To BÛRHÂNÛDDEEN; dated 29th ZUBURJUDY. (7th November.)

YOUR letter, informing us of the arrival of yourself and army near the fort of Kittoor, has been received. You must, in the first instance, send and invite the Daisye* of that place to an interview, and give encouraging assurances to his managing servants. You will next dispatch some rocket-men for the protection* of the country. After the afore­said Daisye shall have arrived at your quarters, let the fort be occupied by a party of the Sircar’s troops.


If the reader should be at any loss to comprehend the drift of the Sultan in the preceding letter, his difficulty will be entirely removed, on a perusal of Letter CLVII.

I am ignorant of the situation of Kittoor, if I rightly read the name, which, however, is extremely doubtful; the characters, in which it is written, being susceptible of at least a dozen different readings. It may be the Kittoor of Captain Moor’s map, which is placed north-west of Dhârwâr, about twenty miles. The Polygar, or Zemindâr, of Kittoor, is mentioned in the tenth article of the treaty of Poonah (concluded between the British government and the Mahrattahs, in June 1790) as one of those feudatories, dependent, at the same time, both on the courts of Poonah and Hyderabad. It is very possible, that he might also have been among the tributaries of Tippoo Sultan; as the Nabob of Shâhnoor certainly was, though declared in the treaty, just referred to, to be “subject to service with both “the Nizâm and the Paishwa.