IN this year happened the removal of Major Palmer and the appointment of Colonel Harper. The Colonel came from England with the appointment in his pocket. Governor Macpherson made it conditional on the Wazír’s pleasure. The Colonel came to Lucknow, and, by promising Haidar Beg his support and coalition, obtained a letter expressing satisfaction with his appointment and gained his end.
It must be noted that, throughout the previous intrigues, Major Palmer and Tafazzul Husen Khán fancied that while the original office of Resident at Lucknow had been weakened by the dismissal of Mr. Bristow, yet that, inasmuch as Major Palmer was an intimate patron of Haidar Beg’s and a close friend of Governor Hastings, he would have complete control, and that Haidar Beg would prove obedient to him. Their expectations of what the friendship of Hastings would effect were soon disappointed, and Haidar Beg, having gained his point, allowed Major Palmer just so much consideration as was due to the office of an agent. Major Palmer swallowed his wrath and put up with this. Even that position he did not maintain, for Haidar Beg was in his secret. As Major Palmer’s appointment had its origin in a conspiracy against the public welfare and a desire to promote his own private gain, it resulted only in infamy and exaction.