynasty, v, 7 seq.
Kai A'rash, son of Kai Kubád, 23,
204, 205
Kai Armin, son of Kai Kubád, 23
Kai Káús, Sháh, v seq., 8, 10, 11,
23 seq., 33 seq., 54 seq., 61
seq., 109, 110, 117, 127, 129,
130, 233, 243 seq., 264, 269
seq., 273, 284, 286, 290, 296,
301, 316, 318, 319, 335, 347,
361, 364, 371, 373, 383, 401
tempted by dívs, 30 seq., 81,
Kai Káús, goes to Mount Káf, 83
defeats Afrásiyáb and regains
I'rán, 100
makes Rustam paladin of
paladins, 101
his buildings on Mount
Alburz, 81, 101
his ??ying machine, 103
his fall from the sky, 104
his repentance, 105
hears of Suhráb and summons
his chiefs, 136 seq.
bids Tús hang Rustam and
Gív, 143
his apology to Rustam, 147
his encampment described,
his camp-enclosure over-
thrown by Suhráb, 160
refuses to cure Suhráb, 178
attempts to console Rustam,
marries the future mother of
Siyáwush, 194
receives Siyáwush at court, 198
bestows Kuhistán upon him,
his conduct in the case of Siyá-
wush and Súdába, 200 seq.
sends Siyáwush to fight
Afrásiyáb, 225
rejects terms of peace and
quarrels with Rustam,
244 seq.
hears of the defection of
Siyáwush, 258
his grief at the death of
Siyáwush, 337
hears of Kai Khusrau's arrival
in I'rán, 395
receives him, 397
rewards Gív, 399
provides for Farangís, 399
arbitrates between Tús and
Gúdarz, 403 seq.
welcomes Kai Khusrau on his
return from the castle of
Bahman, 410
Kai Khusrau, Sháh, ix, x, 9, 25,
104, 189, 190, 310 seq., 334
seq., 386 seq.
fravashi of, 82
identical with Cyrus the
Great ?? legend, 191
prophecies respecting, 310,
372, 390
birth of, 325 seq.
account of his youth, 328 seq.
questioned by Afrásiyáb, 332
dwells at Siyáwushgird, 333
is sent to Khutan, 356
Máchín, 357 note
described by Surúsh, 363
Gúdarz sends Gív to seek,
364 seq.
recalled, 370
found by Gív, 370
shows his birth-mark to Gív,
saves Pírán's life, 387
at the Jíhún, 391 seq.
arrives at Zam, 394
visits Gúdarz at Ispahán, 396
tells his story to Kai Káús, 397
praises Gív to Kai Káús, 398
goes to Istakhr, 399
enthroned as Sháh, 400, 411
supported by Gúdarz and
opposed by Tús, 400 seq.
his letter to the defenders of
the castle of Bahman, 407
establishes Fire-worship at
the castle of Bahman, 409
pardons Tús, 410
Kai Kubád, Sháh, v, 8, 11, 12, 14,
16, 18 seq., 26, 33, 34, 36, 37,
87, 143, 144, 249, 260, 270,
274, 327, 336, 363, 390, 394
his origin, 11 and note
makes peace with Afrásiyáb,
his gifts to Zál and Rustam, 21
Kai Pashín, son of Kai Kubád,
23, 204, 205
Kaláhúr, a dív, 67
Kalát-i-Nádirí, a stronghold, 189
Kalúr, mountain, 328
Kangdez (Gang-dizh), 189, 190
Kaugha, country (Kharazm), 189,
Káran, I'ránian hero, 11 seq., 18,
22, 119
Kargasárs, tribe, 98
Karímán, I'ránian hero, father of
Narímán, 125
Kashmír, country, 271, 338
Káús. See Kai Káús
Kavi (Kai), 8, 25
Usa, 25
Kávyan (Kaian), 8
Ushaná, 25
Káwa, flag of, 12, 227, 341, 349,
354, 400, 402, 405, 406, 410
Keresavasda (Garsíwaz), 189
Kharazm, country (Khiva), 189,
Kharazmians, people, 190
Kharrád, I'ránian hero, 11, 22, 33,
73, 340
Kharzarwán, Túránian hero, 18
Kha??á, region in Túrán, 357
Khazar, region, 285
Khíva, country (Kharazm), 190
Khshathró - saoka, stronghold
(Gang-dizh), 189, 190
Khurásán, province of I'rán, 399
Khusrau. See Kai Khusrau
Khutan, region in Túrán, ix, 277,
288, 325, 357, 383
Kishwád, I'ránian hero, 11, 12, 18,
22, 33, 70, 73, 107, 112, 138,
318, 384, 399, 404, 409
Kubád, Sháh. See Kai Kubád
Kúch, region, 226
Kuhistán, Transoxania (Má wara
'u'n-Nahr), 199
Kuhram, Túránian hero, 349
Kulbád, Túránian hero, ix, 18,
264, 388
his death and revival in
legend, 119
pursues Kai Khusrau, 377 seq.
Kum, city in I'rán, 399
Kumár, cape, 103 and note
LAHHÁK, Túránian hero, 323 note
summons Pírán to save Far-
angís, 322
Leo, constellation, 405
Luhrásp, Sháh, 9
MÁCHÍN (China), 357 note, 370,
Machine, flying, of Kai Káús, 103
Magi, priests of the Medes, 190
advocates of next-of-kin
marriage, 189
Makrán, country (Balúchistán),
80, 82
Malcolm, Sir John, his version of
Suhráb, 118
Man, of Sigz (Rustam), 100 and
Manda, empire of the,=empire of
the Medes, 191
Mandane, daughter of Astyages,
identical with Farangís in
legend, 191
Mání, heresiarch, 19 note
Manicheism, 19 note
Mark, birth, of the Kaian race,
Marriage, next-of-kin (Khvaitúk-
das), 189
Mars, planet, 247, 407
Marv, city, 101
Marvrád, river, 228
Mashad, city, 189
Má wa?? 'n'n-Nahr (Kuhistán,
Transoxanía), 19, 199
Máz??na (Mázandarán), 28
Mázandarán, country (Hyr??ania),
v, vi, 25 seq., 33, 34, 36 seq.,
45, 55, 60 seq., 66 seq., 75, 76,
78, 81, 93, 105, 139, 143 seq.,
Mázandarán, approach to from
I'rán, 28
description of, 27
king of, vi, 39, 43, 54, 62 seq.
his interview with Rustam, 67
his fight with Rustam, 73
turns himself into a rock, 74
death of, 75
Mazda, Ahura (Urmuzd), 81
Medes, empire of the,=empire of
the Manda, 191
Median, empire, 9
Mihráb, king of Kábul, 12, 14,
18, 21
Minúchihr, Sháh, 19, 29, 33, 36,
37, 302, 318, 400
Misr (Egypt), 79, 80, 84, 94, 96,
143, 286
king of, 94, 95, 98
Mithridates L, 80
Muhammad, the Prophet, 337 note
Mytilene, Chares of, 10
NARIMÁN, I'ránian hero, father
of Sám, 49, 115, 119, 125, 126,
162, 354
Narmp?? name of a tribe, 55 and
note, 63, 64
Nárwan, forest of, 341
Nastíhan, Túránian hero, ix, 264
pursues Kai Khusrau, 377 seq.
Naudar, Sháh, 20, 36, 70, 153,
336, 400, 404
Nawand, place, 107
Néryósang, 82
Nile, river, 96, 153, 217, 310, 402
Nímrúz, country,*
21, 34, 69, 77,
80, 84, 338, 395
Níshípúr, city, 101
OBD??AL by ?? 218 seq.
Os of Kai Káús, 2??
Osus, river (Jíhún), 190
PAHLAV, district, 77, 102
Pahlaví, texts, 27
Párs, country, v, 23, 28, 76, 101,
226, 275, 286, 362, 410
Parthian kingdom, 80
Pashang, ruler of Túrán, v, 11,
13, 18, 20, 21, 297, 401
Paurúshasp, 9
Persia, 191
Persian, empire, 9
history and legend in rela-
tion to Greek history and
legend, 9
Persians, 190
Phosphor, morning star, 123
Phraates ??., 80, 81
Pílsam, Túránian hero, vi, ix,
112 seq., 320, 323 note, 350
pleads for Siyáwush, 315
summons Pírán to save
Farangís, 322
Pírán, Túránian hero, viii seq.,
112, 188, 257 seq., 264, 277,
278, 282 seq., 291, 311, 315,
316, 322 seq., 335, 350, 370,
377, 379 seq., 397, 398
identical with Harpagus in
legend, 191
advises Afrásiyáb to receive
Siyáwush, 253 note and seq.
goes to welcome Siyáwush,
258 seq.
arranges marriages for Siyá-
wush, 268 seq.
entertains Siyáwush, 278
offers to help Siyáwush to
build Gang dizh, 278
the prophecy of Siyáwush to,
282 seq.
goes to collect tribute, 285
visits Siyáwush, 287
Afrásiyáb, 288
summoned to save Farangís,
322 seq.
pleads for Farangís, 321
Pírán, takes charge of Farangís, 325
his dream of Siyáwush, 325
protects the infant Kai
Khusrau, 326
advises Afrásiyáb respecting
Kai Khusrau, 356
sends Kulbád and Nastíhan
to pursue Kai Khusrau, 377
overthrown with his host by
Gív, 385
appeals to Kai Khusrau, 386
released, 387
describes Gív's prowess to
Afrásiyáb, 389
disgraced, 390
retires to Khutan, 390
Pisces, constellation, 407
Pishdádian dynasty, 9, 336
Pleiads, Pleiades, 148, 282, 394, 408
Polo, game of, viii, 263 seq., 292
Pronun??iation, note on, 6
Pseudo - Callisthenes, romantic
Greek history of Alexander
the Great, 9
Púlád, Túránian hero, 264
Púlád, I'ránian hero, 22
Púlád, a dív, 44, 54, 55, 64, 93
Pun-t (Berbera), 79
RAKHSH, Rustam's steed, v, 13,
42 seq., 67, 74, 94, 97, 110,
116, 139, 143, 160, 311, 354
slays a lion, 45
encounters a dragon, 48
stolen by Turkmans, 121 seq.
sire of S??hráb's charger, 128
saddled by Giv, Ruhhám, and
Tús for the fight with
Suhráb, 160
Ral, city, 23, 399
Ram, Rustam's life saved by a, 46
Ram, constellation, 299
Red Sea, 364
Rizwán, anged, 39 and note, 288
Rúdába, the mother of Rustam,
44, 180
Ruhhám, I'ránian hero, 62, 73, 144,
158, 340
helps to saddle Rakhsh for
the fight with Suhráb, 160
Rúín, son of Afrásiyáb, 264
Rúín, son of Pírán, 323 and note
R??m, the Eastern Roman Empire,
143, 297, 307, 360
Rustam, I'ránian hero, v seq., 11
seq., 18, 21, 25, 34, 35, 42
seq., 79, 92 seq., 188, 236,
237, 271, 286, 290, 311, 316,
318, 319, 335, 344 seq., 349
seq., 371, 372, 380, 394, 400
his first campaign, 11 seq.
nearly takes Afrásiyáb
prisoner, 14, 116, 354
rewarded by Kai Kubád, 21
his life saved by a ram, 46
song of, 51
rescues Kai Káús in Mázan-
darán, 58
his handgrip, 66, 67
his encounter with Kaláhúr,
his audience with the king
of Mázandarán, 67 seq.
his encounter with Juyá, 71
his encounter with the king
of Mázandarán, 73
rewarded by Kai Káús, 77
entertains Kai Káús, 83
takes the king of Shám
prisoner, 97
defeats Afrásiyáb, 100
made paladin of paladins by
Kai Káús, 101
goes in search of Kai Káús,
takes part in the Fight of the
Seven Warriors, 107 seq.
slays Alkús, 115
and Suhráb, Story of, 118
loses Rakhsh, 121
Afrásiyáb's plot against, 129
holds a drinking-bout, 141
quarrels with Kai Káús, 142
Rustam, reconciled by Gúdarz, 144
goes in disguise to see Suhráb,
his adventure with Zhanda
Razm, 149 seq.
his account of Suhráb, 151,
his encampment described,
armed by Tús, Giv, and
Ruhhám for his fight with
Suhráb, 160
challenges Suhráb, 161
his charge to Zawára, 167
declines Suhráb's advances,
saves his life by a ruse, 170
prays that his strength may
be restored, 171
learns too late that Suhráb is
his son, 173
his grief, 173 seq.
makes a truce with Húmán,
tries to slay Hajír, 176
himself, 177
brings up Siyáwush, 196
marches with him against
Afrásiyáb, 225 seq.
returns and quarrels with Kai
Káús, 242 seq.
his grief and wrath at the
death of Siyáwush, 338
puts Surkha to death, 346
fights with the Túránians,
349 seq.
appoints Tús ruler of Chách,
appoints Gúdarz ruler of
Sughd and Sipanjáb, 358
his daughter, 383, 384
his wife, 384
hears of Kai Khusrau's arrival
in I'rán, 395
Rustum and Suhráb, Matthew
Arnold's, 118
SAGSÁR, district, 143
Sakláb, country (Slavonia), 360
Salm, eldest son of Farídún, 19,
237, 318
Sám, I'ránian hero, father of Zál,
16, 17, 33, 34, 49, 125, 126,
137, 140, 173, 182, 183
Samangán, city in Túrán, vi, 118,
121 seq., 130, 140
king of, vi, 118, 140, 184
entertains Rustam, 122
father of Zhanda Razm,
Samarkand, city (Sughd), 241
Sanja, a dív, 39, 40, 44, 55
Sarakhs, city, 108
Sarúch, desert, 226
Sásánian dynasty, 10
Saturn, planet, 183, 208, 215, 247,
263, 310, 319, 394, 407
Seleucia, city, on the Tigris, 80
Semiramis, 10
Seven climes, the, 15 note, 372
Seven Courses of Rustam, v, 44 seq.
Seven Warriors, Fight of the, vi,
25, 82, 107 seq.
Sháha, city in Hámávarán, 89
Shahd, river, 108
Sháhnáma, editions of, 5
Shahr-Bánú-Iram, Gív's sister
and Rustam's wife, 384
Shám (Syria), 80, 84
king of, taken prisoner by
Rustam, 97
Shamásás, Túránian hero, 12, 18
Shápúr, I'ránian hero, 271, 338, 340
Sháwarán, I'ránian hero, 73, 90,
111, 228, 249, 250, 255, 271, 318
Shepherds, Kai Khusrau brought
up by, 328 seq.
Shídúsh, I'ránian hero, 58, 85, 158,
Sigz, man of (Rustam), 100 and note
Sikandar (Alexander the Great),
8 seq.
Sind, river (the Indus), 285
Sipahram, Túránian hero, 228,
229, 388
Sipand, mountain (White Castle),
Sipanjáb, region, 241, 342, 344,
345, 358
Sístán, country,*
80, 335, 365
Siyáwush, son of Kai Káús, vii
seq., 25, 104 note, 187 seq.,
335, 338 seq., 346 seq., 363,
371, 372, 374 seq., 383, 386,
388, 396, 403, 411
his mothe vii
Story of, 188 seq.
Prelude to, 191
good example of Fir-
dausí's method, 188
identical with Cambyses, the
father of Cyrus, in legend,
adventure of the mother of,
destined to misfortune from
birth, 196
brought up by Rustam, 196
returns to court, 197
made ruler of Kuhistán, 199
mourns for his mother's
death, 199
his temptation by Súdába,
200 seq.
marches against Afrásiyáb,
225 seq.
demands hostages of Afrási-
yáb, 239 seq.
goes over to Afrásiyáb, 258
plays at polo with Afrásiyáb,
his archery, 266, 293
his marriage with Jaríra, 268
his marriage with Farangís,
270 seq.
entertained by Pírán, 278
builds cities, 278 seq.
Siyáwush, foretells the future to
Pirán, 282 seq.
entertains Pírán, 287
entertains Garsíwaz, 290 seq.
plays at polo with Garsíwaz,
challenged by Garsíwaz, 294
overthrows Gurwí and
Dámúr, 295
slandered by Garsíwaz to
Afrásiyáb, 296 seq.
summoned to court by
Afrásiyáb, 300 seq.
betrayed by Garsíwaz, 301 seq.
excuses himself from going
to court, 306
his passion, 307 seq
foretells the future to Far-
angís, 310
charges and turns loose
Bihzád, 312
attacked and taken by
Afrásiyáb, 314
his execution, 320
Blood of (plant), 321
Siyáwush, wild duck, 104 note
Siyávakhsh (Siyáwush), 82
Syávashána (Siyáwush), 189
Siyáwushgird, city, viii, ix, 301,
314, 373
building and description of,
285 seq.
becomes the home of Kai
Khusrau, 333
Sohrab and Rustum, Matthew
Arnold's, 118
Soma, 8
Song of a dív, 31
of Rustam, 51
Sorceress, Súdába and a, vii, 214
Spendyád, mountain, 118
Spentódáta, mountain, 118
Stages, the Seven, of Asfandiyár, 29
Stone, the Black, 163 and note
Strength, handgrip as test of, 64,
66, 67
Súdába, daughter of the king of
Hámávarán and wife of Kai
Káús, vi, vii, ix, 79, 86
seq., 91, 188, 189, 200 seq.,
225, 249, 257, 335, 339
description of, 86
marries Kai Káús, 88
imprisoned with him by her
father, 91
released by Rustam, 97
her temptation of Siyáwush,
200 seq.
slain by Rustam, 340
Sughd, district and city (Samar-
kand), 230, 232, 237, 241, 249,
Suhráb, son of Rustam and
Tahmína, vi, vii, 25
Story of, 118 seq.
purely episodic, 118
Prelude to, 119
Sir John Malcolm's ver-
sion of, 118
Matthew Arnold's ver-
sion of, 118
his lament for the loss of
Gurdáfríd, 119 note
questions his mother as to
his father, 126
his charger sired by Rakhsh,
Afrásiyáb's plot against, 129
gifts to, 130
invades I'rán, 130
takes Hajir prisoner, 131
beguiled by Gurdáfríd, 133
described by Gazhdaham, 136
sees from White Castle the
I'ránian host advancing,
seen, while feasting, by
Rustam, 150
hears of the death of Zhanda
Razm, 151
misled by Hajír, 152 seq.
overthrows the camp-enclo-
sure of Káús, 160
challenged by Rustam, 161
his account of Rustam, 154,
Suhráb, his advances to Rustam,
spares Rustam's life, 170
again encounters Rustam,
makes himself known to
Rustam, 173
his last requests to Rustam,
the mourning for, 182 seq.
Surkha, son of Afrásiyáb, ix, 344
taken prisoner by Farámarz,
death of, 347
Surúsh, angel, 288, 289, 364, 408
appears to Gúdarz in a
dream, 363
Syria (Shám), 80
TABLE of Contents, v
Tables, genealogical, 3, 4
Tahmásp, 11
Tahmína, mother of Suhráb, vi,
her precautions for her son's
safety, 127, 140, 149
her mourning for Suhráb,
184 seq.
her death, 186
Tahmúras, Sháh, 168
Tálikán, city, 228
Taráz, city and district, 123
Idols of, 123, 206
Tihrán, city, 28
Tirmid, place where the route
from Balkh to Samarkand
crosses the Oxus (Jíhún),
229, 258
Tollman, Gív and the, x, 390
Thraétaona (Farídún), 81
Túr, second son of Farídún, 8, 17,
19, 99, 237, 262, 297, 302,
303, 318, 327, 363, 390
Túrán, v, ix, 9, 18, 25, 79, 82, 101,
112, and passim
Túrán, king of Chín and (Afrá-
siyáb), 99
host of, 110
Túránians (Turkmans), the, vi, 11,
81, 265
Turkestán, 19
Turkmans (Túránians), the, 12,
14, 15, 92, 100 and passim
Tús, son of Naudar, x, 33, 35, 38,
58, 62, 70, 73, 85, 90, 91,
127, 138, 142, 143, 148, 177,
188, 193, 197, 199, 226, 257,
316, 319, 335, 338, 340, 349,
353 seq., 371, 383, 394
appointed captain of the host,
taken prisoner in Hámávarán,
released by Rustam, 97
goes in search of Kai Káús,
engaged in the Fight of the
Seven Warriors, 107 seq.
commanded by Káús to hang
Rustam and Gív, 143
his encampment described,
summons Rustam to fight
Suhráb and helps to saddle
Rakhsh, 160
quarrels with Gív over the
future mother of Siyáwush,
supersedes Siyáwush, 246
leads the host home, 258
intercedes for Surkha, 347
is worsted in fight by Afrá-
siyáb, 353
appointed ruler of Chách,
returns to I'rán, 362
his dispute with Gúdarz over
Kai Khusrau, 400 seq.
advocates the claims of Farí-
burz, 401
asks pardon of Khusrau, 410
Tuwurg, Túránian hero, 253
ÚLÁD, a dív, v, 28, 52 seq., 59, 61
made king of Mázandarán, 76
Urmuzd, the Good Principle, 82
VEDAS, 8, 11, 25
Venus, planet, 115, 275, 345
Verethraghna, the raven, 25
Vritra, demon, 25
WARÁZÁD, king of Sipanjáb, ix,
341 seq., 346
Warriors, the Seven, Story of the
Fight of, vi, 25, 82, 107 seq.
White Castle, I'ránian stronghold,
vii, 118, 131, 138
evacuated by Gazhdaham, 137
Dív. See Dív
W?? Túránian hero, 112, 354
Witeh, v, 50
YAMAN, country (Hámávarán), 80
carnelians of, 123
Canopus of, 203
ZÁBUL, Zábulistan, country,*
21, 28, 42, 61, 83, 92, 126,
138, 141, 142, 156, 168, 227,
228, 245, 260, 338, 362, 363
vintage of, 110
Zahhák, Sháh, 33, 81, 318
saying of, 171 and note
Zainigau, 81
Záínígáv, 81
Zál, father of Rustam, v, 11 seq.,
18, 19, 21, 33 seq., 49, 58,
61, 62, 69, 77, 140, 168, 169,
180, 182, 227, 228, 271, 286,
290, 318, 319, 338, 362, 371
Zam, city and river, 97, 394, 395
Zandavasta, 8, 25 seq., 81, 118,
189, 190
Zanga, I'ránian hero, viii, 73, 90,
228, 249, 271, 318
takes part in the Fight of the
Seven Warriors, 107 seq.
accompanies Siyáwush
against Afrásiyáb, 226
sent on embassy to Afrásiyáb,
250 seq.
Zardu??sht (Zoroaster), 8, 9
Zav, Sháh, 11, 36
Zawára, brother of Rustam, ix,
96, 228, 347, 349
engaged in the Fight of the
Seven Warriors, 110 seq.
made leader of Rustam's
host, 142
left in charge of Rustam's
host, 161
goes on embassy to Húmán,
safe-conducts Húmán from
I'rán, 176, 181, 182
incites Rustam to avenge
Siyáwush, 360
Zhanda Razm, maternal uncle of
Suhráb, vii, 149 seq., 160
Zinígáv, 81
Zira, Túránian hero, 295, 314
Zirih, sea or lake, 80
Zú'lfakar, 337 and note