IT has been represented to us, that Tumanâ Nâikwâry,* the warden of the Kurbnâth Pass, receiving bribes [for his connivance], suffers people to proceed to the Pâyen-Ghaut: we therefore write, to desire you will station two respectable and sensible men, with some trust-worthy Piâdehs,* in one of the forts [commanding the said pass] for the proper care and regulation of the same. This guard must be relieved every three months.
This letter furnishes one among numerous proofs, of the unceasing jealousy and dislike, with which the Sultan viewed any sort of communication between his territories and those of the British Government, or of the Nabob of the Carnatic. He anxiously laboured to keep all his neighbours (but particularly the English) in as complete ignorance as possible of every thing that passed in Mysore: and to this object he unreluctantly sacrificed whatever advantages, either his subjects or himself might have derived, from a free commercial intercourse between the countries.