“The Most Excellent of Histories” is the title of a work written by 'Izzdu-d dín 'Abdu-r rahmán bín Ahmad Íjí in the middle of the fourteenth century; but the history we have now under con­sideration was composed by Kishan Dayál Khatrí, of Dehlí, written for the purpose of being presented to Chandú Lál, minister of Haidarábád. It was completed in 1826 A.D., and took five years to compile.

This enormous work is a useful compilation, but possesses little originality. Its chief value consists in its translations, or copious abstracts of the Rámáyana, Mahábhárat, and some of the Puránas. The rest of the work is a mere rifacimento from various authors, geographical as well as historical, and generally without any indication of the sources of information.

The Ashrafut-t Tawáríkh is divided into seven Books.