Gív donned his mail and came forth like a lion,
His steed as 'twere a mountain under him.
The chief was on this side, the host on that;
Between the river flowed and barred the way.
Gív roared out like a thunderclap in spring,
Inquiring for the captain of the host.
Pírán was wroth, upbraided Gív, and said:—
“Thou miscreant by nature and descent!
Com'st thou alone so hardily to face
An army? Thou shalt taste two-headed javelins,
While falcons' talons shall provide thy bier.
Thou art a single horseman, iron mountain
Although thou be. A thousand will surround thee
Like ants, will smash the armour on thy breast,
And drag thy carrion-carcase in the dust.
The mighty lion springing spake this saw:—
‘Whene'er the stag hath reached its destined day