O’mar B. Alkhattâb was his Qâdzy, O’thmân B. O’ffan and Zaid B. Hâreth were his amanuenses. His official in Mekkah was E’tâb B. Asyd, whom his holy and prophetic lordship had appointed governor after the conquest of that country, and Abu Bakr left him also in that post, but he died on the same day as Abu Bakr. In Ttâyf the agent of Abu Bakr was O’thmân B. Abu-l-a´ass; he had appointed Mohâjer B. Ommyah to Ssa’nâ, Zyâd B. Lobeyd to Hadz­ramant, A’lâ Hadzramy to Bahrayn, Jaryr B. A’bdullah Aljabali to Najrân; to the Sowâd of E’râq he had appointed Mothanna B. Hâreth, to the country of Syria Abu O’baydah B. Jurrâh and Shorahbil B. Hasnah, and, despite their being governors, the three last-mentioned individuals were under the command of Khâled B. Alwolyd.