Yuldooz Khan the son of Munguli Khwajeh, the son of Timoor Tash Khan, the son of Yuldooz Khan, who was descended from Kyan, the son of Eel Khan, the son of
Tungeez, the son of
Munguli Khan, the son of
Yuldooz Khan, the son of
Aai Khan, the son of
Aghooz Khan, the son of
Kara Khan, the son of
Moghool Khan, the son of
Alumchi Khan, the son of
Kyook Khan, the son of
Debad Kowi Khan, the son of
Abluchi Khan, the son of
Toork Khan, the son of
Japhet Khan, the son of
Noah Khan.
The Yuldooz Khan above-mentioned became the chief of the Moghools, after they quitted the mountains, and assembled all their eels and oolooses:* it is to be remarked, that they respect only those descended from Kyan, because there is no question as to their origin; whereas, with regard to that of the others, there is great doubt.
These Moghools were in the habit of visiting the mountains of Arkuni Koon every year, and extracting iron from the mines for the fabrication of arms, &c.