How Núshírwán had a Dream and how Búzurjmihr interpreted it as signifying the Appearance of Muhammad
In that year Núshírwán upon a night
Amidst his prayers and praises had a dream,
Wherein his lucid spirit saw in sleep
A Sun rise in the night and therewithal
Was an ascent that had two score degrees,
Whose summit reached to Saturn in the ascendant.
From the Hijáz in stately pomp and joy
That Sun ascended that ascent, fulfilling
The world with brilliancy from Káf to Káf,
And everywhere converting grief to mirth,
While all the horizons, whether far or near,
Took lustre from its glory everywhere,
And everywhere light entered save the hall
Of Núshírwán which still abode in gloom.
The Sháh rose from his sleep for half the night,
And oped his lips to none on that affair,
But when the sun unveiled its countenance
He summoned to his presence Búzurjmihr.
The king of kings in private to that sage
Related what he had beheld in sleep,
And Búzurjmihr, possessed of all the case,
Considered all the dream from end to end,
And thus replied: “O king of power supreme!
In truth there is a mystery herein.”
The king said: “Speak the truth because my life
Is failing in my body for suspense.”
Then Búzurjmihr spake thus: “O thou whose
Is higher than moon and sun! this dream have I
Well studied: mark the marvel of its meaning.
From this day forth for forty years and more
Among the Arabs one will rise to power,
Who will adopt the way of righteousness,
The Sháh's heart straitened
Because of it; he sighed continually.
Then Búzurjmihr: “O Sháh! why mourn therefor?
What matter this world's griefs and joys to thee
When thou art gone and parted far by time?”
The Sháh survived not this event for long.
He died: the world bewailed him. Búzurjmihr