Sárí was founded in ancient times by Ṭús the son of Núdhar, at a place called Ṭúsán to this day. In the time of Kay-Khusŕaw (f. 28a), Faríburz, fearing the king’s wrath because of some fault which he had committed, fled thither and took refuge with the family of Núdhar, till Rustam came with a great army and carried him before Kay-Khusraw, who forgave him. The site of a castle built by him is still visible at a place called Lúman Dún (<Arabic>)*. Sárí itself was ordered to be built in the time of the Great Farrukhán, king of Ṭabaristán, by Báv, one of his nobles, on the site of the village of Awhar (<Arabic>), which was chosen because of its high position, abundant streams, and pleasant surroundings. The inhabitants, however, bribed Báv to leave them in peace and choose another site, where Sárí actually stands. The king, on becoming aware of his disobedience, cast him into bondage, and caused him to be hanged at the place called in consequence of this Báv-ávíján (<Arabic>), while with the money taken as a bribe he built a village called Dínár-Kafshín (<Arabic>). The Mosque of Sárí was built in the reign of Hárúnu`r-Rashíd by the Amír Yaḥyá b. Yaḥyá, and completed by Mázyár b. Qárin. The four-doored dome (<Arabic>) which stands opposite to the Palace of Bávandán was included by the late king Ardashír in his private garden. It was originally built by Minuchihr Sháh, but fell into dilapidation in the time of the Ispahbad Khurshíd Gávbán. It was then repaired*, and is now so strong that it is impossible to detach a single brick from the fabric.