When Káús had heard Khusrau
His cheeks bloomed like a rose. He clasped Gív's head,
And kissed his face and bosom many times,
Then gave him presents such as in the world
None, whether great or small, had seen before.
They wrote a patent out on painted silk
For Khurásán. Rai, Kum, and Ispahán.
The prince, whose Grace divine was as Jamshíd's,
Gave these to Gív, whose head rose to the sun.
“Thou hast,” the Sháh said, “undergone much toil,
So now, O toiler! take thy fill of treasure.”
Gúdarz and all his sons with faces laid
Upon the ground called blessings down on him.
He had a golden pleasure-house prepared
For Farangís with earrings and a torque,
Set golden seats within the halls thereof,
Embellished the interior with brocade
Of Chín, and said to her: “O chief of dames!
May'st thou ne'er weep for sorrow. Thou hast left
Both land and kin, and borne much on the way.
Írán is now thy home, thy rede my guide.”