The Faith and knowledge trusty guides are they,
And 'tis for thee to seek Salvation's way;
If thou wouldst have thy heart not sad, not see
Thy spirit wretched through eternity,
To take the Prophet's teaching be thy part,
There wash away the darkness of thy heart.
What was it that He said, the inspiréd Lord,
Of bidding and forbidding—Heaven's own word?
“I am the City of the Doctrine, he
That is the gateway to it is 'Alí.”
I witness that His heart is in that word
As though, as thou mayst say, His voice I heard.
Regard then each companion and 'Alí
As those that gave the Faith stability;
These are the moons, the Prophet is the sun;
With them in union is the way to run.
Slave of the Prophet's slaves with praise I greet
The dust upon his mandatary's feet,